Sunday, November 28, 2010

In Between All That Turkey.....

After one wedding and three Thanksgiving dinners this past weekend, I was more than ready to sit around like a slug and do some crafting!
Do not try this shadowbox at home, unless you have hours and hours to kill, painting it inside and out, glitterizing it, sanding some of the glitter off, accidentally gluing it shut, and then prying it back open again in order to decorate the inside. Other than all that, I think I like it and it was well worth it!

My December tag. I haven't made one since April!

She's from an old Christmas card, and she represents my love of feeding the squirrels. I mean birds!

And when I saw this Santa on a vintage card, I knew I had to make a tag with him too.

It doesn't get much better than a patriotic Santa! So what did you do in between eating turkey sandwiches, turkey tacos, turkey pot pie, turkey a la king, turkey tetrazzini, turkey soup and slices of pumpkin pie???


  1. These are really cute! Especially loving the patriotic santa.

    Besides eating, I did alot of cleaning, donating, and reorganizing. Then more eating.

    I'm craving some craft time. Maybe today?

  2. You are too funny! So what did I do between all the turkey leftovers?? A little decorating, not one bit of shopping, my son's laundry before he went back to school, and a major furniture rearrangement so I could find a space in our living room for the tree. And still so much to do!
    Have a great week.

  3. Hello,
    You have a charming blog. Your post made me smile at all you went through with your blue craft project. I know how that can go sometimes:) Your tags are so lovely too~

  4. How fun for you doing some crafting. I took down Fall decorations and started to get out Christmas. Did not get too far but I'm ready to put up a tree today! Love the tags!

  5. I do believe this is one of the happy places in blogland. You always have the cutest stuff that I just WANT! You like everything I like. Oh goody-gumdrops, what are girls like us to do with all our cute stuff!
    Enjoy it to the max!
    Very, very cute shadow box and cute stuff.
    Come see what I made on my blog header for my December give away. Down the rabbit hole we go for a magical Christmas indeed!

  6. Hi Carol
    I love your reindeer diarama. Love all of your vintage holiday images on your blog. So festive. Hope you had a great holiday.

  7. Carol, the shadow box is amazing! Good job. I also love the patriotic santa. Too cute. We had a nice day-small gathering, so I only made a turkey breast, not much leftovers. Sounds like you had a good time. Onward to Christmas-I love your Christmas banner!

  8. Lovin' your Santa and new header! I have the tree up and the house decorated. And... I just finished the last of the turkey soup for lunch and won't be revisiting that bird again until late January:@)

  9. Carol, I just had to pop over to see your tag!! I am giggling here over your spray paint/glitter escapade. My basement sink is still red from just such an incident! I absolutely love the little shadow box. It is so wintry! Your tags are so sweet. I just love everything you create! Yeah for slug crafting! E

  10. I am laughing -- agreed, fruitcake gets a unfair, bad rap!! I'll send the cake your direction :)

  11. Love the cute tags and the shadow box!!!

    What did I do? I kept eating pumpkin pie and didn't do one bit of shopping and now I'm feeling a bit behind :)

  12. I am just saying Hi, and I hope you had some glitter on you somewhere when you went to the wedding.

  13. Your shadow box is darling!
    Haven't done any Christmas decorating here, but moving in that direction.

  14. Hi Carol,
    You funny girl :) Your tags are great!!! and I won't try the shadow the deers in it.
    I'm making my Christmas cards in between everything else!!
    deb :)

    love your Chrismtas banner

  15. Cute stuffs you got.
    Have a good week.

  16. I love your uncle Sam Santa! Too cute you crafty girl!!!

  17. Slug, LOL! Have I told you I LOVE your new header? Well, I do, soooo cute! And the shadow box is fab, it looks so vintage. And the Patriotic Santa is pretty sporty too. :)

  18. Hi Carol!
    "Accidentally gluing it shut". That reminds me of someone...oh! ME! Tags are so festive! Send me your address and I'll ship off something shiny to you.

  19. Your blog looks wonderful for the holidays!! I adore your little girl at the top. The shadow box is great, and don't worry...I would never try that at home. Love your tags, too. Makes me wish I were crafty.


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