Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Red Wish List For REDNESDAY!

Yay, it's REDNESDAY! The day we get to share our love of the color red. When you're done looking at my reds, please head over to Sue's at It's A Very Cherry World to say HI and see lots more reds!

I'm so happy that I finally found something red, so that I could join in again this week! I found these sweet plates with the decals and crochet around them at the little old lady garage sale I spoke of in a previous post. Aren't they cute?!
I also wanted to share some things that are on my Wish List. I have a folder in my computer where I save images of things that I would like to have some day. Here are a few of the red things on my list:

A Cath Kidston bag. I don't think I'm ever going to find something like this at a garage sale, am I? One of these days I'll just have to splurge!

A beautiful red enamel table. Have you ever seen Sue's? It's gorgeous! My grandparents had one, and my Mom has it now. It's sitting under a pile of junk. I think it would look much better over here!

I have the plates on top, which are my favorites, but I want the other two also. They are from C.S. Post.

A Napco Little Miss Muffet. Check out her face. I think this is the part where " along came a spider and sat down beside her"!

A Napco Little Red Riding Hood. She needs to open her eyes, because the wolf if right behind her!!!

A vintage Noel candleholder set.

A vintage Christmas Card List box.

I would love to wear these gorgeous polka dot shoes! But it's so hard for me to walk in high-heel shoes, so.....

These are more my speed! I always wear big clunky rubber boots when I'm working in the garden after it rains. I love these. I want them! So, do you have a wish list? Tell me what's on it, because I'd love to know!


  1. Hi Carol!
    Your plates are so darling. I've never seen plates with crochet around them before, so much fun!
    & I sure can relate to your "I want" list ... mine is ridiculously and scary long. WAH!
    Happy Rednesday,

  2. Your plates are great! How did she do that, is it like a sleeve that slips over the edge of the plate? I love crochet!!! (Can't do it, but love it!)

  3. Hi Carol~First, I really, really like the red metal picnic basket that is in the header of your blog. That is something that is one my "wish list" and has been on it for sometime! Also, I found a NOEL candleholder set, complete with box for $1.00 on Mother's Day at an Estate Sale...keep looking I'm sure you can find one. :-)

  4. That picnic basket it awesome! Love all your reds!!!

  5. Those plates are so cute! I love the crochet!! Gotta love those little ole lady sales. I have a wish list in my mind, I think I should start one with photos! Cool idea!

  6. I've never seen plates with crochet either. Very neat find.

    I like everything on your wish list too. My wish list is getting too long, so best not to think about it much. ;-)

  7. Well...if you get the wishlist..I'd like the Cath Kidston Bag, The plates for CS Post, and the oh so cute Cherry rubber boots. I think I saw the boots on Amazon once.
    Very cute reds this week and thanks so much for sharing with us all.

  8. Hi Carol! I love those plates too! Now there is another thing I'm gonna have to watch for.
    Hey you have those N-O-E-l angel candlesticks on your wish list, I think there is a set..no box tho...and I think it's 12.50 for the set.... over at the Ohio Vally Antique Mall. If they do...do ya want me to get em for ya? E-mail me

  9. love the old table the figurines were cute.

  10. Great wish list Carol! I love your plates, is the crocheted trim glued on? It certainly gives them some extra pizazz!

  11. I loved all that you have showed. I too want an enamel table. Found a beautiful enamel cabinet last week at a yard sale, but couldn't afford the 70 dollars...it was gorgeous though. Loving those Christmas ornaments,,and those boots, oh girl, I want a pair. Love the shoes too, would match my sandals I have that I have shared on Rednesday a few times.

    Those plates, well I have told you I LOVE LOVE LOVE them..SOOOOOO much! I keep looking for them each week while Yard saling.

    that bag, yepper, anything she has, I want.I adore her stuff...

    blessings to you this Rednesday

  12. I love a challenge and KNOW I can find some of the items on your wish list.
    I admit to being label name clueless but this is the second time this week I have heard Cath Kidson. So her items are out there to be found.

  13. I must gets me to an old lady garage sale soon!

    Ya know, I won a Cath tea pot in a give away once and the giver had found it in a thrift shop! There is hope, my dear! ♥

  14. Oh, my wish list? One of my wishes came true when I found those nursery decals! Now, I really want the high chair that's at the same shop! ♥

  15. Hi Carol, I love the sweet plates and that red and white table! Thank you for stopping by and visiting and sharing what you like to do in the summer!

  16. What a neat idea to show us your wish list, I think a lot of things on mine would be red too. ;)

    Those plates are so neat, I've been eyeing an almost identical set at our local antique mall. Unfortunately NOT at a garage sale price!

