Wednesday, April 21, 2010

More Vintage Compacts for VTT!

Welcome to VTT, where we drag out our vintage things, dust them off (well, some of us do), and share them with the world! Suzanne is our hostess over at Coloradolady, so please stop by her blog and check out everyone's vintage treasures.

Last September I shared some of my vintage compact collection here. Today I'd like to share a few more. I had wanted to show them all in the shadowbox where I keep them, but I realized that the velvet inside the shadowbox was very dusty and had deteriorated alot. So please bear with me as I share alot of pictures. First up is this rather large pink and red one with the pretty cameo in the center. I'll just let the pictures do the talking for most of them, instead of blathering on about them!

This one opens up to reveal.....

a little comb and tube of lipstick too!

This ballerina is one of my favorites, with her little jewelled tutu!

These two things were also displayed in the shadowbox with the compacts. Sorry about the glare! On the right is an oh-so-elegant cigarette holder, and the deer pin on the left, which my Dad gave me when I was a little girl. It's one of my most prized possessions. Want to see more vintage things? If so, head on over to Suzanne's right now!


  1. Hi Carol!
    Thank you so much for stopping by my little blog and saying hello for Rednesday! :) And thank you for telling me about Vintage Thingie Thursday, I hadn't heard of it before and it sounds like a lot of fun.
    It's so much fun to see Elizabeth's strawberry giveaway gifts in their new home - you lucky, everything is so darling! (I loved your story!)
    I'll look forward to visiting again and wishing you a very happy week!

  2. I love the one with the ducks and the ballerina. Get that dusting cloth out and send more pictures! :)

  3. Lovely!! You have great compacts!
    Hugs, Lisa

  4. WOW what a fabulous collection of compacts!

  5. Old compacts are so pretty. You have a nice collection.

  6. Oh! I love your compacts! Especially the first one and the ducks flying.

    I collected vintage vanity items for a while and I have a few compacts, some old and some newer.

  7. Wow! These are fabulous! I especially like the one with the cameo.
    Blessings, Beth

  8. Love your collection! I have my Grandmother's compact, pretty plain compaired to you beauties!

  9. Great collection! I like the one with the mirro, com and lipstick - so elegant.

  10. These are great. Don't you just love vintage things :)

  11. So pretty. what a great collection you have.

  12. Oh my!!!1 I love them all..I think the first is my favorite,but I'm not sure. How do you choose among such beautiful pieces? Happy VTT..have a wonderful weekemd..

  13. What wonderful treasure you have collected. You really have a great variety of the compacts. They are all neat.

  14. Oh how charming! I remember, a thousand years ago when I was a little girl, that my Mom had a few of those powder compacts. They were SO glamorous!

    (Don't worry about dust. I think of it as a protective covering on fine antiques.)


  15. What a pretty thing to collect! Makes me wonder how many times I've overlooked them at auctions! Thanks for stopping by and looking at my hoosier, I enjoyed having you stop by. You are welcome any time! Have a blessed week!

  16. Love your collection of compacts, especially the sweet ballerina :-)

  17. You really have an amazing collection of compacts. I really like the one with the little bell. I have really enjoyed seeing your collection, you have a vast variety and it is so fun to see all the different ones. Have a great VTT!

  18. Now, why can't they make lovely compacts like that NOW???

    The deer pin is so pretty.

  19. I never knew that compacts could be so decorated and varied. I thought they were all just round or square! Thanks for sharing your collection!

  20. Beautiful compacts! You have a lovely collection!


  21. Those are so pretty! Do you have a favorite? How did you collect them all? Do you still collect them?

  22. I love the one with the ducks and the ballerina too. Such a sweet collection and it is so nice that that one still has the comb. Very, very nice!!

  23. Beautiful. Little works of art. Mimi

  24. Thank you, Carol for making my very first comment!! You're sweet and that's another great collection. That would be a good thing for me to begin posting about too...should keep me busy for a while.

  25. Even though there are at least 25 comments ahead of me, I hope you'll see mine as I THINK you might be able to help me after seeing how many compacts you have. Of course I also collect compacts and have a couple with cracked mirrors. When I took them into our local glass shop I discovered that they didn't have mirror glass thin enough to fit into a compact. My question: do you know of anyone who is able to replace compact mirrors? Thanks!

  26. What a wonderful collection. Your compacts are really beautiful (I love the second pink one especially)!
    They are all so elegant.

