Wednesday, May 12, 2010

My First Flea Market Finds - VTT

You never know what you'll see from one week to the next for VTT! Head over to Coloradolady, where Suzanne hosts this party every week!

Today I want to share with you some of the first things I ever bought at a flea market, back in the late 70s and early 80s! Everything you see in this picture was bought when I was in my late teens or early 20s. It's rather surprising to think that the things that I liked back then I still like today!

Like this lady head vase. I used to have a large collection, but I sold most of them on Ebay, keeping only the unsellable ones.

I remember buying this perfume bottle, and filling it with Jean Nate!

I remember buying this little jewelry box, Made In Japan. It still holds some of my necklaces from my teens!

I clearly remember buying this atomizer, and filling it with Avon's Hawaiian White Ginger.

Someone made a candle out of that tiny lady head vase, pouring wax into her head. Can you imagine? I remember buying that etched tray too. It's one of my favorite things, but a real bear to clean. How is it that I remember buying all of this stuff, but can't remember what happened last week?!

And I especially remember buying this tri-fold beveled mirror. It was $5, which was alot for me to spend at the time. I was with a friend who also wanted it. But I saw it first. So I got it. That's the rules when you go to the flea market. That, and no crying when someone else grabs a treasure before you do!


  1. That lady head vase is awesome! We always bought my great aunt a Jean Nate gift set for Christmas. I always liked the clean scent.

  2. Lots of fun things here Carol! Love the lady head vases. And that beveled tri fold mirror is just wonderful!!

    Jean Nate! OH, I had totally forgotten about that one! the other day I found "Heaven Scent". I was so surprised! LOL

    Lots of really wonderful treasures!

    Have a great day!

  3. The lady head vases are great! I remember buying one for 25 cents several years ago. I had never seen one before and did not know what I had found. I just knew I liked it.

  4. I like your display with the ladies mixed in with the other things, and everything reflected in the mirror.

  5. Awesome!! Enjoy your treasures!! Love those pretty ladies!!
    Hugs, Lisa

  6. You had great taste then and now! Wonderful finds. Love that mirror!!

  7. Wow you had great taste even then! I love the head vases and would love to find one of my own :-)


  8. Love the head vase! You have some great things here.

  9. You have been able over the years to collect some very vintage keepers. Nice post fot today.

  10. I love the ladies!!! But no, I can not imagine pouring wax into one....gads!!! Have a great VTT!

  11. I love the pretty's a shame that someone poured wax into one of them. Happy VTT..

  12. Oh Carol I love your collection! I see you've been at this collecting thing for quite some time.

  13. It is always so much fun to see other peoples collecitons! These head vases are so nifty!

  14. Seems like you've had an excellent eye for collecting! The head vases are great. Jean Nate--that brings back memories!

  15. The lady head vases are very pretty. My grandma had several in her home over the years. The beveled mirror is quite a good find. Happy VTT

  16. WOW what gorgeous gems! you certainly had an eye for treasure at a very young age and i'm pleased to hear you still LOVE them!

  17. I think it is great that you can look upon things in your collection and associate them with something from the past. The lady head vase is wonderfully retro. I love it.

  18. Interesting post! Perhaps I could revisit some of my early thrifty finds...hmm...
    Happy VTT!

  19. It's great you kept all these things from your teens.

    We had Jean Naté in the house at all times in the 70's!

  20. Great collection! Great face vase! I also loved Jean Nate in my 20s! :)

  21. What a lovely dressing table. Your mirror is a treasure!!

    Susan and Bentley

  22. Can you still buy Jean Nate? That scent is one of my great memories from the 70's--you'd splash it on and just feel so refreshed! I never really got "into" head vases, probably because by the time I noticed them they were so ridiculously expensive. Love love LOVE that mirror!

  23. What lovely treasures! I adore vintage perfume bottles! I remember both Jean Nate and Avon's Hawaiian White Ginger. My Mom sold Avon in the 1970's and this was one of her favorites :)


  24. I have not heard those words in a very long time, Hawaiian White Ginger. Does that bring back Avon memories. I love the ladies heads. I had a few that I also sold, keeping only the unsellable ones. That is the flea market with friends rule. So I try to go with my friend that does prims and country. Then we are not competing. Have a good day.

