Tuesday, January 25, 2011


I know I've been complaining nonstop about how horrible thrifting is right now, but I stopped griping for a few days when I found this cute little girl, with her red telephone. Isn't she cute? She's chippy, and someone repainted her little red pants, but I'm ok with that, because She's So Cute! But I AM back to complaining about the horrible thrifting again!

I decided not to go too crazy with the Valentine decorating this year.

A close-up of some of my vintage valentines.

The dining room table, the way it looks for now.

A close-up, all thrift finds except for the plate on the right, which was from Hobby Lobby a couple of years ago. I normally don't buy "new" things, but at 50 cents, the cheap side of me couldn't resist!
If you would like to see more reds, please visit It's A Very Cherry World, where Sue is our hostess!


  1. Hi Carol!
    Well, you have lots of cute Valentine treasures today! and that little girl figurine, is such a sweet find! She is wonderful. Have a great day!

  2. I'll trade my horrible thrift stores for your horrible thrift stores. I didn't think it was possible for them to get worse, but they surprised me. Your valentines decorating is just right, I think.

  3. The little girl is so cute!!

    Save up your pennies and once it starts to warm up, you will be off finding all sorts of goodies out there!!


  4. Oh how cute. Such a fun visit for Rednesday! I need to do some thrifting as both my senior mom and my granddaughter love it as well. And with the weather too chilly for gardening that would be fun! We'll have to see if our area is doing good or not. Thanks for the fun idea. ;)

  5. Lots of cute Valentines! I'm ready to break out my hearts now! I agree...horrible at the thrifts.

  6. Cute Valentine! Love your display with your watering cans!

  7. Love your posting... but most of all I love that little elf. I collect those! He's a cutie. Lucky you.
    I'll be back.
    Ladybug Creek

  8. Carol, that little girl is perfect! As Stitch said, in the Lilo and Stitch movie, to Lilo (about her family), "Broken, but still good".

  9. You have got some seriously cute vintage valentines going on there. I love the little girl on the phone. I have been finding a little on ebay and etsy until the weather breaks and my BF can start shopping the garage sales again. I think we have stripped all the thrift shops of anything cool now.
    Hugs- Tete

  10. With all the neat reds you have, I would not worry too much about going to the thrift stores.

  11. Of COURSE you HAD to get her! she is a cutie!
    I haven't been to a thrift store in weeks...just the couple of estate sales..

  12. Lovin' that cute girl on the phone! Whose idea was all of this cold weather and snow after Christmas??? I'm ready for some yard sales:@)

  13. That girl is so cute and she looks exactly like me when I was 15! (Not really - just the phone up to my ear part!) I love all your vintage Valentine loveliness.

  14. I am right there with you complaining about the thirsting finds these days. I have had NO luck at all. Lost of stuff, but nothing I want. Your Valentine collection is so dear. The old ones are just so appealing to me. I really enjoyed your post.

  15. I love your valentines and the great way you have displayed them!

  16. Love your figurines and valentines...such great colors!

  17. Did you keep all your valentines? I don't have any xcept from my kids when they were little. The husband don't believe in giving valentines.

    In Auckland, we have a lot of palms, but I don't think these ones on that island are palms. I didn't pay attention.

  18. The girl is so cute. I've given up on thrifting lately. There's nothing in them now.

  19. Carol, I love your vintage cards, really cute. But I'm really LOVING that little girl! Who cares if she's a little chippy, it means she was loved! Love that you thrifted your table scape-I don't know how anyone can pay full price for stuff. Awesome!

  20. Hello Carol!
    I love your collections and I love the grouping above the green cupboard. That's a handy thing that you have your valentines cards on..a great way to display photo's or what ever! I feel like I need a good 'thrifting fix'...it's been a while since I've been out. Hope you have a wonderul REDnesday!
    Maura :)

  21. What a deal! Don't think i would have let that pass either.

  22. The little girl figurine is so cute!

    Happy Rednesday!

