Sunday, September 26, 2010

My Weekend Finds

It was a strange thrifting weekend. Every single thing I bought was holiday related!

Christmas was represented by a vintage Santa mug, an old bottlebrush tree and a Relpo Santa creamer or small pitcher.

Thanksgiving made an appearance through these two old postcards.

I don't why I bought these two pins. I don't wear pins, but I guess I needed to keep the holiday theme going. The spider on the left may be missing a couple legs, but he will get you with those fangs. And do you see the one in the web? He definitely sees you too. I found things for the 4th of July and Easter too, but they're still in the van, or my "storage on wheels" as I like to call it. Oh shoot, Mr. Old Glory wasn't supposed to know about that, but I forgot he reads this. Busted!

This last "find" isn't mine, but Mr. OG's. Do you like our newest statue? Petunia Possum was found inside the grill cover when Mr. OG went to put it back on the grill. I haven't moved so fast in years. I ran and jumped onto the bench by the back door, and Ms. P just looked at us and bared her teeth. The wildlife is definitely gettin' bolder, and I'm gettin' older. That jump onto the bench left me a little sore later that day!
So, did you find anything this weekend? And did it move when you found it?!


  1. Great finds.Holiday junk is sometimes the best.Thanks for sharing.

  2. Lovin' your holiday finds! Not so much the beedy eyed one!!!

  3. I. Hate. Opossums. Got that out of the way!

    Funny how all your finds were holiday related. Those are wonderful old postcards!

  4. Carol I'm laughing with you, not at you! I would have jumped also...and paid for it later. Getting older isn't all it's suppose to be in my opinion! You did find some awesome holiday stuff. The pins would be cute on a black cloth or on a pumpkin!

  5. Hi Carol,
    I love finding holidays treasures!
    Looks like that possom wasn't very happy to see you!
    Love your Halloween banner!
    deb :)

  6. I can picture you taking a flying leap...I did the same thing the other day when I looked down a hole and a frog jumped out at me. I had to laugh...however, I think the he was laughing at me.

    I also had to grin when you mentioned your storage in your trunk. Shhhh...I do that too but I think Len is on to me...he has me figured out. I'm taking a break from thrifting to support his break from a's just about killing both of us!

    Love your blog header too...charming!!!
    Can't get enough of my Old Glory Girl.

  7. I had to read that post twice to make sure that critter was real. Scary for sure. Yes, wildlife is so close and bold these days.

  8. Love your holiday finds.I'm getting motivated to bring out the holiday stuff! We had a possum in our garage, and yes they can be pretty scary-in a cut kind of way.

  9. Happy Holidays, Carol! :)

    I'd like possums if they had different tails!

  10. LOVE your finds~ especially the bottle brush tree! And we did have a moving find this weekend` a little mouse sitting in our entryway- probably came in when we had the door open doing construction- but my husband scurried him back outside! That possum doesn't look very happy~ amazing photo!

  11. First of all I love the new photos on your blog. Where did you find the one with the leaves falling. How cool is that one! I too have a possum living in the garage. It was my husband that almost stepped on him. Yes Men can let out a yell and jump. By the way, I will be showing the weirdest lawn sale find ever this week. Wait until you see it. No one will ever come close to this. Stay Tuned....

  12. Great finds! Looks like you had almost every holiday covered. Regarding the opossum, we used to get them at our house when I lived in San Diego county. I haven't seen any at my house in Riverside county. But then, we have a lot of cats that troll our backyard. I would have jumped too if I saw one. Thanks for visiting my blog & leaving me a comment on my thrifty find.

  13. Oy vey! The critters are getting bolder. I had a flippin' chipmunk IN my house last week!

    Good finds! I like the pitcher and postcards.

  14. Nice finds! We did make our first outing to Hobby Lobby (had never heard nor seen of it til blogging) and I picked up a couple things to display in the kitchen when it is done.

  15. i would have jumped sky high! Possums give me the heeby-jeebys! The Santa pitcher is awesome!

  16. Love your finds!! I took the weekend off from junking, but thanks to your post, I lived vicariously!

  17. I would have jumped too! That thing is scary looking!!
    Holiday finds are the best. Love the Christmas stuff you found.
    I really liked how you described your on wheels....that's one I can relate to.

  18. YUCK!!! Poor things are soooo not cute!! Glad you chose not to keep that one;) Love all the Holiday goodies!!
    Hugs, Lisa

  19. Yikes!! I hate those things. We get those critters in our backyard all the time. Our Golden Retriever, who has now passed away, used to warn us and hunt them down. I detest how they threaten with those sharp teeth of theirs even when they're babies. Nasty. No BBQ surprises thank you please. ;)

  20. I'm loving your orange sidebar and pretties! That was some scare you got.

  21. Oh my, I definitely prefer your finds to Mr. OG's.
    I also love your header picture. So sweet.

  22. ohmygosh!! Those are such nasty little critters!! But I do love the bunny and pumpkins! Hope you're having a great week!


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