Friday, January 21, 2011


Only a couple of pinks to share this week! Hopefully thrifting will get better real soon and I'll be able to add more pink to our home!

I found this old bottle of perfume at the flea market last summer. When I took a whiff, it only smelled alcohol-y, but I bet when it was brand new it smelled pretty sweet!

And next door to the perfume bottle is a really old cup, with the sweet sentiment "Remember me".

And for my last pink entry this week, a pair of vintage pillowcases. After Googling the tags, I found out that these are old ticking cases, meant for feather pillows. They had never been used, and now I think they've spoiled me for any other kind of pillowcase!
If you'd like to see some fabulous pinks, head over to How Sweet The Sound, where Beverly is our gracious hostess!


  1. Oh, Carol, I just love those sweet pillowcases! They are so pretty! Thanks for sharing and have a wonderful Pink Saturday weekend.


  2. I love the name "Pink Frosting". It sounds very romantic. The pillow cases are super!!

  3. Cool pink finds! There is nothing new around here for sure! Happy PS!
    Hugs- Tete

  4. I agree....I'm ready for the weather to improve so Thrifting can improve!! Love your finds....especially those ticking pillow covers!

    Have a great PS....stay warm!! dana

  5. Hi Carol,

    Isn't it fun to get ready for Valentine's Day? Love all your beautiful Pink Saturday treasures. I'm still trying to put away all my Christmas stuff. It was all so pretty, I hated to take it down.

    Have a great pink weekend.


  6. Your pinks are adorable and I love the Pink Frosting bottle. Totally girlie and totally perfect for Pink Saturday.

    Linen + Verbena

  7. Carol very pretty pinks but those pillowcases, sigh, I heart them! Wonderful finds. I'm hoping things get more plentiful at the thrifts, but then I will spend more never ends does it. hugs, Linda

  8. At this time of year we have to settle for quality over quantity!

    Truth be told I have a thing for vintage pillowcases AND perfume bottles! Strange, huh?

  9. What sweet pillowcases! I love your old perfume bottle. I found one the other day and will have to show it off, too. It's label is blue, tho....
    HPS !

  10. Ooooh you have a neat eye for vintage stuff... I love what you find! The cup is right up my alley.

    Thanks so much for stopping by to visit!

    Bella Rosa Antiques

  11. Happy Pink Saturday,,,,
    So very nice to see your pink.
    I enjoyed your site so much that I am know following you. I invite you to my site too.
    I look forward to interesting conversations.
    Be inspired,

  12. Love your finds - when I was a little girl my mother had pillowcases just like these - love them! Happy Pink Saturday!

  13. Love the name of that cologne! Can you just imagine the conversation.....

    What's that delicious smell?

    Why it's Pink Frosting!

    Well where are the cupcakes? I'm hungry!

    Happy Pink Saturday!

  14. love mugs like the remeber me on, I have a similar one that says think of me...

  15. Wouldn't you love to smell like Pink Frosting? How yummy. Happy Pink Saturday!

  16. Oh! I love that Pink Frosting bottle! I have some of those pink ticking pillowcases too. The quality is so much better.
    I featured you on my blog for Pink Saturday!! Wishing you a wonderful pink day!!

  17. Howdy Carol
    Oh wow you have so many amazing treasures already and these just fit right at home .
    Your blog is so much fun to visit.
    Thank you so much for inviting us indoors today to see your lovely vintage items.
    I enjoyed my visit so much .
    Looking forward to more visits . Until than take care and keep on collecting sweet pink treasures .
    Seriously Thank you for sharing .
    Until next time
    Happy Trails

  18. Beautiful!!!! and I LOVE your blog, glad I found you and I am your newest follower!! I hope you'll come by and visit me often!!

    Happy Pink Saturday!!!
    ♥ Babbs

  19. What pretty pink finds! We love pink around our house.

    I LOVE your Sears cottage! It is adorable.

    I see you love all things vintage. I could fill my house with vintage wares. Some of your finds remind me of my old house. I had reds and greens in the kitchen and had so much fun picking up vintage finds at yard sales and thrift stores.

  20. Pink Frosting Cologne... I wonder what that smells like? Sweet?

  21. The pillowcases are so pretty. Love the perfume bottle too. Hopefully thrifting will pick up for you soon and for me too. Not much here lately. Have a great pink weekend!

  22. Great flea market finds. You were lucky finding those pretty pink pillow cases.

  23. I love all the different pinks you showed today. I remember ticking pillow cases too.

  24. G'morn, Carol ~ I have that ticking fabric, love it! The Remembrance cup is just gorgeous ... many we have sold, but not this one.

    Have a happy PS weekend ~
    TTFN ~

  25. What sweet Pinks for Pink Saturday. And what sweet family memories you've given this baby boomer - thoughts of when I was only 17 and a favorite teacher at my school. Thanks for a delightful visit. :)

  26. Such lovely bottle, and I just love those pillow cases, their so sweet!!!
    Blessings~~~ Daphne

  27. Very cool perfume bottle!
    ALways enjoy your visits! Pink Rocks!

  28. Carol, I have those cases!! Love them!

    I really wonder what Pink Frosting smells like! I agree. It must of been sweet!


  29. That perfume bottle is so sweet! And the pillow cases were a great find! I love ticking pillow cases for feather pillows. I have some from my grandma and I cherish them!

  30. Happy Pink Saturday ~ I'm a new follower of your wonderful blog.

    Absolutley love the Pink Frosting bottle!

    Have a great weekend & come say hi sometime...

  31. Happy Pink Saturday Carol Sweetie...
    A beautiful share. I love the old cologne bottles for beauty on the shelves, but you are right, sometimes the fragrance has long gone.

    The pillow cases are so delightful. I love linens.

    Have a gorgeous weekend sweetie. Country hugs and much love, Sherry

  32. Oh those pillow cases make a Saturday happy!

  33. I have always had a thing for ticking and pink stripes are the best! And Pink Frosting special is that? HPS

  34. Hi Carol, I love your self description as an Obsessive Collector of Junk! I remember my mother having ticking cases like those pink ones. They were on the old feather pillows that weighed a ton--not like the goose down we use now! Very happy to see your interesting blog! Linda

  35. hi carol,

    what great pinks! the pillowcases are so sweet and the pink frosting perfume is quite groovy!

    happy pink saturday


  36. What a nice post! I think I remember pillowcases like that when I was a kid. Wish I still had them! Hope you have a great weekend.

  37. Oh I LOVE your pink perfume bottle!!! What a sweet and unique find!!!! Sweet pillow cases too!

  38. Beautiful Pinks... LOVED that old perfume bottle call Pink Frosting, How Cute is that!!! Oh Yes those old pillowcases are wonderful. LUCKY YOU!
    Thank you for sharing,
    Hugs, Donna

  39. Thanks for sharing the great pink finds you made.

  40. Pink Frosting! What a delicious name for perfume! Can't imagine what it must have smelled like but it sounds as pretty as a cupcake. Love all your pinks.
    "B" blessed!

  41. Mmmm! Pink Frosting cologne sounds wonderful! I bet you'd get lots of "nibbles" wearing it!

    Glad your back is better, it's an awful feeling to suddenly be out of commission that way!

    Thanks for coming by! I miss visiting as much as I used to. Basketball has taken over our evenings and I'm trying to catch up on some organzation during the day.

  42. Happy Pink Saturday, Carol.

    I love the ticking cases, too. They are so pretty. Thank you for sharing.


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