Monday, July 19, 2010

My Weekend Finds

My garage saling buddy Nancy and I went to a subdivision sale this past weekend. We must have gone to about 30 sales, but it was the very last one where I got all of my goodies this week!

Aren't little old lady sales the best? I had been hoping to find a cheap lounger for the back porch, to read a book or take a nap. I was thrilled to find this old one, with yards and yards of vintage barkcloth covering the cushion. I can't decide whether to leave it green or paint it white.

I love this old metal plant holder. It's almost as tall as me! Which isn't saying much. It'll get painted white, probably before the day is done.

I've always wanted one of these pretty metal shelves. Unfortunately, my daughter likes it too. And wants to paint it black. She's moving into her first apartment, and has "shopped" our attic for things she can use too. I'm thinking I need to hide my finds until she's all moved in!

Love this old plant holder too. Can't decide whether to paint it or leave it. I kinda like the original green color. I guess I don't have to paint everything that comes my way, do I?

A teeny tiny vase.

Something to replace those dead flowers on the patio table!

I think this old plant holder might be my favorite find this week. It'll hang in the dining room, but first guess what I have to do. I have to decide what color to paint the clay pot that will go in there!

Rest assured, Mary will not be getting painted! I had hoped to find one this summer, and there she was, waiting for me at the little old lady sale. So, what did you find this weekend?


  1. Wow! You did find a sale! I can't believe that lounger with the barkcloth cushion. What a lucky find that was. That little old lady had a lot of great yard treasures, and now you have a lot of great yard treasures. Lucky you. laurie

  2. Your back porch is going to look gorgeous with the addition of the lounger and all the "new" planters. You hit that jackpot on that sale!
    Have a great week.

  3. Love your made a haul indeed....blessings on your week...

  4. So many cute planter thingies! what a score on that lounger. I didn't go this weekend... I decorated and gardened this week instead.
    Oh yes, I love little old lady sales! One of my great disapointments in life is that I'll never get to be a "little" old lady. I'll always be big and honestly, don'tyou think that "big" old ladies are kind of scary? ☺ Oh well. Yes, I'm a chatter box this morning! Have a great day, Carol! ♥

  5. You scored on the outdoor items this week! We have two old chaise loungers on our screened porch and i love barkcloth!! I have been wanting some vintage plant holders and items like you found so I guess I am on a search for an old lady sale!!

  6. My, oh my! You really hit it at that last sale! That's a lot of stuff to cram in one vehicle. I hope your friend found some treasures...and the room the haul them!

  7. GREAT finds!

    YES! Little Old Lady sales are the best! I hate going to one, only to find cheap dollar store kind of stuff. It's funny, what they consider old and falling apart, we see as super cool vintage!


  8. Tee hee...I have to hold my breath and take heart meds every time I come here. I can hardly stand it...everything is so cute that you find!
    From Starbursh to funky vintage metal to red hot's so fun!
    Thank you also for the nice comment about me over on Holly's sweetie you!
    Off to ride my bike with my chihuahua in the basket...she loves it, as long as she has her blanket to hide in!

  9. Great finds! I spent most of the weekend washing down and painting the outside of the house. (After Cape May, of course)
    Anyway, I love the term you used - shopping the curb! I set out a couple of broken dehumidifiers at our curb this weekend. They disappeared quickly. Shopping the curb, indeed! Gotta love it.

  10. i love all of the yard items. love esp. the statue of Mary. have a good day

  11. Good thing you didn't quit before the last sale! The green plant holder looks great as is.

    P.S. I think hiding your new finds might be a good idea! Our kids always win.

  12. Great finds this weekend, you don't see many loungers like that. Your daughter in her first apartment, is that a little scary??

  13. Great finds! Little old ladies like to price things at a nickle or a dime, don't they? I like the green basket plant holder the color it is, but white would be pretty too. Have fun!

  14. I like old lady sales too. I guess I may be the old lady having them someday...not so far away!! I love both plant holders and the great lounger!

  15. I love your posts on your outdoor plant holders. I came sooo close to purchasing a few today at an antique mall. I thought of you as I tried to decide which to buy. In the end, I couldn't choose and came home with a wall pocket. Oh well, vintage is wonderful! E

  16. Carol, Wow! Your finds are marvelous! I really love the green plant holder. I do hope you leave it green, it looks so perfect that way. I love green and white together, so it will look great with all your other pretty white painted items.

  17. Wow, you really scored big!! My best finds are from little old lady sales! I just love all the metal items you found! I recently found a green metal light fixture which I planned to paint white (I paint everything too), but I think I like the green now!! It's amazing what grows on you :)

    Love your blog! Thanks for stopping by mine!!


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