Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Vintage Tablecloth And More For REDnesday!

Come one, come all to Sue's over at It's A Very Cherry World, where we RED LOVERS go to see all kinds of great RED treasures!

I've always wanted a vintage red, white and blue tablecloth for our dining room table. This huge tablecloth came from the citywide garage sales last week, and all it cost me was $1.00! Thank you Mr. Old Glory for being a clothesline for this shot!

This little barometer was also $1.00. I don't remember what the position these two are in means, but if it's supposed to mean that it's a gloomy, cloudy day, then they're right!

I didn't notice until I was uploading this picture that the poor gal up on the balcony is missing an arm. And seems to be trapped up there too, because there is no door. Now that I really look at this thing, it's kind of weird! What's she doing up there?!

I was lucky enough to win a $25 Walmart giftcard from Judi's giveaway over at The Vintage Hope Chest. I wasn't expecting anything else, but she also included these beautiful crocheted doilies, and the little flag too. Judi thought these things would be perfect for Old Glory Cottage, and she was so right. Thank you Judi!

And finally, I made this wreath for our front door, just in time for Memorial Day. This just makes me so anxious to start decorating for the 4th of July, my favorite holiday. Is it too soon to start?!


  1. How fun that you found a red, white and blue tablecloth - I'm on the lookout for one myself - can't believe $1! And the doilies and flag are just too cute!

  2. Love that table cloth! I'm looking for one also! That is perfect and $1...whoo hoo! I must agree the barometer is a little 'weird' but cute in a strange way...lol. The doilies are too sweet and no it's never too early for Red,White & Blue!

  3. Oh what a GREAT find in that tablecloth!! It is beautiful and what a steal!! Love the doilies too and what a fun barameter.

  4. Great finds there!
    Happy REDnesday to you.
    Warmest Hugs,
    Sandi @ Bearly Sane

  5. Good glory women, where do I start. I would have banged the old bat on the noggin for yelling at me and almost stealing the chicks back. Icky pooh to her and best chick won anyway.

    I love the rocks on the roof of the weather meter and the clocks...okay...I just picked one up on Monday and it was $15 in an antique mall. I said oh shoot, and made a mental note to hunt for one in a thrift store. As my life turns, I am sure one will show up.

    Your wreath inspires me to GET WITH IT and do one the same if you don't mind. I have a long holiday, no plans for company but I'm worth the happiness of the wreath on my door. I'm all about giving myself a little tah dah moment around the house.

    Love to you and night night my faithful glory friend. I'm off to watch American Idol and eat corn flakes for dinner...hubby off to church...I'm on the couch with remote!

  6. Love, love, love that tablecloth! As far as the one armed gal goes, maybe she is suppose to be up on the balcony viewing the weather!
    The Tattered Tassel

  7. What a beautiful tablecloth and a great deal! Your wreath is so pretty great job. Blessings, Vicky

  8. You know, every time I see a red, vintage item I think of you! I love the tablecloth you found and would a great buy for $1.00!
    Hope you are having a great week.

  9. That's a great tablecloth, and the little German-style barometer is cute.
    Happy Rednesday!

  10. Oh my goodness -- I have that very same rectangular crocheted doily with red trim! It was my mother's... now I have to FIND it.

    Great tablecloth. And the girl trapped up on the balcony? Clearly waiting for Romeo.


  11. Love the tablecloth and that price, wow!!!! Love the dollies and The Flag too....

  12. Love everything!! I don't think I have ever found a tablecloth for just one dollar....way to go!!

  13. I love the little baraometer. You sure scored with the tablecloth. I don't think it's ever too soon to start decorating-go for it!

  14. Okay, here's my version of the barometer story.

    James Bond is heading to the Swiss Alps to rescue his lovely assistant, who's being held captive by two international spies. They plastered over the door so she couldn't escape, and Bond is waiting for her hair to grow long so he can climb up it to rescue her.

    But then he got cold and distracted the spies with his vintage floral parachute, which enabled him to sneak in and rescue his lovely.

    They moved to America and lived happily ever after waving Old Glory!

  15. When the little sweet lady on the balcony lost her arm in a tragic accident (a giant 2 year old alien boy torn it off!), her little husband left her for a little piece of wooden trash (also known as an LPOWT). The little sweet lady found out where her ex-husband and the LPOWT were going to be one day and climbed up to the second floor and attempted to drop a flowerpot on the LPOWT's noggin. As you can see, she missed, but not by much. So there you have it!

  16. $1.00??!! What a beautiful table cloth!! I heart it!!

    Susan and Bentley

  17. Beautiful crocheted doilies you won, Carol. I love the tablecloth and little barometer, too. Happy REDS~

  18. I always love to come around your blog to see what else you have found. There seems to be a wealth of treasures in the US that I cant find here in Canada. Thanks for sharing. Happy Rednesday!

  19. Your tablecloth is wonderful and I love your barometer, so much fun!

    Happy Rednesday,

  20. Great finds! Thanks for stopping by my blog. Have a great Rednesday.

  21. I love that big tablecloth--a deal for a buck!! WOWEEEE!!! The wreath is so appropriate!

  22. Love all your wonderful reds and I really like how you made the wreath for your door!!


  23. That lady in the balcony is strange. I think she's there to do a little yodeling! Haha!

  24. great find! I love the table cloth...what treasures from the give away you won..and the wreath with bunting is reallly cool...Hugs,Mica

  25. Wow! That barometer is the coolest thing ever! How did you even know what it was! You are the master collector. I am bowing down to you right now.

  26. Hey, so I just realized you have a Sears R. home???? I think ours was originally one , but they added on to it in the 60's! Ps. Yes our house is very filled with spindles and I have removed some too!


  27. I would faint if I found such a gorgeous vintage tablecloth for a $1!!


  28. I love all of your treasures. The colors are so vibrant.

  29. I would definitely be doing the happy dance if I found that adorable tablecloth for $1. Love it!!
    I also love your wreath. You did a great job on it.

  30. Carol, I love the wreath it is just perfect! And the tablecloth they always tug at my collecting heartstrings!

  31. Bargains galore! Great job!

  32. I just love the picture for your blog banner. I think I might have to find a large wooden wagon wheel for my flower garden, too.

    Just wanted to remind you that today is the final day for my giveaway. Becoming a follower gives you two additional entries.
    The winner will be announced tomorrow.

    Have a great weekend!
    Liz @ the Brambleberry Cottage

  33. Oh hon, I think we should have the red, white and blue out from Memorial Day to the Fourth of July! Why we have Flag Day in between these two big holidays! I'll be getting mine out too.

    And I just love your wreath. How did you make it? Is it a vintage flag or some fabric? It looks fabulous!


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