Friday, October 22, 2010

Pink Saturday

If you're a gal of a certain age, like me, you remember Skinny Dip perfume! I loved this stuff, back in the 70s when I was a young, innocent girl. I was pretty excited to find this at the flea market a couple weeks ago, and although I didn't need it, I needed it!

Just a couple pieces of pottery sitting on the coffee table. The poor pink donkey has to pull a cartload of pens, remotes and reading glasses.

A tiny pink parakeet, and a girl and her pink poodle, both sitting on the bathroom shelves. Our home is so tiny, with very limited space. Every inch is valuable real estate, and yet I cover the shelves with "stuff". Do you do that too? Well, let's go visit Beverly over at How Sweet The Sound, to see how other "Pinkies" show off their pink treasures!


  1. Love the pink pottery! I guess you are younger then me because the perfume does not ring a bell at all! Oh a young girl in the 70's...I was being a wild child then! Never Mind!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Oops - sorry for typo. I remember Skinny Dip!! Happy Pink Saturday.

  4. Of course I remember Skinny Dip perfume. I had forgotten about it, tho till now. Thanks for the memory!

  5. I've never heard of that perfume skinny dip but my friend Tete has. You have some wonderful Halloween images and I really enjoyed scrolling thru your blog!

  6. I never heard of that perfume either. Good choices for pink Saturday. LOvely dish.
    Have a good weekend.

  7. I had that perfume. Boy does this date us. Yup I would have picked it up as well. Thank you for sharing. It is always fun to visit.

  8. Hi Carol, great vintage, pinkie, sweetness you have shared today! LOL, I just realized that sounded like Yoda from Star wars. I posted a little pink squirrel a few weeks ago that would fit right in with your little donkey. Thanks for sharing, have a great weekend, Nan

  9. I LOVE that vignette you made with that flowered tray. There was a time I used to NOT like those colours,,now I'm beginning to be drawn to them. Of course I will never lose my love of red. I don't remember that perfume...but I sure do love that box set..I think everyone needs one!! lol Have a blessed weekend...

  10. Hmmm... never heard of that perfume, but sounds fun:)

    Will you wear it?

    Love the fab pink dishes.


  11. wow I remember that perfume. I don't think I every smelled it, but I remember it.
    and yes, I manage to fill up every available inch of real estate in my house, too.

  12. Hi Carol,
    thanks for visiting.
    It's always very exciting to meet new blogging friends.
    love your pinkies. hard to pick one, but i guess the pink dishes are ny faves.
    happy pink saturday and have a great sunday

  13. Happy Pink Saturday, Carol.

    Yeppers, I know just what you mean. I see so many things I "love", but definitely don't "need". And, my house has way too much "stuff".

    Oh well. What can I say?!

  14. I don't remember Skinny Dip, but do you remember Blue Jeans cologne? Or how about Tickle deodorant? You have such amazing collections Carol! Your pinks are sweet!

  15. I like having my "stuff" around to make me happy too. Really like your pink bird and the girl with her poodle.

  16. OMGoodness,,Skinny Dip... What a flash back Sweetie.. Thanks for the sharing ,,what memories!!!
    Thanks for my note on RED day!!!

    As you lean on Him,, may you know Blessings and Love from Our Sweet Savior above ~~~
    Love & Hugs~~~Dena

  17. Beautiful!

    HaPpY pInK sAtUrDaY!

  18. Love the pottery....

    Warm blessings,

  19. Beautiful..Thank you for sharing..

  20. I totally forgot about Skinny Dip. What a cool find!


  21. Hi: I love things that we "need". They are the best kind of beauties. Have a wonderful week. Blessings, Martha

  22. Carol, Your "matching" pet is the sweetest post ever! I am still giggling over the Basset driving the car! You always have the most fun images to share! Elizabeth

  23. Love this post and the one of matching animals to your decor! How cool is that! Mostly, I love your Halloween banner. WOW! It's GREAT!!!

  24. I go a lot further back than that, but I have seen some the pieces you shared today. Was so pleased you stopped by for a visit. I enjoyed your blog and post very much.

  25. I just love your items you posted. I don't remember Skinny Dip, but if I'd seen it I probably would have needed it too!! LOL
    Hugs, LisaKay

  26. I love Pink Saturday, it's just so girl-ie. :-)

  27. I just discovered your blog and I love it already.

  28. I love your pinks. I'm really behind on my Pink Saturday but glad I stopped by or I would have missed them. Happy Pink Saturday.

  29. Skinny Dip! gasp! I haven't thought or seen that in y-e-a-r-s. I remember thinking it was such a "naughty" name. It sounds downright innocent compared to what is out there now. Great memory!


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