Monday, December 6, 2010

My Weekend Finds

The thrifting has been horrible around here lately, but thankfully there were two estate sales on Friday!

She was filthy, chippy and missing her lid, but she came home with me anyway!

A couple of Made In Japan Easter Bunnies.

More inhabitants for my pilgrim settlement.

Some wee little deer for a project I would like to do.
This post has been kind of thrown together, because my Mom is in the hospital, and I've been spending alot of time there. I come home at night mentally exhausted, but visiting all of you really helps take my mind off of things. So, did you find any treasures this weekend?


  1. Sorry to hear about your mother. My dad just got out of the hospital and now my mother is sick..SIGH.....Loved the finds. The kitty is my favorite. I totally relate to being exhausted mentally. Will say a few prayers for ya.

  2. Hope you get a bit of rest in the midst of everything. Looking forward to seeing what you have in mind for the little deer.

    It's been slim pickings here too, but went to a fun sale on Friday - posted about it today.

    Take care...


  3. So sorry about your mom, it's a hard time of the year for that. . .

    Love all your finds, I have a thing for kitties and deer. :)

  4. I hope your mother feels better soon. It can be exhausting,. take time for yourself.

  5. Love your finds. The kitty is adorable. I haven't been out much lately, too busy with Christmas stuff, but I sure miss it! I'm sorry to hear about your Mom. Hang in there and do take a little time for yourself!

  6. So sorry to hear about your Mom. We had the same thing happen with my mother in law two years ago, so I understand the exhaustion. But you found some lovely little treasures.


  7. wow..I love all your finds! Especially the kitty cat teapot!!!!

    Best wishes for your mom :-)

  8. Love all your treasures, Carol~ look at that teapot, wow! So sorry to hear about your mother- mine was in the hospital last week, too...hard! Hope she is better soon! Thanks so much for stopping by my blog and for your sweet comments!

  9. My very best wishes to your mom (and to you too of course!). You did find some lovelies, I especially love the Japanese bunnies and the deer, deer are hot over here and not only to put on the Christmas menu!
    Here it is too frosty to bike to the thrift store, so no finds for me this week :-(

  10. Carol, I'm so sorry to hear about your mother. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. The kitty is adorable. I did not shop this weekend....trying not to (garage is full).

  11. Oh my goodness. My best thoughts for your mom. At first I was going to say, you shouldn't worry about posting and then I thought by posting, you might be keeping your sanity. I hope that everything and everybody is okay. BTW, I love the little deer.

  12. Oh no, I do know how exhausted that makes you. I hope your Mom will be better soon! Love your little finds. I think the kitty is my favorite, but I do love the little deer also. Get some rest!

  13. Hope your Mom is feeling better. Of all your fun vintage finds, I love that Miss Kitty the best. :-)

  14. Such cute items! Can't believe you found that cat teapot! (forget the name of it) The little deer are my faves!

  15. I am so sorry to hear about your mother Carol! Prayers going up to heaven for her and you!!
    I have not been doing much shopping. I do find something at the Goodwill every now and then and at the antique store where I have my booth, but seems the bargains are few and far between. Must be the time of year maybe??

  16. So sorry to hear about your mom. I hope she is feeling better real soon.
    As always, I enjoyed seeing your latest finds. I have 3 of those same little bunnies. They are so sweet.

  17. Why, look at those Thanksgiving candles! Hope your mom is feeling better.

  18. I hope your mom is feeling better. And you get plenty of rest! I will keep you and your mom in my prayers.

    Those little vintage deer are just so sweet!

    Take Care Carol!

  19. You always find the cutest things Carol! I hope it's nothing serious with your mom. I haven't been blogging much so I'm a little out of the loop. Even if it's nothing major it's still hard, hang in there! I hope she's better soon. Hubby was in for 4 days at Thanksgiving and just went back to work.

    I saw your deer in the birdfeeder, so fun! A bear would finish the pair!

  20. Love the growing pilgrim settlement! I think I only found one new recruit for my Christmas choir (figurines) this year. Sorry to hear about your mother. Hope she makes a speedy recovery!

  21. Hi Carol! Sorry bout your Mom. Hope she's better soon. I know exactly how you are feeling my blog's been lacking lately. Mom and Dad have booth been under the weather..Hubby has an infection in his sinuses, and I have been battling mold and fungus allergies for 5 weeks now!!!I haven't even gotten my tree up yet..and that is unusual for me. Love your finds. Check out mine..................
    Your in my thoughts and your Mom is in my prayers.

  22. Carol,
    I got your email..I will get these out next week, OK? How do you want me to send them? They will fit in a medium flat rate box which with ins is 11.00.....just let me know!!!! Also, I am also sorry to hear about your mom.....

  23. I hope you mother is feeling better soon. Keeping you both in my prayers.
    Love all your sweet finds! I love, love the kitty, I have matching salt and pepper shakers but the little deer have to be my favorite...they are just too cute!
    Take good care,

  24. I think that little kitten covered in dirt and grime must have been a delightful sight when it took a bath! Cute goodies Carol for sure.

    I'm so sorry to hear about your mom. That must be hard. Be good to yourself, one day at a time. I remember when, I was going through the hospital visits and it was very very hard. I can feel empathy for you.

    I'll be praying for healing for her.

  25. So sorry to hear about your mother. Sending hugs and good wishes your way and lifting your mom in prayer. You found some sweet little treasures. Take care and stay warm. Tammy

  26. found my way here via another blog and I did so enjoy visiting! I love all your vintage finds!!! sorry to hear about your difficult time, I am holding you in my prayers.

  27. So sorry to hear about your mom -- wishing you extra strength...

    Your comment gave me the best laugh today -- now every time I look at the girl and her vacuum I'm picturing her dragging herself across the floor, wasted on egg nog, to hug it and pass out :)

    Thanks... ;)

  28. Those two little deer are so cute... love how the one is bowing down to play--great find!

  29. Hope your Mom is better. The kitty cat is part of a collection. Growing up I remember my Aunt had a cookie jar of the same cat face.

  30. I admit, I didn't know your mom was ill. I'm glad she is doing better, though. The box is adorable! What fun to scrounge for goodies to fill it. Sounds like a mission I might be willing to accept!


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