    XOXO Lola:)

    PS You have a gorgeous blog!

  23. Hi Carol,
    I love the cute little girl!! Yes, I'd be pleased if I found her too!
    Also, I am just drooling at your Valentine display with the vintage cards...what a great idea!
    Thank you for sharing and I hope your thrifting picks up. Mine is really, really slow right now, kinda at a stand still.
    The Tattered TAssel

  24. That is a sweet girl with the phone!
    I love your Valentine Decor !

  25. I feel your pain on the state of thrifting right now. The first two weeks of the year were so good for me. It's been terrible since. I am heading out today. We'll see. I love your little displays, even if you didn't go all out, what you did is lovely.

    PS...I posted on Monday...darn I should have saved it for Rednesday...hmmm.

  26. Hi Carol~

    I love when you visit me...thanks so much. We have vintage cute in common and so much more. Love my dolly, now your dolly under glass. In her little bubble there she stays. Hey, I have the same Snowdomes book. Found at Goodwill last year. At first I saw it and thought, did I send that to Carol? Almost went into a panic to ask for it back but mine was safe and sound in my happy room.
    You have an awesome valentine collection...more than 3 of anything is always a collection (Martha Stewart says so!)
    If you can think of anyone wanting to consign vintage or handmade goodies at my store pass them my way. I have a good deal going considering postage and many are sending adorable finds/crafts out west for resale! You too are welcome!

  27. Hi Carol!

    I linked up to Rednesday today for the FIRST time. I did so MOSTLY for you - - - there is a little lunch box over on my post that you won't want to miss!

  28. OMG I LOVE everything! It's like a trip down memory lane and this is my Moms House... I LOVE,LOVE,LOVE those watering cans! They are a passion of mine and I have a "Few", AND always have room for "MORE"... I LOVE yours...
    Thank you SO Much for sharing your treasures with us,
    Hugs to you,

  29. Carol,
    What darling thrift finds and Valentine's Day decor!! Thanks so much for your visit and your sweet comment!!


  30. Carol, I have to ditto your sentiments on trifting lately. My favorite store was almost empty last time I visited it.

    I adore how you decorated for Valentines day. I have never considering doing that even though I have a tote box full of red heart items I use to use to decorate my guest bath.

    Thanks for visiting my snowed in rocker.

  31. I love all your pretty vintage Valentine cards! The heart dishes are so sweet.

    It's snowing again here today..I am getting a bad case of cabin fever!!

    Happy Rednesday!

  32. Hi... I found you through the Rednesday Linky. I'm your newest follower. http://moogieland.blogspot.com/

  33. I love your vintage valentines. I'm not having much luck at thrifting these days either. I can't wait for the yard sales to begin.

  34. You have such wonderfully nostalgic Valentine projects ! I love those little children images on your cards.
    Mine are here (just not in red) http://angsandy.blogspot.com/2011/01/m-is-for-nostalgia.html

  35. Awww, you're so sweet Carol!!!

    Hope you're having a good day!!!

  36. Carol, it is fun to see your vintage valentines. Thanks for the visit to HFTS.

  37. Oh my, I love what you did, the vignettes are just beautiful. I didn't go crazy at all this year either for Valentines,,just a few touches, not much. What you did with what you have is truly beautiful..made my heart cheerful!!

  38. I love all your treasures on top of that cabinet-they're displayed so cool. I know what you mean about thrifting lately-not much out there-but then again, I need a break and so does my house!

  39. Absolutely beautiful red items you've in this post!

  40. Carol, I am loving those vintage Valentines, and of course the milk glass vase.
    ♥, Susan

  41. Hi Carol! Our thrift stores are pitiful now! I don't know if other people are beating us to the good stuff or the good stuff dried up! Your finds are wonderful! Have a great weekend! Twyla

  42. Red is such a great color this time of year. I love the way you decorated the top of the cabinet!

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