Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Vintage Halloween Blog Party!

Joan at Anything Goes Here is throwing another vintage holiday party! This time it's a Halloween party, so if you'd like to show everyone your vintage Halloween items, link up!
When I was a little girl, Halloween was right up there with Christmas for me. Both were such magical times!

I don't have alot of vintage Halloween things. At least not as many as some people who I am envious of! I'm definitely always on the lookout for more. I just got this little cutie last week. It's a Relpo planter.

It's a coven of honeycomb witches!

This is a picture from last year, but the display looks the same. I didn't feel like climbing under the dining room table to take this shot like my daughter did for me last year!

I'll just let you look through these pictures without blathering the whole time, unless I can't stop myself.

A paper mache black cat on a pumpkin.

My very first noisemaker!

Gurley candles and a Lefton October angel.

A ouija board from the 70s.

This wig is supposed to be for a Dutch Girl costume. Only 49 cents, way back when.

Glow in the dark Beistle ghosts!

Even Little Red Riding Hood likes to trick-or-treat. I hope she's not dumb enough to go to the wolf's house!

That's about it for me. So now what should we do? I know, let's ask the crystal ball!

I'm having a hard time seeing what it says. Can you read it?

Oh, I see! It says to visit Joan NOW! What a great idea, because I can't wait to see everyone else's vintage Halloween goodies!
Oh, and I'll be sharing my non-vintage decorations and some crafts on Saturday!


  1. You have an amazing collection of Vintage Halloween! I love the old fashioned black & orange. It was such a perfect shade.

  2. A vintage Halloween party ~ how fun! You have a great collection. The new planter is adorable. I have the same two Gurley candles, but that's about the extent of my vintage Halloween decor.
    Very cute use of the crystal ball.

  3. You have such a wonderful collection of vintage Halloween....I think vintage Halloween items are some of the most difficult things to find (at a reasonable price). Love it all and I love your header photo too.

  4. Cute Halloween treasures!!!


  5. My favorite photo display is the Red Riding and the Jack and cute Carol!

    I've found that vintage Halloween is really expensive in antique stores but oh so cute! I agree, Halloween was right up my alley with as a child, just pure magical. Loved it. I also still love to read clean Halloween stores and mysteries.

  6. Love all your wonderful decorations...vintage is so much better than what is on the shelfs today....blessings

  7. Just seeing the black cats took me back to elementary school.
    There was almost as much anticipation towards Halloween as Christmas. What to wear required much thought and planning! Now that I think back, I always wore all the costume jewelry I could and became a "rich" lady. Funny, I still love costume jewelry. Thanks for the trip down Memory Lane.

  8. Love your vintage Halloween! You do have some very cool stuff!! I don't have any so guess I will be a reader not a participant this time! I love your Lefton October angel!

  9. You have a great collection, some things I think I even remember:@)

  10. So many neat, neat things. Thanks for taking part in the party. The link system is up so you can come by and join up! Joan@anythinggoeshere

  11. I love all your things. For all that I collect, I don't really have enough to do a proper posting for Halloween. I will have to stop over and visit Joan for some more Halloween fun. Thank you. Oh and I am glad that you entered the Giveaway. I am having fun putting a package together. Thanks.

  12. Great collection of Vintage Halloween things. I remember the paper cut out Halloween decorations from my childhood and I would love to get my hands on a few of them now!! I also really liked using the ouija (Spelling???) board as a backdrop for a vignette! Very cool idea!!


  13. Carol you have so many wonderful vintage Halloween items!I remember so many of those cardboard cut out shapes. thanks for sharing, Nan

  14. OUIJA BOARD & CrYsTaL BaLL are "Just Fab"!*!*!
    Jeanine, ChiPPy!-SHaBBy!

  15. I'm really lovin' those black cat graphics! You have a great collection, so much fun. Have a great weekend!

  16. I agree...what a wonderful collection you have. I enjoyed all the Halloween things you have found! Wow...Great look.

  17. I don't have any vintage Halloween decor, but plan to look for some for maybe next year.

  18. I think you have plenty of great vintage halloween pieces!! I love your halloween toys. I have purchased a few of those over the years but have given them to my daughter, she loves halloween.
    Thanks for sharing.

  19. Wow, you do indeed have quite the collection of Halloween! Love it all. It's funny, at my store, I swear that Halloween stuff is much more popular than Christmas! And "thank you" for stopping by my blog and leaving such a nice comment.

    Take care, Sue

  20. You have a great collection! I have a paper kitty like yours, but mine is pretty shabby looking. I also have a matching skinny plastic pumpkin! I love the touch of the dominoes in a jar. So simple & looks great against that lovely orange!

  21. What an amazing collection - you have so many wonderful things!

  22. so fun! I like the little honeycomb owl decoration. And I like that you have included Little Red in there as well. My daughter dressed as LRRH on her first halloween. I should post pics of that.

  23. Hi Carol, You have some neat things in your collection! I like the board game that is a great pieace. Happy Halloween to you.....Julian

  24. A wonderful collection! Looks like you have plenty of vintage Halloween goodies. (I don't have ANY!)

  25. GREAT STUFF!! I love all your neat Halloween items. Terrific job, I'll be back to enjoy the rest of your blog!! Donna...the 3rd sister

  26. Hi. Thanks for visiting. You have some nice vintage decor!
    ~ Julie

  27. Oh...I love all your vintage Halloween! Very nice collection. Please come by and see mine at

  28. What a great collection of Halloween things... I looked at every picture twice. I remember the Quija board.. Holloween was much more fun back years ago.. My granddad would take my twin and me and we got to visit his friend that had a gog that did tricks and he always gave us a nickle..big money back then . I guess I'm telling my age.

    Thanks for sharing your treasure trove of Halloween

  29. Hey! Thanks for stopping by my blog! You have a great little Halloween Collection!. It's so silly, but my favorites aren't Halloween (I love that little Teal/Aqua Elephant and Radio contraption!).

  30. Geat vintage items - I actually had some of the itms and still have them!

  31. Carol,
    This was an amazing post!!!! I have so little Halloween, I used to go nuts but when my boys got too old it kind of took the fun out of year I am going to decorate too! :):) You have inspired that sweet replo planter...:) Sandy

  32. Love all your wonderful decorations...vintage is so much better than what is on the shelfs today....blessings

  33. Great collection of Vintage Halloween things. I remember the paper cut out Halloween decorations from my childhood and I would love to get my hands on a few of them now!! I also really liked using the ouija (Spelling???) board as a backdrop for a vignette! Very cool idea!! Debbie


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