Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Red Christmas Gifts For REDnesday!

I was lucky enough to receive a couple of red gifts for Christmas this year!
My sister is the Stitching Queen! She made me this sampler, and created the pattern herself.

Could it BE any more perfect for me?!

That sampler would have been gift enough, but then she also made me this quilt!

Here it is, opened up half of the way.

And it's chock full of wonderful vintage fabrics. Check out those strawberries!

There are several beautiful red, white and blue fabrics in this quilt too. I couldn't possibly pick a favorite!

The little boats and trains are awfully cute too! And as if that weren't enough, she also made me a second quilt, but I'll save that for another time! Mary, thank you again, and you are amazing!

Well, that's it for me. I think I'll relax with a good book, and some milk and cookies. Who's the author of the book? Me! It's actually a journal that I received from our wonderful hostess, Sue. Thank you, sweet friend!

And if I don't "see" you all again before New Years Eve, I wish you health, happiness and prosperity in the year 2011!
If you would like to see more reds, head over to Sue's, at It's A Very Cherry World!

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

The Halls Are All Decked

The halls over here are as decked as they are going to get, so let's take a quick run through the cottage to see what I managed to do!

Vintage blow molds on the old green cabinet.

I've added a few more angels since I took this picture, but you get the idea!

Everything Christmas was 75% off at an antique store I visited! A trio of Napco musical angels.

This seems like a good time to offer you something to drink. How about a nice tall glass of egg nog?

WAIT! Please use one of these cute coasters before setting that glass on the easily water-stained coffee table. Thank you!

An old shadowbox.

I love the little nursery, and the Home Sweet Home sampler on the wall!

She's a new addition to the angel/girl collection. The little one on the left looks a little unsure about her. Maybe she has a past.....

Old s&p shakers. Mrs. Claus looks mighty pleased with herself, like she has a secret she's hiding from the Mr.....

I think this gal might be my current favorite, because......

She has her original price tag on her, only 39 cents from Kresge's. If only I knew then what I know now, I would have scooped up every Christmas thing there was, at places like Kresge and Woolworths!
Well that's it for me. Are you done with the decking of your halls? I still haven't taken a picture of our Christmas tree. But that's ok. I've just got my fingers crossed that my Mom will be out of the nursing home, where she's rehabbing, and home for Christmas! I'll be linking up to Sue's REDnesday party over at It's A Very Cherry World this evening, where you'll see lots more reds!

Sunday, December 19, 2010

WARNING: Naughty Elves!

I added another kneehugger elf to my collection over the weekend, and I feel it's only fair to warn you all that the elves seem to be acting a little bit naughty as we get closer to Christmas!

I found this little guy on Saturday, and already I caught him trying to let Petunia out of her cage. I think I got there just in the nick of time!

Then I found him trying to let all of the other elves out of the apothecary jar. I knew I should have put him in the jar right away, instead of just setting him on the table! I'm going to have to keep an eye on this one, for sure!

The new girl on the block! I've been so disappointed that I haven't been able to make but one or two additions to my Christmas Angel and Girl collection this year. The prices have been outrageous on Ebay, and I haven't seen a single one in the antique shops around here.

I also found this little handmade felt tablecloth, for 50 cents. The ladies at the thrift store were actually using it, and it had two coffee dribbles on it that I was going to have to rinse out, so that's why they let me have it so cheap!

I also found these two vintage bells. Why so serious, Mr. Snowman? Did the Mrs. run up the charge card again?

Two old Made In Japan (three of my favorite words, along with vintage!) stockings.

Two more Gurleys for this girlie! The choir singers are a welcome addition, along with an old White Christmas 45. I seem to be having a little more success in the vintage Christmas thrifting department. But nowhere near as good as last year. How about you? The last thing I have to share with you today is this: Keep a close eye on those elves!!!

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

More Decking Of The Halls For REDnesday!

I never did get around to finishing my Christmas decorating, but I'm calling it DONE anyway! Does anyone remember how last year I walked around Goodwill for half an hour, looking for the hat for the Santa on the right? Finally I had to give up, exit the building, and go buy a cheapo Santa hat. It was either that or leave him behind, and I don't think I ever even considered that option!

Both jolly men sit atop this cabinet in the kitchen.

But I still can't decide if I like this display better. I'll probably play around with it 'til New Years Day, when it all goes back in a box for another year!

I love this Little Miss Santa doll! Poor thing has never ever been played with, because she's still wired into the box, along with her wee fireplace. I would have loved to find her under my Christmas tree when I was a little girl. And odds are that I would still have her, because I think you're all finally catching on that I was a hoarder/collector from a very young age!

The dining room table.

Dining room table "centerpiece", with some fantastically tacky plastic flowers in a vase!

A few pinecone elves cavorting merrily on an old breadbox in the kitchen. I can't wait to see what everyone else is sharing for this week's REDnesday! If you would like to share in the RED excitement, visit Sue at It's A Very Cherry World, where she hosts this great party each and every week. Thanks Sue!

Sunday, December 12, 2010

My Weekend Finds

I finally had some luck thrifting last week! It's been rough going lately, but I knew if I kept popping in, I was bound to find something good.

I've wanted one of these Christmas card files ever since I first saw one on Laurie's blog, Magpie Ethel. And let me tell you, it's helped me out alot since I brought it home. I've sent out a grand total of one card so far! I also found that bunch of old Christmas cards for a quarter each.

I thought this old Made In Japan gingerbread house was so cute, even though Hansel and Gretel's every move is being watched by the wicked old witch hanging out the door, waiting to eat them!

This is the second tin with this design that I've found this year, and although I really love that big fat bumblebee on the lid, that's not why I bought this one.

It's because of what was inside! I won't tell you how long I played around with these, trying to show each one off to it's best advantage. Question: How many pretty ornaments does a person have to buy before they finally stop being absolutely thrilled every time they find more?!?

I added the Santa and the tree to my small Gurley candle collection.

I think my favorite find last week was this vintage child's watering can. These things are so outrageously expensive that when I see one cheap, which is very rare, I want to do a cartwheel or something. Instead, I just grab it and walk somewhat quickly to the cashier! So, did you find anything last week that you flipped over?

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Arts And Crafts Keep You Sane!

First, I'd like to thank everyone for the well wishes for my Mom! She's out of the hospital, and is now rehabbing at a nursing home until she gets a little stronger.

I made this little box while she was in the hospital. It's nice to do mindless activities like this when you feel like you're losing your mind!

Crafting really did keep me sane!

I'd also like to wish my daughter Liz a Happy 22nd Birthday, and my sister Mary a Happy___Birthday. HA! I wouldn't do that to my sister! But if anyone would like to know how old she really is, feel free to e-mail me.....