Sunday, May 16, 2010

Big Trouble At The Flea Market!!!

I got in a fight at the flea market! Over these little bluebirds. As I was walking up to a table, I saw a lady pick these up, and then put them down. I've wanted a pair of these for a long time. So I just stood there, bided my time, and watched her pick them up again. I willed her to set them down and walk away. When she set them down, she said "No, they're too chipped." So I picked them up right away, and asked how much they were. All of a sudden, the lady starts yelling that she was going to get them! I said that I had seen her put them down and say they were too chipped. She yells real loud, "Ok, take them! Don't have a heart attack!" I yelled back, "I WILL take them!". So I did. So why do I feel so quilty?!? The worst part is that if I had gotten to that table 5 minutes sooner, I could have gotten the pitcher she bought that matches them, for $4. You can't touch them on Ebay for less that $30!!

I also got the old kitty planter and Lefton St. Patty's girl at the flea too. Then I got out of there quick before I ran into that crazy lady again! I was afraid she might have brought her big sons with her, and they would dangle me upside down by my feet, until the bluebirds fell out of my shopping bag!

Our town had citywide garage sales going on Friday and Saturday, so I must have gone to about 50 sales. The first day was definitely the better of the two. I got that lovely old chippy plant stand for $2.

And this plant stand for $3. I've been drooling over these at several antique stores, and I'm so glad I didn't pay their $30-$50 prices.

All of these clocks set me back $3! The blue one and black one are perfect matches to a collection I have.

I'm pretty giddy over the Pyrex, which was 10 cents each! The big Corelle bowl was 50 cents, and that groovy plastic bowl was free, because it was half off on the second day, and they didn't want to charge me half of a quarter!

This little birdcage was $1, and I spray painted it pink as soon as I got home.

Love the little heart on the door. I want to plant some flowers in there and hang it on a shepard hook in the garden. Very cottagey!

This big etched mirror was only $5. I love these, and this one has a paper label that says it was made in 1946.

This huge one came from the same garage sale, also $5. I couldn't believe my luck at finding two etched mirrors. This one belonged to the owner's Grandmother.

It will hang where this small one is hanging right now. As I was leaving the sale, I told the gal that her Grandmirror's mother would have a happy home with all of my other etched mirrors! I was so excited by these mirrors that I got a little tongue-tied!

And last but not least, a little pink planter and pink Home Sweet Home plate. All in all, a good week of junking. But I don't know if I'll go back to the flea next Sunday. Unless I go in disguise! But let it be known that I WILL fight for my finds!


  1. Oh, I love your story, you better pick up those plastic black glasses with the big nose and mustashe attached! But I do think you were in right. Your finds are all wonderful, pyrex! Home sweet home! oooohhh!

  2. Your bluebird story cracked me up! We are so crazy aren't we? But hey it is serious business, our collection madness that is. Hugs, Marla

  3. I am laughing with you..I am a loud person..not meek..but I will never be rude to anyone..always helping people out..and then one day in Goodwill it happened..I became one of "those" know claws out..elbows pushing all for some antique plates. Pleaseeee..all I did was reach into the eyes had already spied them..I had my hands on them..was pulling both of them up..almost to my chest and then..the hands swoop in and try to pry them from my hands..Whatttt..first she was touching me roughly..second..she was starting to pull these breakable plates out of my hands..that were gripped to them..third she was cussing at me!!
    A normal person..probably would of lessen their grip and panicked. I am Not the "normal" person..I put pressure on my knees..pivoted to the left..hugging the plates to my I would a child.
    This voice came out of me..I said Let me alone woman!!
    People backed up..mouths wide open..
    you would of thought she got the message..nope..I was cussed out in spanish..i went straight to the register..checked out..and reported her to the manager. I had marks on my hands..for plates...Goodness me!!
    I have been back many many times..she goes out of her way to avoid me..oh well. lol
    For those bluebirds..I would of given my life!! lol lol

    Cindy from Rick-Rack and Gingham

  4. That was a funny story! I am glad you got out of there in one piece. Love all your great finds, you really got the loot!

  5. Found your blog on OCFarmhouse and I LOVE IT!! I would have given up a limb fighting for those bluebirds myself! Too Cute and WOW did you get a great deal on the Pyrex. They want like 3-5 DOLLARS at the Goodwill's here in Mich for those baby's!! Love your collections, getting tongue tied at sales and your sense of humor!!

  6. That lady needs to read the flea market etiquette book because everyone knows if it isn't in your hands, it's isn't yours! :-) -amy

  7. That is too funny. Thanks for a good laugh this morning. I'm glad you went home with the birds as they are adorable.

  8. Wow you found so many great treasures! Good thing all of htem weren't as hard to come by as the little bluebirds! Way to stand your ground! Theresa

  9. I love the plant stands. Good for you for standing your ground. Rude people don't deserve pretty little bluebirds.

  10. You waited until she put them down...that is all that needed to happen!! Good for you! I would have fought for those cute Blue Birds also! Just sorry 'she' got the matching pitcher. Your yard sale finds are awesome also. Love those plant stands and the bird cage...oh what fun to put some plants in there! Can't forget Pyrex! :)

  11. What a cute story. Love the little clocks. Such great finds!

  12. Hi Carol,
    When it's on the's whoever gets it...chippy and all! It's silly to get worked up other "things"...and I have found myself getting worked up...
    Home Sweet Home plate is awesome! You did Great Girl :)
    Deb :)

  13. My rule of thumb is the same as in checkers--as long as you're touching it, it's yours, whether or not you pick it up. HOWEVER--if you take your finger off, it's up for grabs, although I personally wouldn't grab something until you'd kinda sorta turned a little bit away. Anyway, those little cuties were yours and she was just a sore loser. I mean, hey, she even VERBALLY put them down! You go girlfriend!!!

