Sunday, February 27, 2011


Thanks for tuning in to another episode of My Weekend Finds! I tell you, it just never gets old. You know, that feeling of euphoria, when you haven't been to an estate sale in months, and you're digging through dirty dusty boxes, and you think to yourself: It just doesn't get any better than this!

There was vintage Halloween stuff.

And vintage Christmas stuff.

Gurley Candles Galore!

At this point, I was going bonkers!

Look at these beautiful candle holders!

With little wreaths that go at the top of the candles. The one holder is a little broken up, and needs something stuffed in there to hold up the candle, but I don't care!

A poodle with freakish pink rhinestone eyes.

You might think it strange, but this Old Maid game was my most exciting find at the sale. I remember playing this game alot with my niece and nephew.

The graphics are SO cute!

I think my favorite is Scary Harry. I could have bought tons more stuff, but alot of it was outrageously priced. The sale ran for three days, and they're having it again next weekend. I've got my fingers crossed that they'll finally mark everything 50% off!

Me. Still celebrating!

Friday, February 25, 2011

PINK SATURDAY-Spring Is In The Air!

Despite the wee bit of snow we got overnight, I think that Spring is definitely in the air, don't you?

I'm drawn to all things Spring-y lately. Like this vintage kitchen towel I found at an estate sale. C'mon, those tulips scream SPRING!

And this old tablecloth, which also came from the estate sale. I think it will be perfect on the dining room table for Easter.

These old greeting cards are lovely, aren't they?

They were only 25 cents at my favorite antique shop.

Those are actual dried flowers on this one.

I pulled these seeds out of the fridge, and started daydreaming of the moment when I could start planting them. I actually do this several times over the course of the winter. It seems to make those cold months go by faster. Do you store your unused seeds in the fridge? I've got tons of them, some many years old, and they always germinate for me. I'm thinking an all-pink garden is in order this year. What do you think?
Please visit our hostess, Beverly, at How Sweet The Sound.
Happy Pink Saturday!


Tuesday, February 22, 2011


Happy REDnesday! Let's go check out what that yellow and RED blob is over there.

I think we need to get closer. . . . .

Cute design on there. Oh, it's a vintage birdcage cover! Let's take a peek inside....

Well Good Morning, Petunia Pearl!

This is a vintage tablecloth, originally meant for a card table, that I have on our dining room table. It's just perfect for St. Patrick's Day. And it has red polka dots!!!

The good luck symbols couldn't be cuter!

Rabbit's feet.

I especially like the wishbone!

And last, we have a little curtain that I made for the washing machine/dryer in the kitchen, to hide the detergent bottles. I think it might be a little "loud" for me! Maybe after a week or two I'll be used to it, but I'm not so sure. I do want a pink and red kitchen, but this might be a wee bit too much pink for Mr. Old Glory!
Want to see more red things? Then head over to It's A Very Cherry World, where our hostess Sue has a whole list of red lovers for you to check out!

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Something Cute

I found something cute while I was cleaning out one of the kitchen cupboards the other day, looking for lost treasures. It's what I have to do, since I haven't found anything good at the thrift and antique stores in what seems like ages. Boy, if I had a dime for every time I've said that lately......Anyhow, I found this little gal in the cupboard. I vaguely remember buying her, I think last year. I put her up in the cupboard, fully intending to take her out when I decided where I wanted to display her. Well, you know how that goes!

I decided to find out a little bit about her. Meet Cissy Cabbage! Isn't she cute? Turns out she's a jam jar, made by Lefton. Trapped in a head of cabbage. She looks totally surprised at her predicament, doesn't she?

I also found these old teabag holders. I can't figure out the logic of putting them way up in that cabinet, but they're now in the silverware drawer, waiting to be put into teabag-holding action!

This kitty and chair S&P shaker set is a total mystery to me. I have no recollection of buying these. Could someone have broken in and left them for me?

I would like to wish one and all a Happy President's Day! Do you remember getting Lincoln's birthday off, and Washington's birthday, when you were a kid? Two holidays! Now we've got President's Day, which is neither Lincoln's or Washington's actual birthday. AND we get no mail. Well, I hope you have a great President's Day, no matter how you plan to observe it!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011


I don't have a whole lot to share today for REDnesday. Since Valentine's Day is over, I feel like I'm all out of reds! These are vintage curtains that are hanging on the back door.

I finally made it to TJ Maxx for some of these cute shopping bags! They're hanging by the back door, all ready to be filled up when flea market season starts again, in.......about a month and a half!!!

I decided that I had better rescue our daughter's old Fisher Price barn from the garage, before it got destroyed. I bought it for her at a garage sale, so it was well-loved by the time she got it. It's got a copyright date of '67 on it. I had no idea it was that old!

I love the graphics on it, especially the little bluebirds that have made a nest way up there by the vent. And the Pennsylvania Dutch barn art.

And the dog snoozing under the bench. Not to mention the advertising for the circus that the farmer allowed on the side of his barn!
If you would like to see more reds, head over to It's A Very Cherry World, where Sue is our hostess. She always has great reds to share!

Thursday, February 10, 2011


Laurie's throwing a huge valentine party over at Bargain Hunting & Chatting With Laurie, which I'll be linking up to a little later!

Please come inside our little cottage, and take a look at all of our valentine decorations.

We'll start in the kitchen. I'll just let you look around, instead of blathering about each and every thing that you'll be seeing, ok?

Well that's it. Thanks for dropping by, and I'd like to thank Laurie for being the hostess with the mostest for this party. She is.......