Thursday, February 3, 2011

Everything Is Prettier When It's Covered In Snow!

22 inches of snow! That's how much snow we received between Tuesday and Wednesday. I've been angelsitting this statue for a friend who was moving, and she is buried up to the tops of her wings.

My angel can't see a thing!

There's a perfect little snowball on each part of this plantstand!

What's that big wooden thing by the garage door?

Let's try to get a little closer.......

Oh, it's Smokey The Bear!

Can you see the top of the pink chair there, next to the tree, under that sign? Neither do I!

Even the birdcage next to the back door is filled with snow.

I love snow, but this was a doozy of a storm! Everything looks so beautiful when it's covered in snow, doesn't it? And now we're in a deep freeze. Tomorrow I think I might actually venture out onto the roads, and see what's going on outside of my little world!


  1. WOW, so much snow!!!


  2. I am soooooo glad for you that you got the "blizzard!"

    It went south of us and we didn't even get one flake this time!

    However - - - I'm not complaining since we've had close to 15 inches on the ground since before Christmas and it continually gets a fresh new frosting from time to time!

    We have chances for more an each day Friday - Monday!!! Wooot!

  3. Your property looks about like ours! What a the cold, but at least the winds have died! Love you blog!

  4. Oh my, that is alot of snow. We didn't get that much since we were more on the edge of the storm. I am not sure how much we have in my little town. We are in the deep freeze and have been for a few days. At least the winds have died down finally.

    Thanks for sharing the snow pictures!


  5. I'm sure glad there are not little birdies in that cage! I like your avatar with your name. She's a cutie!

  6. That frosty heart photo is so pretty -- looks like a wintery Valentine card. :-) Stay safe out there! Looks like a hint of sunshine is happening now?

  7. Oh, did you get dumped on! 22 inches is a lot. We got mostly ice and sleet. We are having the bitter cold now, too, and praying that the lines hold out until the melt this weekend.
    Stay warm and cozy!
    Hugs- Tete

  8. Love the snow. We don't get much here but when we do it is soooo pretty. Not sure I would like the kind of storms you get, though. Stay safe and warm,

  9. Carol, I hope you are staying warm and cozy inside your home. We don't have snow, but it is REALLY cold here.
    Thanks for stopping by for a visit. ~ Sarah

  10. Everything does look beautiful, and yes I bet a little cabin fever no doubt, I hope you venture out. You always come back with some sort of treasure! Hugs and be safe, Diane

  11. The beauty of those photos (especially the sled and skates! and the plant stand!) was almost enough to keep me from noticing that disturbing blog button you've added. Almost.

  12. Sorry to hear that you have A LOT of SNOW!!! Yes, it is pretty!

  13. You had a lot more snow than us. Wonderful pictures.

  14. I knew if I poked around in blog land long enough I would find someone who had something fun to say about the snow. I should have known it would be here : )
    We got hit too, and me~ I've been whining and wishing we could move to Miami or Galveston or some other place really warm!

  15. Only 18 inches here.

    It does make everything look beautiful!

  16. WOW! You guys really did get a bunch of snow. Glad it's you and not us. Loved all your vintage valentines. Mimi

  17. I knew you guys were going to be hit hard but 22"....WOW!!!
    I think we're all ready for spring.
    Stay warm!!

  18. We are getting hit with more snow...just this morning the roads had finally cleared...and now we are covered again,,,LOL..Oh well...Spring is almost here....Hope your having a blessed day girl....

  19. You are so right - everything is beautiful with that covering of snow! Fantastic "frameable" pictures - thanks for sharing!


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