Friday, October 29, 2010

Halloween Crafts And Other Stuff

I found this card at an estate sale Friday, dated 1974!

I wanted to share a couple more decorations that I couldn't show for the Vintage Halloween Party. Here's my green cabinet, every square inch packed with Halloween stuff!

Isn't this teapot cute?! I won it from Janelle at Sweet Bee Cottage last year. I remember she had just started her blog then. Look at her now! And those old cabinet cards that I decorated came from the amazingly creative Jane at Mamie Jane's.

I'm obsessed with making these cones!

I traced these images from an old Martha Stewart magazine, and then painted them on little wooden plaques from Hobby Lobby.

If it's not easy, I can't and won't make it!

More Martha images.

My wee little Halloween tree, with a couple of crows huddled underneath.

A cute little banner, also from Janelle.

I even made hats for the crows.

And I know what you're thinking. You're thinking "This girl has too much time on her hands, if she's making hats for the birds". And in my defense, all I can say is: At least I didn't make a hat for my parakeet. Now THAT would be crazy!


  1. Easy or not, all your decorations look wonderful. Happy Halloween!

  2. I love dressing up my Halloween birds with party hats. I totally approve...hee hee! Great decorations. Have a fabulous Halloween!

  3. I too, am guilty of putting party hats on my ravens. I say, Love me or leave me!!

    Looks like you've had tons o' fun!


  4. Awe, your home looks so festive. I love all you collections and crafts!the hats for the crows are adorable!

    I'm afraid I didn't do much decorating this year. We threw a few things on the mantle and drug out the big blow up pumpkin for the porch but I didn't have enough air in me to blow it up! I might give it a try now that I'm feeling better. I just do it for my daughter. We don't get any trick or treaters as our road has ditches along it, no street lights and no sidewalks and the houses are far apart. It's the first year my kids don't want to go trick or treating in grandma's neighborhood. I'm kinda bummed!

  5. Please make a hat for your parakeet!! I would love to see that. I would love to see that. Love the hat on the crow! You have some great decorations! I will have to work on some for next year.

  6. Love the Halloween card from 1974. A cute and sassy devil.

  7. Crazy?? (chirped the parakeet) I don't think so!

    Smiles and blessings,

  8. Love everything you have done. And I had to laugh about the hats on the birds. But I love it!!!! I've yet to make a cone, but am dying to try. You sound just like me, I only do fast & easy crafts too. I may have to try the hats on the birds next year. And I may try making a Christmas cone or two this year. Thanks for stopping by my blog & leaving me a comment.

  9. Fantastic Halloween decorations!! I LOVE your tree!!
    Happy Halloween!!


  10. Hi Carol,
    I sure LOVE your vintage Halloween treasures...
    How on earth did you make those little hats for your crows! Stinkin cute!
    Happy Halloween!
    deb :)

  11. Thanks for stopping by and saying hello.. I think the bird is very handsome in his hat.. Great halloween shares. Thank you Elaine

  12. Carol,
    Great decorations and great fun!
    Your green cabinet is looking mighty fine!

  13. Carol,
    I love your hats-I've been known to make a few myself and your vintage Halloween stuff is truly awesome. I love it! If I can come over and Trick or Treat at house on Halloween you can come eat at mt "Nightmare" table! Happy Halloween!

  14. I love all your halloween items. I love how they are easy to make. But it is the green cabinet that I am drooling over. Thanks for sharing.

  15. Well you're all ready and decked out! Looking good girl!

  16. Hi Carol, Your decorations are lovely. I cant believe you made those wooden plaques they are fab. Thanks so much for the Birthday wishes (Im trying to forget how old I am LOL!) Happy Halloween X

  17. Wonderful wonderful Halloween decor! How fun!!!!! Next year I am going to have to do a bit more for just got away from me......thanks for the great tour and HAPPY HALLOWEEN Carol!


  18. Happy Halloween Carol, I love your decorations!

  19. I added myself to follow your blog. You are more than welcome to visit mine and become a follower if you want to.

    God Bless You :-)


  20. Bravo my friend...bravo. What a Halloween treat in itself to come over here and celebrate Halloween with you.
    You have done a stunning job of putting on the Halloween ritzy in true Carol style.

    I've got you all signed up for my Goodies Paper Parade. She is as cute as a wink! Expect a envelope to fly through the air to you this least once!

    Paper dreams and seasons of the making!

  21. I love the orange with that green cupboard and all of the crows. And if you, say, went bowling instead of making bird hats, nobody would say a thing about having too much time on your hands. It's all in what makes you happy!

  22. Oh Carol! You have so much fun Halloween decorations! I love all the vintage things!

  23. I am wild for all of your decorations! Most wonderful. :-)


  24. love all your halloweenness! all I did was stuff a scarecrow this year!! ;)

  25. I know I'm late seeing your Halloween decor, but I just wanted to say I love your stuff, especially those cones---the candy corn one! I may copy that next year ;).

  26. I love the green cabinet! It's one of the best halloween displays I've seen! And I think it's wonderful you have enough time to make hats for your birds, they like to party too, right?


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