Sunday, November 7, 2010

Lots of Pottery!---My Weekend Finds

I was surprised by an unadvertised estate sale Saturday morning, on my way to dropping off a coffee cake to my Mother. I do this every Saturday for her, and once I saw the sign saying that there would be antiques and collectibles at the sale, I couldn't drop that coffee cake off fast enough!

The woman running the sale was selling her Grandmother's things. There was a big table just full of old pottery! She said she was sure it was all McCoy, but if it doesn't say it on the bottom, I have no clue if it is or not. The big vase is definitely McCoy.

These pots of course are too.

She said that her Grandmother was Dutch, hence the "wooden shoes" and Dutch maids.

Another shoe and an old kitchen towel.

I've been waiting all summer to find some vintage ornaments! I was able to bring all of this home for $2.

I really love the floral ones alot.

But my favorite just might be this pinecone, because hiding underneath it was this spun cotton headed snowman. I think I need to pick up all of the ornaments and see if there are any other hidden treasures! The gal running the sale said that she is having it again next Saturday, and that this week she might be going into the attic to see what's up there. I strongly suggested that she do that, and I almost offered to help! I found something else there too, something really amazing for my sister's birthday, and I wish I could give you all a peek at it. But my sister sometimes pops in here, so I won't. Mary, suffice it to say that when you see this thing, you will fall flat on your face!

And just for fun, I picked up this jar of "fireflies" at Goodwill. I've always wanted one, because it reminds me of some great times as a little girl. I won't tell you what some of the little boys did with lightning bugs after they'd catch them, because it's gross! So, did you find anything exciting over the weekend?


  1. Oh I'm lovin' the ornaments! I can only imagine what's in the attic:@)

  2. Oh those ornaments are divine.Great pottery as well.I would so love to be "pickin'" through that attic.Thanks for sharing!

  3. Love the pottery! Some McCoy for sure. The dutch themed pieces are fun. Of course the ornaments are gorgeous. Can't wait to see what else you find.

  4. Everything is very nice, an unadvertised estate sale...makes ya wonder..
    I love old pottery like that.

  5. What a wonderful sale to hit...I would be dreaming all week of what could be in that attic!

  6. I agree with M-Ethel -- I can only imagine an attic full of treasures! And the pinecone is my favorite too. I love those.

  7. Girl you should bake her a cake this week..deliver it..and maybe you could help her clean the
    Great shopping!!

    Cindy from Rick-Rack and Gingham

  8. So, you googled "gaggle" and came up with rafter of turkeys I love it!You learn something new... I love your ornies and the kitchen towel.The fire flies are so cute. How do you come up with great vintage stuff all the time? I want to move where you live!

  9. You certainly found a lot of wonderful items at that sale. Isn't it amazing what some people are willing to sell -- lucky you! That firefly jar is very cute indeed. Have never seen those before. Wishing you a great week. Tammy

  10. Carol,
    WOW...are you going to put one of those sweet Dutch girls in your Etsy store? I will buy her!!!! :) Youa re so darn lucky where you live....I have to hit Wisconsin in the srping or fall again when they do garage sales...and I need to go once just for a few weeks tos ee if I can find estate sales.....:):) I am not this lucky here at all! :)

  11. How exciting, we bet she has a lot of goodies up in the attic. Wish we could be there!! We love the vintage ornaments. Have a great week. =)

  12. The ornaments are to die for! I have yet to locate any at shops or estate sales. ONe day.

    Oh and the fire flies...My hubby told me what little boys did with them...I was horrified!

  13. Great stuff!! What a wonderful surprise to find that unadvertised estate sale! I love, love, love the ornaments....such a steal for $2.00!!

  14. Love your finds. Maybe you can tag me along>LOL.. The vintage ornements were a great deal! My grandmother had a few that my dad still have. Lot of them were broken over the years. Hopefully you will treasure as long as you live. Dutch shoes? What another thing that I wish I can have. My grandmother/my dad's mom is from Germany or her family. SHe did a lot of Holland's mold pottery. I still have a few here in the house. I should post that for the next Pink Saturday. Have a good week.
    Glad you find some great treasures.

  15. Wow, what a great sale! You found some beautiful treasures!!

  16. What great finds!!!! I love sales like that!!

    That would be wonderful to be able to help out while she works in the attic!!!


  17. Nice find on those ornaments.. especially at $2 for the lot!

  18. Lovely pottery items and the baubles are gorgeous! Lucky you finding those. Im green with envy (but in a nice way) Hee Hee X

  19. Two dollars for all those ornaments? The deal of the year, sister! Beautiful vases and planters, too!

    The other day Jade and my niece went outside while it was raining. When they came back in I noticed one had a jar in her hand. When I asked what it was for she responded, "We're trying to catch fireflies!".(In November . . . in the rain . . .)

    And regarding your Pink Saturday comment on if anyone plays dumb about vintage stuff to get a better deal - YES! All the time!

  20. Holy cow, how do you people find such amazing vintage goodness? I love everything you found, lucky girl!

  21. WOW!! So many goodies!! I am so envious !! Especially of those vintage ornaments! Did you see my vintage tree??

    Debbie @ Debbie-Dabble Christmas

  22. I am always so amazed all the incredible treasures you find! Believe me, that's not everywhere! In all my years of hunting here where I live, on Long Island, there is never such great stuff. Only a handful of times have I been lucky! I depend on my relatives who have tired of these items or ebay! I envy you!

  23. Clearly your reward for being so nice to your mom. (And you get to go again Saturday - woo hoo!) I bought a McCoy guidebook used off Amazon for next to nothing - it's pretty good.

  24. Wow oh must have been running in glee towards that home! Kiss your mama and out the door you flew! Pigtails flying, not telling anyone your secret stash at the sale and oh, to find the snowman. My favorite find of your finds!

    A paper envelope flew out of my hands, into my mailbox, FLAG UP and will arrive in your mailbox soon...Thanks for coming along with Goodie and all of us on our paper parade.

    Off to work I go...I feel like an elf this holiday season unpacking so many cute things and getting to see all the creativity flow. Working quite a bit and playing house (cleaning and sweeping like Cinderella when I come home trying to keep up). I wonder what Cinderella would have done if she blogged too? What would the poor girl do?

    Thinking of you as always my Carol friend!

  25. What a score!!! I have a blue shoe just like yours! I love the ornaments, however I think I am going to have to put myself on an ornament diet. I have way more than I can use, but somehow they just seem to follow me home!



  26. Carol, I would love to discover all the things you have forgotten about in your lovely home! Such fun pink treasures. The firefly jar is absolutely sweet! Elizabeth

  27. Hi Carol! The smaller flower pot is McCoy also! I have one in aqua. It is confusing when some are marked and some are not :( Twyla

  28. Hi, Carol,
    I've been perusing your blog. I have a firefly jar just like that. :) Your Glory Cottage is beautiful!
    Thanks for the sweet comment on my blog.


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