Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Decking The Halls--REDnesday!

Amid all the boxes and bubble wrap, the halls are getting decked slowly but surely! An old Relpo Santa pitcher and vintage trays sit on the kitchen counter.

Santa and his packages S&P shakers rest beside the stove.

The Girls Of Christmas! I still need to shimmy up to the attic to get some old ornaments that go in the jars, and then I can call this area DONE!

I love the expression on the face of the girl in the middle. Either she's appalled at the amount she spent while shopping, or she's troubled by the girl in the cloche!

I love this runner that's underneath them, and I'm so glad my friend bossed me into buying it this summer!

NOEL candleholders from the flea market, along with some old Little Golden Books. As I continue to unpack everything, I realize that I need just one more thing to make my collection complete. A bigger house! I can't possibly have it all out to enjoy, so I guess I'll just have to start decorating my car!
Want to see more red things? Then head over to It's A Very Cherry World right now!


  1. Hi Carol!

    You have such fun vintage Christmas decorations! I LOVE your Christmas girls!!

  2. Carol I love to visit you and see all your wonderful vintage decorations. I love the 'girls' and the golden books are so cute! I have so much also, but I am working on doing some editing!

  3. With all those pretty reds, I do believe you are about ready for the holidays.

  4. Your girls are fantastic, and of course I'm lovin' the runner! (Can't wait to see how you decorate the car:@)

  5. Ha! I've never thought about decorating the inside of the car but that's a great idea! :-)

  6. Carol,
    I love the jars and the way you decorate. But most of all I love your sense of humor. Your posts just crack me up sometimes!

  7. Hi Carol,
    I just always love seeing all of your vintage Christmas goodies! :)

  8. Promise not to laugh? I do decorate the car! I also have to get out my Christmas travel coffee mugs. I am going to have to talk my Worker Bee into getting my Christmas boxes down TONIGHT! I knew when I saw your little picture over at Sue's that it had to be your blog! I love those little Christmas gals.

  9. Lovely things you got here. I so love the Santa milk pitcher.
    Have a good week.

  10. "Nifty" vintage Christmas decorations....love 'em. I'm so impressed that you have that much done AND that you have such cool things to display. Beautifully decked halls, I'd say!

  11. I love all your Vintage goodies especially the "girls"
    Thank you for sharing and Happy Holidays!!!


  12. Oh I just knew you would be posting some more of your fabulous vintage Christmas decorations. I'm in awe of all of your vintage pieces.

  13. Carol..everyhting is awesome! I love all the NOEL decorations..this is my new mission this year..my grandaughters middle name is NOEL I need ..and want to collect for her.Thanks for sharing.

    Cindy from Rick-Rack and Gingham

  14. You are too funny! Decorate the car! I love the Relpo santa - he has such a cute face.

  15. I think we OWN some of the SAME things! I too have started a collections of Christmas "gals". I love your vintage trays.... hmm, something new to look for :)


    PS I found you through "Rednesday"

  16. LOVE all those vintage goodies! It brings back wonderful Memories of the Good Old Days... "Oh No, that makes me VINTAGE"!!! Have a happy Rednesday, Donna

  17. What fun vintage Christmas! The little girls are so cute.

  18. I love to see how you decorate your car, smiles, next what you need might be a mobile home ;-)!
    Have fun!

  19. Red color starts to grow on me! Beautiful vintage things you have here..

  20. You have a nice collection of vintage christmas dec. I really like the girls and the books. It's looking really RED at your house.--Maybe you could decorate the garage for more space!!!!

  21. Adorable vintage Christmas reds!!!

    Susan and Bentley

  22. Oh, Carol, I just love your decorations - because we share the same style! Love the Santa pitcher!

  23. Hi Carol!
    What wonderful things you have, so charming. I absolutely adore your Santa pitcher.

    Happy Rednesday,

  24. So festive! I still have my little Frosty and Rudolph books too!!
    Thanks for the visit!

  25. I need a bigger house too!

    But the Santa pitcher and those girls of Christmas are to die for!!

    I have those same Golden Books and thanks so much for reminding me as i forgot to bring them down from my attic!!

    Debbie @ A Debbie-Dabble Christmas

  26. I have each one of those little golden books. They are from my childhood and I couldn't bear to ever part with them. Just like my watching Rudolph last night, my books are always there for Christmas, rather a comforting tradition.

  27. Carol,
    First of all, I really like your header! What a terrific card!
    Your reds are great. The girls, the NOEL, the runner...all looks wonderful!

  28. Hi Carol!

    OMG ... I love all of your REDnesday stuff!

    Thank you for stopping by to say hello.

    Take care,


  29. Hi Carol--
    I love all your beautiful treasures!!! Happy Rednesday to you! I hope you are enjoying the holiday season...XO

  30. I just love what you did with the books like that...I'm going to grab that idea. I just LOVE it girl..and oh my goodness,,that flour sifter..ohhhhh, me love...

  31. Hi Carol,
    I love seeing your Christmas goodies!!! Very cool trays! and of course the little girls are darling!
    deb :)

  32. Hi Carol! Of course you can use the image. I found it on my Dover Sampler They give ya freebies to check out. Thanks for asking.
    I love your Christmas touches so far.....sigh...I haven't been able to get my things up yet. Allergies are really taking a toll. I'll be 50 on the 15th and the way I am feelin I really thought..oh no it's the...CHANGE.....Doc laughs and says no you're just moldy.
    Over the past year and some tests, I have extreme reactions to mold and fungus..they call it 'Aquired Allergies' from being a floral designer and being around greenhouses for 38 years and family farms forever. I thanked him for wit and asked which is better THE CHANGE or knowing I am now officially Old, Fat, and Moldy
    Hubby says he doesn't mind he's old, fat, and balding, but we still have fun.

  33. Wonderful collection of red vintage things..So very pretty!

  34. Hi Carol,

    Love your pretty Christmas girls. I have a couple, and I need to get them out! Have a blessed holiday season!


  35. mmmm. I love every little piece you have...It's looking so festive! mica/The Child's paper

  36. I really like your site. Will keep checking back here.

    Merbau Decking


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