  14. Hey, those little birds were worth the fight!!!!

    I have the same little blue clock. Mine is a Christmas ornament that I have had forever!

    You found great things.

    And remember....BE CAREFUL OUT THERE!


  15. You got some wonderful buys!! Sometimes we just have to stand our ground, especially if it involves bluebirds!!

  16. Glad you stood up to her!!! Don't feel guilty, they were yours fair and square and she's out of line!

    It can make you shaky to have a run-in with a meanie, though...even when you are in the right...

  17. Holy cow what incredible stuff. Lucky you.

  18. A town wide sale? How awesome! You did 'good' girl! ;)

  19. And here i thought I did great on Saturday. GIRL..those clocks. OH MY GOSH, I want to cry, I love them so much..and let me tell ya, you ever need a body guard like you did that day, give me a call! I don't care how big people are sweetie, I'll bring them down no problem, ESPECIALLY when it comes to yard saling! lol..I'm serious you know. blush blush.

    I am in AWE of what you got. How can I say I'm a yard sale diva after this post girl!! Tell me? You definitely got me beat!

  20. Your my kind of girl Carol! Marla

  21. Oh my, I can't believe how awful some people can be! Good for you for dishing it right back at her!! the bluebirds are wonderful! I have looked at hose on e-bay before. :-) I like your metal plant stand. And those dollhouse clocks are so sweet! (I LOVE that blue one the most.) I wish I could go with you when you shop. You alwasy find the best things!!! :-)

  22. Sorry about your experience, but the rest of your goodies should more than make up for it!

    I can't decide which find is best!

  23. LOL...Carol you and I are a lot alike....don't feel guilty...there are people like that everywhere. They really don't want them but they don't want anybody else to take them heck with her! LOL
    WOW....I would kill for sales like you have in your got incredible deals....incredible!!!!!! How fun!

  24. Your blue bird story is hysterical. I'm sure you didn't feel like laughing when she verbally attacked you. I think you did the right thing. She just needs to learn MANNERS. Great purchases. The birds are precious.

  25. Glad the bluebirds flew into your hands and left the little old lady behind. I have encountered some less than friendly people over the years and it always rattles me a bit. I once had a guy point his finger at me and say "I'm going to remember you!" over some Halloween things I got before him!

  26. The birds are adorable, worth fighting or!
    The image of you held upside down by the big son's hands is hilarious!

  27. HI Carol,

    Your story is so funny. Glad you got the blue birds unharmed. She sounds a little nutty. lol


  28. You're so funny..."fight at the flea market". What a scream! LOVE the bluebirds. I would have snatched them up too! hee hee

    Have a lovely week!

  29. Well those darling birds were worth the fight :) Good for you for standing your ground.

    You got so many great things at the garage sells. Heck, I want to go shopping with YOU!


  30. Oh, you did great this weekend! Glad you fought for your birdies, they're too cute to have left behind. Absolutely love everything else you scored this weekend too!

  31. You just know those birds are going to be so much happier at your house. Thanks for saving them!

  32. Good for you! You bought some wonderful things, the plant stands and mirrors are absolutely gorgeous.

  33. Carol...that is hysterical!!! My husband always asks me before we leave home for a "big thrifty shopping trip" if I have cash in case he has to bail me out for being unruly! Hasn't happened yet...but it could. Fantastic Bluebirds!!! What fun!

  34. What fantastic finds!And at my kind of PRICES! I LOVE the plant stands. Sorry you didn't get the birdie pitcher also. $4 bucks? Shucks!

  35. I will you Carol to not feel guilty at all over your cute bluebirds! Only those of here in blogland know not to give a second thought to chips. She was a perfection snob and lost her chance! She wouldn't even have known to paint an old bird cage pink! Rightful owner each and every treasure! Thanks for sharing! Elizabeth

  36. LOL! Of course she wanted them as soon as someone else showed an interest! As my kids would say, too bad, so sad! Thrifting is a bit of a cat and mouse game isnt' it. I'm sure the bluebirds are much happier with you than the pitcher is with her!

  37. $1 on that cute birdcage??????? I just paid $67 for my red one on the stand. LOL Oh, geez! You got a deal!

  38. re: the bluebirds - funny how things go up in value as soon as someone else finds them interesting! Fair is fair, she had them and rejected them before you got your hot little hands on cute, too, I would have wanted them - but, you snooze, you lose! Still, I can see why it left you feeling a little off. It's a bad feeling when someone lashes out at you like that for no real reason. Hopefully the cheerful little faces on those birdies makes you feel better!


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