Sunday, May 23, 2010

Flea Market Finds

I was really excited to hit the flea market again this weekend, but a little nervous too, after what will from now on be called The Bluebird Incident. I was worried that the crazy lady would recognize me, and rehash the whole thing, so I decided to go in disguise:
If she was there, I'm quite sure she didn't recognize me. I need to make a mental note to trim my eyebrows!

My first purchase was this pottery piece, which I'm sure is McCoy, but it has no markings on it.

It inspired the green and yellow thing going on here on this old plant stand I got last week at a garage sale.

I've seen a few Happy Birthday figurines on Ebay, so I was thrilled to find this musical Lefton one!

I was able to haggle the price of this little turquoise transistor radio down to $2. Do you haggle when you go to the flea market? I think you're expected to, so I didn't pay the asking price for any of these things!

This old quilt was only $3, and although it's not in the greatest condition...

I just love the flower baskets on it. And for $3 I can put it on the porch swing and not feel too bad if the squirrels attack it!

I live in Illinois, which is known as The Land of Lincoln. I've always wanted a Lincoln bust, and now I have one! He'll be part of my 4th of July decor, but he will also take up permanent residence somewhere in the house.

And finally, we have the cutest little thermos I've ever seen! Although I have no idea where I'll put it, it was only a quarter, and too cute to leave behind. So there you have it. No fights this time, and the worst thing I can say is that is was too hot and sticky already at 7AM. It's going to be a long summer!


  1. Wow, you got quite a haul. I love the quilt and the little thermos. Sounds like you got good deals on all. And yes, I think you're expected to haggle on prices.

  2. Oh, you're funny! That quilt is gorgeous! Very cool radio too, you have several don't you? I don't think I could have left the thermos either. ;)

    Did you like the Lost ending??

  3. Carol,
    Is that You??? You crack me up friend :) I have the same "disguise"...LOL...too funny!
    More fun finds from your outing. I'll be posting tonight my treasures. The radio and thermos are sweet.
    Deb :)

  4. Hey, we could be twins with those eyebrows...but sadly mine are real! Hubby says they remind him of Brooke Shields...he such a smart man.

    I love the Lincoln bust!

    Missed the bluebird incident so I'm off to see what's up.

  5. Oh such great finds! I love the quilt! Those little baskets are so precious. Stay away squirrels!! I love the pottery piece and how you fixed that plant stand, it looks so good green and yellow! So many goodies and no fights this time...good girl!!

  6. That was one good day at the flea market (if for no other reason than you weren't attacked by anyone). I love that planter AND that stand and how it inspired you.

  7. Carol! A mysterious stranger with big ol' eyebrows has taken over your blog!

    Oh hang on, it's just you bein' so cute...

    That thermos really is cute. Well, all that you got is great this week! The lil' gal for the Happy Birthday figurine is just so darling.

  8. Wonderful finds!! I have that very quilt and absolutely LOVE it! The thermos is a cutie.

  9. Psst Carol wanna be..tell Carol I love her finds!!She is really good at finding awesome things..and great prices.Wanna be Carol..try a floppy hat with the outfit..and the password when you run into others in's..."vintage finds..!!"

    Have a great week.

    alias..Cindy from Rick-Rack and

  10. Wow! you have found some fantastic goodies at the flea market lately! I love all of them! :)

  11. LOL!!!!! You have an incredible flea yout ake orders??? :) I lvoe everything you got! I will give you $10.00 plus shipping for that quilt! :) I love the thermos too! It would be in my kitchen, which I am sure it will be in yours! Up on top of something! :) HAve a great Monday! Sandy

  12. Hi there, I love your finds from the weekend. Green and yellow is such a great combo.....isn't it fun to bring home the goods and admire everything? That's my favorite part of the whole process. Have a great week!


  13. CAROL!?! Is that really you? Thou cracketh me upeth!!!

  14. Hi Carol,

    Cool disguise! LOL!!!! I love the radio and the thermos. Sounds like you had fun, except for the heat part. I'm not looking forward to summer. I don't like the humidity.


  15. You crack me up, Carol! I went back and read about the Bluebird incident (I'm behind on my Google Reader.) I would feel the same as you, I certainly did nothing wrong in my eyes, but like you, I would have felt a little guilty about it. Why is that? I would say good people are just more sensitive.

    Anyway, some super cute stuff! Glad somebody is doing well. It's been stinkier than usual around here!

  16. I love love love the turquoise radio. I just found a turquoise typewriter. You can always use a pop of color. Speaking of color, the green and yellow going on isn't too bad either. I just love seeing your stuff.

  17. Carol,
    Well I just got a big laugh out of your disguise, and then I HAD to go find the blue bird post to see what happened. hehehehe I'm glad you got them. And I'm on your side!
    I love that quilt! Great finds!


  18. You must have a fabulous flea market in your part of the world. Love your ME flag - gotta' go look for it for myself now. I love the green picnic tin (just like the one I keep napkins in in my kitchen) with all the yellow and green. Cute quilt! Quite a nice haul!

  19. Carol, you look fab in your "new" glasses! (I'd have probably done the same thing - LOL!) I don't know if you remember me picking up that same plant stand last year (different legs) - still planning on painting it red!

    Y'know, that radio, blanket, and thermos all kinda go together - you should put them all on the porch for the squirrels to lust over!

  20. saw your blog. love it. love good and plenty as well as book jane a. will follow your blog love old items and thrift shops. my blog is


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