Friday, December 3, 2010

There's A Reindeer In My Birdfeeder!!!

This old cedar birdfeeder has been hanging in the garage for years. I think I stopped using it because the lid would freeze shut in the winter. But I recently had an idea of making a "shadowbox" with it.

So I cleaned it out, and sprinkled some of these old mica flakes inside that I found at a garage sale. I love that box!

Then I added a white tree, a wee little deer and some ornaments.

It hangs by the shed, which makes me wander over there at least once a day to see how the little guy is doing, and to see if all of the mica flakes have blown away. So far so good!

What? Is this what you were expecting from the title of this post? Well, the best part is that I have one more of those birdfeeders hanging in the garage, just waiting to be turned into another shadowbox. But what to put in there?

Maybe a little bear?


  1. Hi Carol!

    I'm in the middle of making miniature shadow boxes and selling them in my booth. I love to create them and name them. You'll be able to see them in Christmas Land this month...hope you find time to jump down the rabbit hole with us!

    What a fun idea to do with a lantern. I have one from At Home America I'd like to copy your idea...many of your ideas.

    I bought a Santa Cup with thoughts of you yesterday. It's my second! Yikes...three or more is a collection right?

    Don't fret about coming to visit...I love folks to feel no obligation and just come when they can.

  2. LOVE it Carol, what a great idea! LOL, the dear in my yard would probably eat the snow and the ornaments! They are always ripping the bird feeders out of the trees. Have a wonderful weekend, Nan

  3. Carol,
    What a great anf fun idea!!!! Love him!!!!!! It is fun to repurpose....:):) Sandy

  4. I LOVE it!!! You are so clever!

  5. What a sweet idea. It looks so welcoming. Also like the bear trying to get into the birdfeeder :>)

  6. Oh my gosh, that is what I am working on tonight, little shadow boxes, Christmas style. I love your idea of using the feeder...mmmmmm, I have a lantern that might get turned into something Christmasy. BTW, what is up with the little bear cub. Was that in your backyard?

  7. I love this, what a cute little "shadowbox". Oh yes, make the little bear one too!

  8. Tell me. Is that deer real or one of the google's images? My sister's neighbor dog at bird seeds in the backyard too.
    Have a good weekend. By the way love the shadowbox designs.

  9. That is a really great idea. (And I would love to see a bear at my birdfeeder!)

  10. What a great post! I love it!
    Wonderful idea for the birdfeeder.
    [love the 2 bottom photos :-)]

    Your blog is beautiful: I like all the pictures you j
    have on the sidebar.

  11. Oh Carol that looks awesome! What a great recycling project.

  12. Melissa of Churubusco, INDecember 3, 2010 at 7:56 PM

    What about some spring time fairies caught with their hands in the birdfeeder? :)
    Very cute idea!

  13. Your feeder is adorable, Carol! Looks so cute!

  14. Hello Carol....!

    What a FABULOUS idea....I'm SO envious you have deer to look at outside your window....!!

    THANK YOU so much for coming to the party to help celebrate my 100th post....I hope you were able to find some new Friends....!

    I've popped your entries in the tub for the drawer on Tuesday....GOOD LUCK....!

    Hope you're having a FAB weekend....!

    Cheers from Oz,
    Tamarah :o)

  15. I love it! What an original idea. Great way to recycle and make it into something really wonderful. Were the outdoor pis taken at your house? You have some real wild life to contend with.

  16. That's a pretty nifty idea!!! You know you are going to have to let him out in time to make his trip around the big wide world!!


  17. Love the reindeer in the birdfeeder... what a great idea.


  18. Cute idea, Carol! I'll skip on the bear,t hough! i'm happy knowing that ours is hibernating! ♥


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