  17. Fun Reds on your wish lis! My mom had a Noel Candleholder set just like that she put out every year :-)

  18. It is a wonderfully red post....thanks so much for sharing...blessings

  19. Hi Carol!
    I LOVE your blog--it's adorable!! Happy Rednesday! AND, I love all your red, especially those boots--cute, cute, cute! I can't wear heels either...I live in New Orleans and it rains so much here...Someone told me the college kids wear those to campus all the time...I thought it was a great idea....Thanks for all your fantastic red delights.

  20. Hi Carol,
    Yes, my wish list contains a lot of Cath Kidston stuff....and Cabbages and Roses fabric, etc. Don't hate me, but I have that CK bag in your first WL picture. Got it off ebay for not too bad a price, actually. I love the CS Post plates - they look very CK. Looks like a new company for me to check out.
    I think your mom needs to give you that enamel-topped table pronto!

  21. Those plates are real cuties! I love the charm of those vintage decals. What a great Red wish list you have. I am in complete agreement! Now, let's figure out how we can get that table over to your house!! Your mom can't appreciate it if it's under a pile of stuff!!

    Susan and Bentley

  22. Carol, it's good to see you back, and in first place again, no less! LOL!

    Those are the cutest plates I've ever seen! I wish I crocheted, I'd make some. It must be a Cath Kidston week - all I can afford was the mug!

    I love your wish list - great idea! I'm with you - wish I could wear the high heels again (boy, even that term shows my age!), but my disco days are long gone!

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  25. Carol, So mnay great reds today!! My favorites are the plates and that to die for vintage table!!

    Loved all of your Reds!!


  26. Oh what wonderful "reds" It could be Rednesday every day as fat I am concerned. i just love red!

  27. I believe you found a great deal for red day. All the things you shared are a very pretty red. Enjoyed visiting your blog.

  28. Oh, the Red Riding Hood brought back memories. We had one that had been in the family for generations passed down to the Margarets in the family. That's my middle name. I waited and waited growing up, knowing that someday it would be mine. My oldest daughter's middle name is Margaret also. So what happened? My mother gave it to my sister-in-law who probably wouldn't even know how to spell Margaret!

  29. I do like the plates. From the picture I guess you could call it a cozy? It's made to fit the edges? Never seen one...but cute! You know I have a set of those Noel candlesticks....I'm not sure what I'm doing with them just yet.


  30. My wish list is everything that Cath Kidston makes. Especially that tote. Why, oh why, can't she have a shop in the U.S.? I'm going off to cry for a little while.

  31. Hi Carol!!!
    Love the enamel top table...maybe you could "borrow" it!
    Red is such a happy color and I enjoy seeing you want/wish list!
    Hmm...I want to be thinner :) Guess I should stay away from the chocolate/sweets :)
    Take care.
    deb :)

  32. Hi Carol, these rednesday choices are amazing. I especially like the Cath Kidston bag. One of these days I just have to get me one. I've thought about making one but, well, maybe.

    Thanks for stopping by my little corner earlier and I look forward to visiting.

    Have a lovely evening.

  33. That table is way cool! We had one at the cottage when I was young. I would do better in the boots too...

  34. Red is just the perfect "makes me happy" color...isn't it???

  35. I think we have the same list! Can you imagine the work it took to crochet the edging on your plates? They are simply wonderful! Thanks for sharing your red with us! E

  36. You have the BEST REDS always! I love them all but those boots are to die for!!! I can see how you'd love to have them! Have a beautiful day, Carol!

  37. Your blog is like a yummy bowl of snap, crackle and pop!
    The one wish I have, is to arrive on your doorstep on a Wednesday with a red gift in my hand just for you...I know exactly what I'd bring you...your wish for that Cath Kidston bag. I love to make your wish and my wish come true. Cross your fingers...one day it may just happen!

  38. Love your vintage figurines! I also love Cath Kidston. Gota love those cheerful colors she uses in all the designs. Thanks for stopping by.

  39. Hi Carol,

    Love all of your reds for today! The plates are sooo cute. I love Napco figurines too!


  40. Cute plates and great wish list! I want that table, the rainboots, and wish that I could wear heels like that!

  41. Hi Carol, love your red post. You have so many cute red things. I'd love to join in on this event, just need to get time to schedule some posts. I have so much red in this house!
    Blessings, Shirl
    Shirls Rose Cottage

  42. Wow, You have some wonderful reds on this post !I love them all!My I want list is very long . It's nice to dream , even nicer when dreams come true .;~)

  43. Hi Carol! A few weeks ago I found a saucer with a crochet holder around it, too! It's the first time I'd ever seen anything like it and thought it was so unique! I love yours. Wish I had the pattern for them. That enamel table is so pretty. I am always on the lookout for one I can aford:(. Have a great weekend! Twyla


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