Sunday, April 25, 2010

Weekend Finds And A Sad Day

There was only one garage sale this past weekend. The type where they should have just boxed it all up and donated it. You know the type? And it was too rainy for the flea market, so a-thrifting I went. I found these two little cottage-y prints.

And another little yellow pottery deer to keep the big one company.

Mimi Lucy

We had to put our little furry friend down this weekend. She was the sweetest kitty I could ever imagine. I feel blessed to have adopted her 10 years ago, because she brought nothing but joy to our lives.

She was a very patriotic kitty.

Mimi loved to be outdoors. I know cats can't read, especially cats that have gone to kitty heaven, but.....thank you Mimi for laying on my head when I had a migraine.

We "planted" her in the garden, along with some perennial pansies, and Autumn Joy sedum.

When we were digging the hole to bury her, we found this old bottle. Campana's Italian Balm. I knew that there was a dumping ground somewhere in the yard for this old house, and I guess we finally discovered it. We found a little treasure, while burying another one. Is it silly to say that I am brokenhearted?


  1. Oh! I'm so sorry Carol, it hurts so bad to lose a pet, they really are a part of our families. I guess she sent you a message with that little bottle, that she's OK now wherever she is? I don't know, but feel better soon!

  2. Oh, I am so sorry to hear about the kitty. :-(

  3. No, it's not silly at all. How lovely that you buried her in the garden. You can even get those lovely markers now-a-days for beloved pets who have passed on. Condolences.

  4. It's always sad to say goodbye to our beloved furry friends. She will be watching over you in your garden.

  5. sorry to hear about the kitty!! she looked like she was quite the character!! HOW in the world did you dress her up?? I need a blood transfusion if I attempt to brush mine!!

  6. It is not silly at all! I know I would be heartbroken if I had to say good bye to my furry guy. The bottle is certainly a treasure and a reminder of your kitty. keep smiling, Marla

  7. It's definitely not silly. Losing a friend and family member is always heartbreaking. Pets are family...I love that you planted some pansies for her. Such a lovely remembrance for her. I'm sorry for your loss.

  8. Goodness...I could just cry with you. Grab a vintage hanky and lets just cry. How I wish our animals could live forever.
    Dear Lord, please give comfort to Carol and her family as Mimi's precious life has ended. Thank you for bringing her into this family and all the love she gave back. In Jesus name, I pray...Amen.

  9. So sad, Carol. It's nice you placed her there in your garden though.

  10. Keep the fondest memories of your sweet kitty close to your heart. I have lost some myself & remember the grief. What wonderful photos you have of her...they made me smile!!

  11. So sorry about your kitty. We recently lost our doggie of 13 years. We were broken hearted as well. (((((HUGS)))))

  12. I am very sorry about your kitty, what a cute and silly one she was. I bet she brought many years of joy to your home, Hugs, Diane

  13. Carol I have tears in my eyes as I read about your loss. I love my best kitty boy and I know the sadness and the loss you must be feeling. Sweet how burying a treasure you found one. She is smiling at you from Kitty Heaven!

  14. Oh, heart sobs for you. When a pet that is loved so leaves a hole in our heart..our day..our routine and our thoughts.
    It's been 7 yrs for my loss and it still creeps in to my day occasionally. Hang in there! The little area in your garden is so will enjoy that little spot..I'm sure it will bring you comfort. My Rufus was stolen from me..I never got to bury him..I do believe it would of brought me comfort! I will be thinking of you often.

    Hugs..Cindy from Rick-Rack and Gingham

  15. Not silly at all. I'm still grieving my sweet little rat terrier I lost 1 1/2 yrs. ago. I will think I'm fine and then something will remind me of this loving, gentle friend I lost. How wonderful she loved the outdoors & is now buried with beautiful pansies. My condolences.

  16. Oh bless your heart Carol. My cats are my babies. I am so sorry for you. ;o(

  17. This brought tears to my eyes. What a precious kitty and I am so sorry. It is hard to lose your "family member". We also lost our Homer this week. We never cried so much.

  18. No, not silly. I'm always leaves a little hole in your heart when they're think you see them out of the corner of your eye for a while. It amazes me what a sweet, soft spot they fill in our lives.

  19. So sorry to hear about Mimi, Carol. From the pictures you posted it was apparent she had quite the personality. I will miss seeing those pictures, they always gave me a smile.

