Friday, July 16, 2010

Garage Sale Pinks!

Today I'm sharing things that I got at garage sales for Pink Saturday!
This old pottery scotty dog was very cheap and very brown when I found him. Two coats of spraypaint later, and he's fit to come inside and live! Question: Should I paint some eyes on the poor guy, or leave him be?

I love this old vase! It's got a real gritty surface to it, almost like sand, and I think those starbursts are so 50s fabulous!

I found this metal candle holder at a garage sale last year. It was black, but I knew right away that it would be pretty in pink! I added a little pottery bird to perch inside it. So that's my new thing. Finding metal stuff and spray painting it either pink or white. Either Candy Pink or Heirloom White by Rustoleum. If there are any Rustoleum execs out there, I am available to be your spokesperson!
If you would like to see lots more of the color PINK, head over to How Sweet The Sound, where Beverly is our hostess every week! Please pop in to say hello, because she puts alot of work into making this party so much fun for all of us!
I would also like you to pay a visit to Anne at Anne Fannie's Green Acres. I love how this gal decorates her garden!


  1. How great! I Love those scottie planters and I thin it is great you painted it your self!! What super great finds you have there! Enjoy!
    Hugs, Lisa

  2. How fun, thanks for the ok to paint the planters-yours is too cute-enjoy!

  3. Love the pink planter and especially the pink candle holder.

  4. I like it all! Great finds!
    Don't pain the eyes- they look good pink, too!

  5. Wonderful re-dos. I can't imagine that Scottie dog any color but pink. He's so cute.

  6. Carol - no eyes for the scottie! It looks perfect just the way it is.

  7. What lovely pinks you have shared with us today!!



  8. Both pinks are wonderful!

    Flora Doora

  9. Great pink garage sale treasures! LOVE the Scotty planter. Happy Pink Saturday!

    Back Porch Blessings,

  10. Happy Pink Saturday!! I would leave the dog how he is. Awesome work on the garage sale items!!

  11. I never would have thought of spray painting the doggie planter. How clever!

  12. Hi Carol,

    It's always so fun to come here for a visit! Love the scottie just as he is. Love the candle holder too, and it looks just fab painted pink! Happy PS!


  13. Happy Pink Saturday! You found some great treasures, I LOVE that Scottie. Have a great weekend, Nan

  14. Love the pink doggy planter! Happy Pink Saturday!

  15. Thanks for visiting Blackberry Creek and leaving a comment. I hopped right over to see what you have going. I think I've been to Old Glory Cottage before. Everything looks very familiar. Anyway, I signed up to follow so I can keep up with you. Your little pink scotty planter is adorable.

  16. Wow what great pink finds! I vote NO eyes. They just never come out right, and he looks nice and "vintagy" now. My kind of pup, housetrained and PINK.

  17. Hello!! I never THOUGHT about painting one of those opens up a whole new dimension on what to do to the ones that are cute, but painted UGLY!!

    I am wild about those vintage metal candle/lanterns. I have all sizes!! I even have some that are on long poles..and they sick in the ground!! I've kept mine black, but yours are darling as pinks!!

    Hope you're having a great PINK SAT!! dana

  18. Pretty finds!

    Happy Pink Saturday.
    Enjoy a great day.
    " Regina "

  19. Hi Carol, Things look so much better painted pink, I agree with you 100%! Scotty dog looks fine without eyes, I would leave her just the way she is (pink, must be a girl doggie!)

  20. Happy Pink Saturday Carol! Fun seeing your purchases and redo's!

  21. Love the cute pink scottie planter, what a great finds. Hapy Pink Saturday!

  22. Love the cute pink scottie planter, what a great finds. Hapy Pink Saturday!

  23. Hi, I understand congratulations are in order as you won Linda's Giveaway :) Love your garage sale finds - they're great.

  24. Oh, I do like all 3 of your pinks. I say no to the eyes on the dog, I don't think they would have been painted if his original color were pink, but that is just me. LOL
    Happy PS

  25. Hi,

    That scottie is cute. I guess you can try painting eyes and if you dont like it just repaint it in pink. I like it the way it looks now. Great finds. I love what you did with everything. Thanks for sharing.


  26. I vote for no eyes. :) I want to tell you how much I love your red, white and blue banner. I fly my small flags in a flower planter on the front porch all summer long.

    Happy Pink Saturday. Don't you just love garage sale finds? I hit the mother lode yesterday at the last place I stopped at. Had almost given up the morning as a bust. Hope you are having a fantastic weekend and staying cool. ~ Lynn

  27. like the scotty dog. i wouldn't do anything to the eyes. have a good day.

  28. Hi Carol!

    Loving your PINKS!

    Thank you SO MUCH for the sweetest comments on my Halloween folk art! Really, I don't think I can get my big, swelled head through the door!

    I've been seriously contemplating selling on Etsy. Maybe it's time!

    YES! The FALL is so great isn't it? Our electric bill was sky-high because of all the air-conditioning the past month, but I still yearn for cooler, crispier days of Autumn!


  29. Hi Carol,
    thanks for visiting my blog and leaving such a nice comment.

    I love your scottie dog painted pink! All your finds are pinklilicious!


  30. Just wanted to thank you for stopping by my blog and leaving a comment on my first pink Saturday.

    I live in GA now, but I was born and raised near Chicago.

    I like your pinks - think I like the pink vase with the star burst the best!


  31. I love your pink Post! There are some great ideas there! Thanks so much for stopping by my blog!
    Hugs, Amy

  32. Love it Love it !!! There was a time I was afraid to paint anything,thanks to my father's "Always stain so you can see the wood advice"thank goodness those days are gone forever!!! My parents were selling a hutch and wouldn't sell it to me because they knew that I would paint it LOL Great post. Meg

  33. Just found your blog. My name is also Carol, and we live in a Sears kit home too. Our is the Maytown model.
    So glad I found your blog!

  34. Hi Carol!

    Love that Scotty dog you painted!!!

    So cute--and the star vase is to die for!


  35. Happy Pink Saturday! Hope it was a great one. Thanks for stopping by my blog. I really like that pink candle holder. Isn't it great what a little spray paint will do. Also, that scottie planter is cute. I vote for no eyes. I think it looks more artistic without them.

  36. I just love that old vase and that pink candle holder. What great finds! Hope you have a great week.

  37. You know, I may have begun to expand my repertoire a little more. The only room I have any pink is my daughter's room. Although I have bought a few pink things lately...I was planning on selling them???

    Cute stuff...the doggie planter is similar (it's a dog, too) to the one I bought.

  38. Wonderful pinks - I love all your vintage gatherings! Thanks for stopping by, and sorry it took so long to get back to you. I had to get rid of my old computer and have been trying to get the new one all set up and ready to go! Happy Pink Saturday - a few days late!!

  39. Oh, you have some wonderful finds!!
    Happy PINK Saturday to you!


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