Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Rearranging The Kitchen For REDnesday!

Well, after my unintended week-long break from the computer, I'm ready to start blogging again! I threw my back out, but now that it's feeling better, I decided to do a little rearranging in the kitchen.

You've probably seen all of these red things before. Alot of them were waaaaay up on a shelf, so I decided to bring some things down and redo my counters. My sister gave me this cake carrier a few years ago, and I've fallen in love with it all over again!

Thrifting has been horrible, so I thought that playing around with the things that I already had would tide me over 'til that next great thrifty find. I can already tell that it's going to be a very long winter!

I'm really liking how all of these things look in their new spots around the kitchen. Ok, so that distracted me for all of an hour. Now what to do? I wonder if they've gotten anything new in at the thrifts. Probably not. How long 'til garage sale season starts? Three months at the very earliest. I better go see what's new on Ebay!
If you would like to see more reds, head over to It's A Very Cherry World. Sue hosts this party every week, and she's always got some great reds to share!


  1. love all your red...would fit right in my kitchen!

  2. I love the cake taker. Great reds for showing :-)


  3. Oh my - I had that strawberry and apple for the LONGEST time.Finally took them to a show last fall after I realized they had been inside the kitchen cabinet the entire time we've lived in OH.Five years is long enough - they needed a new home to be appreciated again.That matchstick holder is awesome.

  4. you always share the most delightful red vintage finds.
    Hope you are better soon!
    We have sales here year round but not worth goin' to. LOL

  5. Oh wow, what amazing vintage reds!!! LOVE this post!!!

  6. Fun to see your red kitchen pieces. The cake carrier and the breadbox remind me of my aunt's kitchen when I was a child. She loved red with a passion. Wish I had some of her things today. ;-)
    Happy REDnesday! ~ Sarah

  7. Love all your stuff! You really have some fun vintage pieces there.

  8. Loving your reds! Yes thrifting has been pretty bad here lately. I'm trying to just use stuff I already have for my party.

  9. Happy to see you back (no pun intended.) I'm trying not to think about how long it is til the season starts ... may have to hope for some auctions to tide me over.

  10. I love all of your vintage kitchen items. I have a bread keeper like yours, only with a different pattern on the front. It is red, though.
    Hugs, Cindy

  11. Hi Carol,
    I've missed a great post and see that your blog is all ready for Valentine's Day and I LOVE IT!!!
    Your kissing angels are so sweet and what a awesome idea!
    Winter is W A Y too long!!! It's fun to rearrange our treasures!

  12. You never tire of seeing pretty things in red. Glad you are feeling better. It is not a good thing when you get a back situation.

  13. Fun pics, lovin' your tulip bowl! I'm sooooo ready for spring:@)

  14. Hi Carol! Lovin all your vintage REDS, rearranged perfect! TFS, Nan

  15. I love all of your thrifty finds and the cake carrier.I know they all look precious in their new spots. Take care of that Bach....I live with chronic back problems from scholiasts as a child. Every time I move furniture, I really pay a high price.

  16. Hi
    I hope that your back continues to do better. Take it easy!

    The reds are wonderful. What is it about the color red that puts a smile on our faces?


  17. Hi Carol.
    I love the cake carrier. I hope your back continues to feel better. Happy Rednesday.

  18. Hi Carol. I find that it is good to shop at home while waiting for the next thrift bonanza! hahaha...sometimes patiently waiting is good. It makes the next find worthwhile! Great post.
    Glad you are doing better.

  19. I love your red and whites. The little match holder is darling.

  20. Sorry to hear about your back but... what are you doing climbing up0on shelves woman! A true Aries!

  21. I fluctuate between keeping my reds in the kitchen,like my Grandmas- or doing a pink kitchen like my Aunt Ida's. I want to join your Rednesday fun! Zootsuitmama

  22. Hi Carol
    It is so nice to visit your blog again. I haven't really been around blog land much just lately and I forget how inspiring it is to see lovely blogs like yours. Just finding the time seems difficult at the moment. I love your reds.
    Happy New Year!
    Susie X

  23. How cheery all that red looks! I love the bread box--so so pretty!
    Happy Rednesday--

  24. Hi Carol!
    So sorry your back has been bothering you, so glad to hear you're feeling better. I have a bad back too and can completely relate.
    You have the most darling reds! Isn't that wonderful when you rediscover something?! So fun.

    Happy Rednesday,

  25. Another eerie moment, Carol - I'm doing the exact same thing this morning! Maybe we should make an episode of The Twilight Zone!

  26. Hi, Carol! I love your reds and yes, I need some new reds for my kitchen, too!

    Man, I didn't know your back was out! Mine has been behaving for a while now or is it that I'VE been behaving? I really miss being irresponsible! It was way more fun even if the consequences were bad. :)

    I've missed you! Come visit me! ♥

  27. Carol, what a great idea-use what we have. I don't know if I've ever done that. Your stuff is wonderful-and I love how you've arranges it. Thrifting here is pretty bad too-maybe it will pick up soon. I hope your back is better and you're up and around-gotta check the thrift stores. They'll be calling your name!

  28. I am loving your reds..everything looks great...:))

  29. Rearranging things in my house, I've found, just about cures whatever ails me. I scored at the antique mall today, but my thrift shops are horrid around here. Loving your reds!

  30. Hello,just found your lovely blog via Rednesday - gorgeous things you've posted today :-)

  31. Pretty rearranging! Looks wonderful! Thanks for stopping by my blog!!

  32. Love your great pieces-I have a vintage trash can in my shop that matches your cake carrier! Lots of fun stuff!!!

  33. I love all your items and the old table cloths. I think we have very similar taste.

  34. Ahhhh, the bread cans etc are soooo COOL Sweetie.. You blessed me with your note today btw...thanks
    Blessings and Love from Our Father God above~~~
    Hugs Dena

  35. cute reds! Glad you are feeling better! thanks for the visit!

  36. Love the perfectly red finds! Thrifts in my neck of the woods are always disappointing.

  37. Well, I'm glad to hear your back is better. Better enough to reach those things waaaay up on the shelf. I can see why you are still in love with the cake carrier, it is very cute! Funny how thrifting here was good for about two weeks, last time out was awful. I actually did the same thing as you...rearranged about my cabinets. It will probably be my next Rednesday post. I'm waiting for some scrap blocks from my brother...to elevate my treasures.

  38. We love your reds, they are always cheery!.... We are glad that you are feeling better..

    Laura and Michele

  39. Hey...look at those tiny s & p shakers! I have the same ones and can't part with them they are so cute!

    Carol, I'm opening a store! Come take a peek at it. Ha...a lot happens in a week when your gone!

    I had a birthday and turned 52 and I'm all about shouting yahoooo! I'm looking towards a great year ahead, with Carol by my side.

  40. Hi Carol!
    I hope your back continues to feel better. Don't jump up and start doing any thing to crazy and throw your back out!
    Love all your reds. The cake taker is so cute!


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