Wednesday, October 20, 2010

What Would You Do?

What would you do if you had lost your beloved cat several months ago, and you were now feeling lonesome for a pet? Why, you'd get yourself another pet, and you'd find one that matches your decor! What? Is there something wrong with that? But what kind of pet?
How about another cat? No, our daughter is very allergic, so no more cats in this house.

Maybe a dog? No, too much work, it probably wouldn't be welcome at the cottage we vacation at, and sometimes they steal the car and take a joyride!

A bunny? They're definitely cute, but they think nothing of going to the bathroom on you while you're holding them. And sometimes they get into the fridge! What to do, what to do......

Meet my new pet, Petunia Pearl! She's so easy to take care of, and she matches so many things in the house.

Like this tray.

The pottery.

There's definitely blue in this pillow.

Yep, she matches the ocean blue of the globe too.

And this rug. A neon green parakeet would have clashed with all of this, don't you think?

Yes, Petunia fits in just perfectly here. I've been training her to climb onto another perch, and then onto my finger. And then at some point, I will let her out of the cage.

And hopefully all will go well, and I won't look like this!


  1. Good decision..and I agree she matches yur
    Before she makes a trip out..clip her wings..or it could go bad real quick.
    My girlfriend use to let them out to bathe in the big bowls of water..they were adorable..they love just have to make sure there is no draft on them.
    Have fun..Cindy from Rick-Rack and Gingham

  2. Oh I love a pet that matches your decor! Very pretty birdie!!

  3. Oh how fun! I've been very tempted myself to bring one of these cuties home. I think she fits in perfectly with your home. :)

  4. Oh my gosh......I am laughing, not just a polite little smile or chuckle thinking oh how amusing..... it is a loud laugh. Where did you find the joy-riding doggie? I have to tell you, we are now proud owners of two new birds. My daughter rescued them from the shelter. Their feathers are beautiful. But I hadn't plan on decorating with them, that gives me a great idea. Thank you for your nice comment on my reds. It is usually I that am drooling over your stuff. Feel free to stop by anytime.

  5. awwww how sweet! And very pretty colors :-)


  6. Love you new pet and she does "match" your home! I "had" some finches for a few years and really enjoyed them. Hubby isn't a bird guy so he doesn't miss them!
    Just taking a quick peek in blogland while the company is sleeping..
    deb :)

  7. Petunia is very pretty and she does match everything so well. You're right about dogs being a lot of work. But I don't know what I'd do without my two. Pets are very important family members, aren't they? Have a great day.

  8. Very sweet! And her name is so cute too. It's an added bonus that she goes with the decor. :-)

  9. Petunia Pearl is so pretty!! Sounds like she is just perfect for you!!

  10. Such a fun post!! Love the pictures. Petunia is just the one I would have chosen colorwise. She does indeed match but I've never heard of getting a pet to "match" your decor...a novel idea! I would need a peacock.

  11. Oh I love this post...too cute...enjoy Petunia..what a cutie she is...

  12. She's so might lose her if she gets loose...she'll blend in with the


  13. Oh Carol! She's beautiful! She does fit right in with everything. I'm afraid if you let her out of her catch you might not be able to find her! Congratulations and best wishes! Twyla

  14. Petunia!!!!! What a perfect name, and whatever you do don't get two!!!!! They hate humans in groups! LOL She is adorable!!!!! Where did you get that wonderful Halloween counter???? It would be perfect on my blog right now! :) Sandy

  15. Carol, your new baby is sweet as can be! Well of course she has to match your decor when you are working with such a great color scheme. The last picture cracked me up. Have a great weekend, Nan

  16. Best of luck with your new baby. How sweet she looks.

  17. What a perfect match!!! She does go with with your decor!!!


  18. What a fun post! I could not wait in anticipation for what little creature would be lerking! I was voting for the dog or the bunny but I understand!
    Happy Friday from your Fairyland girl!

  19. Oh my gosh--this is too cute!!! A pet that matches your house!! What a fabulous idea. What an adorable, magical post.

  20. that picture is EXACTLY how my grown niece reacts to birds...she freaks when they are out of cage or flying above her head..she is a hoot! Your new pet is perfect!

  21. I love Petunia Parakeet ! Looks just like my late beloved "Tweetie" !
    Parakeets are perfect pets and add to the decor !


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