Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Garden Whites-White Wednesday

Welcome to White Wednesday! I'd like to share more whites from around the garden. When you're done looking, please head over to Faded Charm to see lots more whites!
I found this tall plant stand at a garage sale last week.

It's now painted white, and I love it, but......where in the heck am I going to put this thing?! I know I'll eventually figure out the perfect spot. I'm just glad that I didn't let not knowing where I was going to put it stop me from buying it. I hate when I do that! Do you ever do that?

This plant holder was also from a garage sale last week.

I love it painted white, but I wish I had left it that amazing green! I can't wait 'til the white starts chipping off and I can see that green peeking through.....

A cement bunny hiding in the ivy.

And some phlox with the palest pink centers. The gardens are looking so lovely right now, but we really need some rain. It's been at least two weeks since we had any. I think I need to go out there and do a rain dance!
Now go see some more whites over at Faded Charm, and say hello to Kathleen, our hostess!


  1. Love the plant stands- you can never have too many! Maybe Mr. Bunny is lonely and could use a friend!

  2. I love the plant stands and have been hoping to find some myself. I liked the one green but think you are right, white with green showing through, perfect. Cute bunny in your garden! That is the only kind I want in mine!

  3. I love your new plant stand, it is very elegant, and it is beautiful painted white. It is going to look lovely in your garden.

  4. Love your whites....I think anything and everything looks better white!!
    Happy WW!

  5. Your plant stands were very ggod finds and look great in white. Happy WW. olive♥

  6. The metal basket is wonderful!!!!
    LOVE everything white!!Debbie@houseatthelake

  7. Never too much garden stuff! I have a thing for metal! Jacqueline

  8. A bit of white paint really makes such a big difference. I love how everything turned out. I think white really stands out in the green of the garden.

  9. Oh my.. a bit of white.. makes it look magical... Is that spray painted??

  10. I think both the plant stands look great painted white. I think flowers and greenery will really pop against the white color.
    Very cute little bunny. I saw a baby bunny in my front yard yesterday. It could have fit in the palm of my hand....it was so cute. I had to keep my dog inside so it wouldn't find it.
    Happy WW.

  11. so pretty, bunny peeking out is too precious!

  12. good job in making these more appealing. thanks

  13. I've got a tall plant stand like yours - it's black though. I put carved pumkins on it in October - so many uses!

  14. Ooo! I would have been hard pressed about the Green planter... I love white but that *was* a unique color of Green. I wonder if you can lightly sand some of the White off to let the Green through??? ♥

  15. Love, love, love your blog header!! I also love your plant stands ~ I think they look wonderful in white!

  16. Love the plant stand. If I'm lucky enough to find one, I'd put small pots of succulents on it in summer- I have enough other plants to water. In the fall, I'd place small pumpkins or gourds on it. Large, primary coloured ornaments, one per rung, will look striking in the winter.

  17. Boogieboard CottageJuly 21, 2010 at 9:16 AM

    I really like your white garden decor, and I like the clever ways that you arranged them! Take care, Mary

  18. I'm love'n all your garden whites... really beautiful!
    Happy WW!
    ~ Jo :)

  19. The plant stand is awesome!! Great buy! Little bunny is my fav!

  20. Oh great finds! I love plant stands..

  21. I love the garden whites. Your phlox is beautiful. I love gardening.

  22. I loved visiting you old glory cottage today. I'm crazy about metal furniture and accessories. Your plant stand, the basket, the chair and tbl and especially the bunnies.


  23. Your plant stand looks great in white! Will be fun to see how you use it. Cute bunny too!

  24. Wow! Carol love the garden ornaments you got there. Love the three tier plant stand. Thank you for visiting my site. I definetly will be back soon. Take care! Nancy


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