    {Big Hugs}

  20. No, it's not silly to be broken hearted but.. was that cat wearing pearls??? She dressed better than I do!

    But seriously, I'm so sorry for your loss. I have a male cat, Mysterio, that looks almost identical to yours. Like yours, he is a wonderful, sweet cat. So good natured and I will miss him when he goes. We adopted him about 5 years ago. Never regretted it. :)

    I hope that you feel better soon.

    Great finds by the way. :)


  21. Sorry to hear about losing your special friend. I think you need to take that bottle and put a spring bloom in it and put it on a windowsill in your kitchen or nightstand. A little tribute to Mimi and something to lighten your heart

  22. Carol, I'm so sorry for the loss of your kitty. My heart broke when I read your words. And when I read how your kitty laid on your head when you had a migraine, I thought how amazing how they know when you need comfort. My heart goes out to you.

  23. Prayers for you and your sad heart.

  24. Carol,
    I am also so sorry to hear about Mimi....she looked like a hoot! :) Very funny kitty! I am glad she is in your backyard, since she loved to be outdoors.....take care!

  25. Carol,
    I am so sorry for your loss. We battled feline aids with our Nappy. It is so sad. I understand and yes, it is heartbreaking, no other word for it. As my Granny used to say, she is in kitty heaven now.

  26. Oh so sorry for your loss--Our Cat, Boots, is 15 and still very healthy, but I know I will miss him when he dies.

    I love your little pottery deer--I haven't seen those before.

  27. I'm really sad for you and a little sad myself - I feel like I knew her. Any kitty willing to be dressed up is something special.

  28. Oh my your sweet kitty was a trooper to dress up! I am so sorry. I lost my dog the weekend before. She was my 1st and I had her 13 years and it was hard. I am so sorry you too have lost a furbaby! I hope you have a good week!:)
    Hugs, Lisa♥

  29. Of course you are broken hearted ~
    and will miss your sweet kitty. She has a lovely resting place and that was neat that there was a treasure there for you.
    Sending you a HUG!

  30. Dear Mimi's mom, I'm so sorry. Two fur babies tonight as I do some visiting. Henry, another friends babe is also at Rainbow Bridge. I do believe it's time to take all my 7 fur babies and give them all a great big hug. I have 3 seniors nearly 14 and 12 : (
    I'm so so sorry Carol.
    Love Claudie

  31. It hurts so much when our pets have to leave with us. I have my old Bobcat buried out back too and his brother before him, they both lived a very long life. Maybe you can find a kitty to take your mind off of your loss to some extent, not a replacement but another kitty that needs a good family to care for them.

  32. I am so so sorry about your kitty cat. It hurts so much to have to say goodbye to a dear family pet. She was always so adorable in the cute little shirts you dressed her in. Sending you hugs.

  33. Oh my dear friend, I am so sorry about the loss of Mimi! She had to be one of the most good natured cats ever and I know how much you will miss her. Our pets are always a part of us - I still miss my dog that I got in kindergarten and who died when I was a senior in high school. They are precious to us! When our dear Molly (the cat) died we took a lovely river stone and used outdoor acrylic paint (those 2 oz. bottles from the craft store) and painted her name and some flowers on it. It's her little headstone. She, too, is buried in our garden.

    Take care,

  34. So sorry for your loss. One of my little cats got ran over this weekend. They are out babies.

  35. Aw poor Lucy. I hate when pets die. It is like losing someone in the family! Awww.

  36. Thanks for stopping sorry to hear about precious Mimi...she had a great mama.


  37. Oh sweet Carol, I am so sorry about your loss. I love my furry friends and I know how hard it can be. The only way that I have gotten through it is to remember that I was better off having them in my life then never to have had them at all.

    P.S. I know this is off subject but....use cayenne pepper on the soil when you plant your bulbs. Should do the trick.

  38. Oh, Carol, what a sweet memorial to your beloved friend! We have a dog and two cats on our property now.

    I'm so glad you found a deer-mate, too!

  39. Hi Carol,
    I am so sad for your lose. It amazes me how those furry creatures steal our hearts. I have a tuxedo cat who is 11. Love that you found the you have something to hold on to and enjoy when you think of your Mimi.

  40. Bless your heart...I know the hurt you are feeling. I am so glad you had so many wonderful years together.

  41. Oh no Carol, I'm so sorry and it's not silly at all! You placed her in a lovely spot. I'm sure you've seen all the decorated bottles around blogland. I think it would be perfect to decorate and fill that bottle with memories of her.


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