  25. I adore the lady head vase. I keep looking for one at flea markets and other places but no luck. And your jewery box , my daughter has one similar to it. My husbands Granny gave it to her. They traveled to Japan a lot, I wonder if it could of came from there as well? It is amazing how we remember things of years gone by,and I do good to remember what I had for breakfast this morning LOL

  26. Meant to have told. You every time I hear "Jean Nate" , I think of Raymonds mom in " Everybody Loves Raymond" . She loves her "Jean Nate".

  27. This reminds me so much of the shop we used to go to when I was a kid and thought vintage was junk. It was called "The outgrown shop" and had good stuff (now I can recognize that) like this.

  28. Hi Carol!
    What a lot of wonderful treasures you have! I so love the lady head vase! So charming.
    Happy VTT!

  29. You've had good taste for a long time, haven't you? Love those heads!

  30. Love those vintage vases. Soooo fabulous. Thank you for sharing!

  31. I especially love the silver jewelry box as it reminds me of an antique one my mom has on her dresser. Thanks for sharing all your treasures with us!


  32. It's just so cool that you started collecting back then (I was going to say all those years ago, but that sounded wrong.) I wish I'd have had that kind of foresight.

  33. Fun treasures. I think that says a lot about your love of these items to have kept them and loved them all these years. The lady head vases brought back memories of another time for me. Thanks for sharing.

  34. OMG! Jean Nate! Haven't thought of that scent in a long time. Great collection of treasure

  35. Wow! It's not many of us that can say we like what we liked 20 years or so ago. Oh man - 30 years ago! You were ahead of your time! Your finds are timeless!

  36. Hi Carol!

    What cool stuff you've got here! Wow, and you have had it all these yrs. I have a couple of those lady head vases. I can't imagine pouring hot wax into it. Love the etched tray. I had a bi-fold mirror too, way back when as a teen. It was on top of my vanity table. Humm, don't remember now what happened to it. Wish I still had it though.


  37. Love your collection of head vases!
    They are so charming!!
    I too started collecting all my treasures back in the early 80's when I was just married in my early 20's!!

  38. I had forgot about those lady heads, I haven't seen one in years! I laughed about how you could remember what you bought years ago, but can't remember what you did yesterday. I seem to fit in the same category!

  39. Wow you have some amzing things- love thsoe doll heads- and the old radio- so cute- and the vintage images on your blog- Thanks for stopping by my blog-
    i would love to follow you

  40. Loads of lovelies indeedy! Our taste in treasures AND deep thinkers (Jack Handey) is so very much the same. I will be quick in clicking your "Follow" button! P.S. Thanks for dropping by my Jack Handey Friday blog! (<-- Yes, I'm being allowed another bathroom break during Lost marathoning, but SHHHHHH!! I'm spending it on the computer instead!)

  41. I love the head vase. Reminds me of my Mom. I remember my first "finds" at a flea market when I was a kid. Still have the German marionette. Your little collection is beautiful.

  42. That is a great collection of vanity antiques...Julian

  43. Today is The Actual Baby Shower
    come by to Visit the Live Stream link
    it's Simple and can be loads of fun!
    Breezy will be thrilled!
    Now Let's Get This Party Started!
    Hugs, Diane

  44. 10, 11, I come ready or not. That is my theme for blog hop-scotch today. Hey you Groovy Girl, I saw you shopping way back when...I just didn't recognize you in the 70's but know you is to love you. Come on over, were doing some Groovy Girl shopping over yonder at my blog. Stay happy and keep giving your love's becoming on you!

  45. Thanks for stopping by my blog. I enjoy the company. Some folks just do not have any manners...even at flea can get even rougher at an early morning tag sale (garage sale). Must we take body guards with us...LOL


  46. Il semble que vous soyez un expert dans ce domaine, vos remarques sont tres interessantes, merci.

    - Daniel


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