Saturday, February 5, 2011

Ok, YOU Asked For It!

Remember when I asked if you'd like to see me in my cheesehead hat? Well, majority rules!
It was rather cold when Mr. Old Glory took this shot, so I look a little tensed up, and I think he caught me in mid sentence, probably when I was telling him to just take the *#%& picture!

I thought I'd share our gameday menu too. I decided to stick with a green and yellow palette, which are the Green Bay Packer colors. This will be the main course. It's

This side dish gets high marks for it's great use of our chosen colors!

Ah, the good old Jello mold, packed with olives and many unidentifiable things as well.

And we'll wash it all down with our drink of choice, good old Pabst Blue Ribbon.
Then, when we can't eat a single more bite of green or yellow, we'll gather round the TV and cheer on the Packers.

I hope to do alot of this during the game, because this is what I do when the Packers score a touchdown. But it also includes a jump in the air, along with alot of yelling. I would have done that for you here too, but as I said, it was cold, and I didn't want to draw the neighbors out of their homes to see what all the yelling was about!



  1. Good for you.Hopefully you will have the opportunity to get a lot of exercise done when you cheer (I mean that sounds like a work-out to me!)Love that menu.I have a giant stash of recipes that my grandmother collected from product advertisements over the years.Every once in while we pull them out and try one.The graphics are always great - the recipes, sometimes...Enjoy your day.

  2. FUN!!! Love the hat!!! :)

  3. Just hoping we'll still be friends when all of this ends.

  4. You are tooo cute in your hat. I hope FH wears his this afternoon too.

    I have an Aaron Rogers t-shirt I'll be wearing, and I just HOPE my beloved Colts don't catch me being a traitor!

    Love the grin on your first cheese head face!

  5. Here in PA, we won't be wearing the Cheese head hats....
    Have a great day!

  6. Great photo!! You are a Packer fan through and through!! I lived in Wisconsin for a couple of years in the '90's so they are getting my loyalty this year. GO Packers!!

  7. You are so cute!! Go Pack and enjoy all that game day food!

  8. Those cookbook pix are a hoot! Have fun!

  9. That first food item is unidentifiable to me?? Not sure I even want to know what is in it!!
    My hubby always roots for the Packers. Hope you win so you can keep wearing the hat :>)

  10. Great post!!! You will be happy to know the ice and snow have melted here in the DFW area and it does not look so much like where these teams are from!!
    Happy GAME Day!!! We will be watching from our den!

  11. I love the photos of you and your cheese head!
    Looks like a FUN day for you! We are going to a super bowl party ~

  12. It's been so cool to see so many bloggers who aren't from Wisconsin that are packer fans!
    You look cute in your cheesehead!
    Go Pack!

  13. ROFLOL!!!! You are a girl after my own heart...
    Can you hear me cheering all the way over here in Iowa!!!
    Have fun, Amy (Mom to the Four Sisters)
    LOVE YOUR PICTURE....Thanks for sharing it with all of us!!!!

  14. OMG - what in the world is that first food thing - the one with green whipped stuff on the outside? Your jello mold description cracked me up. Looks like some good eatin' going on there today. Have a great game!!

  15. Oh Carol Sweetie...
    What a beautiful share. GO PACKERS!!!
    And oh my gosh do you ever look cute in your cheese head hat.

    Your menu looks great. Wish I was there. Make sure you get out your camera and post a few pics during the game. Would love to see the rest of the crew as well.

    Have fun and the countdown is on.

    Many hugs and much love, Sherry

  16. woo-hoo! You go girl!!! Enjoy your day!


  17. Oh, Carol, you're so cute! I've always thought of you as a blonde but I don't think I've seen a pic of you before? Hee-heee! Lov ethe cheese head. Have fun today! ♥

  18. You look so adorable with your cheesehead!!
    The majority around here are for the Packers. So to be able to continue living at home, I will have to say Go Packers, too. LOL

  19. You look great-enjoy the game!!! Actually, here in PA we wear 'cheese steak' hats:@)

  20. love your blog!!!! :) you have great finds!!!!!!!!

  21. Hi girlfriend! You faithful women you! Go Packers is right!

    Oh gosh, I had to laugh at your comment on Holly's blog about you being blonde. I commented back, you'll have to go peek. store is born and I soooo appreciate your encouragement. I am having the time of my life! I'm in my element and there is nothing like it!

    I have about half of my vendors that are bloggers. I gave them a great deal to send goodies my way in consideration of shipping charges and I'm selling their stuff. They have sent the most amazing fun stuff both vintage and handmade. If you ever want to come on board, let me know. Or if you know of someone that would like to travel down this road with me, pass my name and I'll send info.

    Here's to happy girls ahead! Fun to sneak a peek at you...hat and all.

  22. Congrats! It was worth the cheese head I'm sure!

  23. Cute picture...and wasn't it a fun victory? We love our Packers. Enjoy basking in the glory this week!


  24. OMG--the pix of the food!!!

    Glad the Packers won!!

  25. How absolutely adorable. Of course I am talking about the photo of you as well as your very clever post today. I am glad you got to cheer alot. Hey if it couldn't be the Patriots, then the Packers were good. Stay warm.

  26. Oh, what fun! Wish I'd been there! I was rooting for the Packers, too! Have a nice day! Twyla

  27. The green jello suits us here in New Zealand when we are in our high 20s.

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