  27. At one time I had a collection of time I got rid of them..SIGH..silly me!

  28. Thanks for stopping by and for the kind words. I really enjoyed looking back through your blog -- I haven't had a lot of time lately. I really need to locate a vintage tablecloth with those bright colors -- they look like what I remember as a child -- always starched and ironed.


  29. Fabulous!! I could spend hours looking at your compacts. I love the one with the ballerina on the face and the sweet little one with the mirror and comb. I can just imagine someone carrying one of those darling compacts in her bag with her hankie and gloves too. Please show more of your collection!! I'd love it!!!

    Susan and Bentley

  30. You DO have a great collection! That first one is stunning!!!

  31. Oh wow! Those are beautiful - so much better than the plastic junk they sell today! Love!

  32. Today is my first time trying VTT. I saw it on your blog and decided to give it a try. I just love seeing all the treasures. Seeing your compact reminds me that I own a couple as well. Oh where did I put them? Oh well.

  33. Love your collections. They are so pretty. Thanks for sharing, Vicky

  34. You have a nice variety, my favorite is the ballerina. Happy Thingie Thursday.

  35. What a delightfully pretty collection!

  36. You have quite the classy collection!

  37. I never knew you even had this collection. How cool is that! Of course, above all, I love the deer pin. How sweet that is. I have a few sweet things that I love. The first perfume bottle my son gave me. A wee little poodle my mom gave me I've glued the leg back on 3 times and my dads cross he kept in his pocket. Touching and meaningful forever and always.
    Love to you...YOU are so faithful and I love that about you! Beautiful night, out to walk the dogs and home to read a magazine...I miss the Mary Engelbreit Home Companion so much! I like Mary Janes Farm though, I bet you would too.

  38. Carol,
    Your collection is really neat. How long did it take you to collect all those? The one from your Dad must be so special. Thanks for sharing with us.

  39. Ooooo! I LOVE these!

    I'm not sure which one is my favourite.... I love the ballerina but.. the one with lipstick and a comb holds an appeal for me as well...

    How fortunate you are to have these lovely items. :)

    I'm Following you now. :) Hope that's okay!!!

  40. Such a beautiful collection. I love the one with the heart on it.

  41. How special and what a neat thing to collect! Thank you for checking ebay for my dishes...I went on and bid on a couple of berry bowls today!

    Have a great evening!


  42. Hi Carol, thanks for coming over. This has been a great treat for me joining this group. I have something for each day now, hope I don't take on too many and not get to visit every one. I am looking forward to getting to know this group. After we get all this hoopla for our Golden anniversary over I will have more time. We knew nothing about it for a long time, but now that I know the kiddos keep calling for things they need to make a big splash. I am so excited I can hardly wait. Blessing to you and your family.

  43. oh my goodness...your home is just loaded with vintage fun! Glad you stopped by my page today! If you have something Dreamy to share next week (like, your entire house...), stop by on Thursday and link up with us! -diane

  44. I love the compacts. I used to have one similar to the oval one you shared. It was great because it had a removable cloth cover for the powder area (it was stiff, like buckram), so i could keep replenishing it with loose powder. I finally stopped carrying it because I got stopped at every airport screening, so security could go through the contents of my purse, and see what in the world the small oval metal object was!

  45. Hi Carol! Thanks for your visit today. I had a great birthday. I like the compact with the deer. Have a good Friday...Julian

  46. Hi Carol,
    I love all of them so much. I wish they made things like this today. Everything is so disposible today. A women's handbag was filled with such beautiful things years ago like the compacts, lip stick holders etc. The deer pin is so pretty. What a nice treasure to have.

  47. You have such a sweet little collection. They're almost like jewelry. The one with the duck strikes me funny, not exactly a girly scene for such a girly item. But I suppose you might still have to fix your face even out in the marsh!

  48. Carol, I'm so glad you collect these and share them with us! They're so beautiful!

  49. Hi, Carol. Sorry it took so long to visit. These back to back shows are keeping me terribly busy.

    I appreciate you coming by the cottage and commenting on my flea market finds.

    To answer your question about the vintage cart. I thought it would be a cute way to store vintage linens...all the way to the top with some of them spilling out over the top.

    Be sure to come back by and enter my new giveaway.

    Liz @ the Brambleberry Cottage

  50. I love your taste! It is so similar to mine! I worked at Estee Lauder for several years and I loved when ladies brought in their collector compacts for refills of solid perfume or pressed powder. Its such a lady like thing to have!

  51. these are SO cool! Thanks for stopping by!


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