Sunday, March 20, 2011

Happy Spring!

It may be the first day of Spring, and yet there's a chance of snow here this week! But I know that any day now I will be able to start playing in the dirt again, and that makes me happy. So although we're having thunderstorms here, I hope your first day of Spring is full of sunshine!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Greetings from a Debbie Downer: let the flakes fly because springtime and I never seem to see eye to eye. LOL! You most definitely can have my share of this no snow season.

  3. It's overcast here today with a chance for rain Monday....Happy first day of Spring Carol! My husband and me were at our son's house yesterday and helped them plant 17 plants!!!!! Big ones, and we would dig a foot down and hit rock! LOL Good ol' Arizona Desert! Love your Happy Spring sign. :) Sandy

  4. 39 degrees today here in Oregon ... I hope Spring doesn't pass us by this year like it did last year. :-) You never know up here. Just waiting to plant some tomatoes and flowers. Happy Spring to you!

  5. Happy Spring to you, too.
    I wish you were here today. It is 81 degrees outside. But the wind is so bad, it is hard to stand up out there! It's a great day to go clean the yard. I wouldn't have to dispose of anything because within 3 minutes, it would be in Nebraska!!(hope no one in Oklahoma is cleaning there yards today! I don't need any extra work)

  6. Love the new banner.
    Yes, Spring is here and snow flakes coming later this week in Ohio. You always get the weather first and then sent it our way. Happy Spring.

  7. Here at last, here at last! Yahoo!

  8. Thanks for the bit of Spring cheer! Sure need some. Dreary day today...

  9. Still waiting for it to "feel" like Spring, but there is hope....


  10. Happy Spring to you too! It has poured buckets here all day today but we've already had many glimpses of spring here. Technically - spring starts in February in California - it just doesn't stay around. :)

  11. Spring is in full force here in all its beautiful glory ;-) enjoy it when it comes to you, dee x

  12. Happy Spring, Carol! The sun has been faithful to shine at least one a day lately! Way to go sun! You can do it!

    I was thrilled to find some crocuses popping up all over my back yard! Yay!

    Have a great Monday! ♥

  13. We had snow this morning! just a coating but still SNOW!!


  14. I hear you girl...I am visiting these blogs where they are already gardening and I am thinking..."no way" it is too cold! Soon Soon!

    ♥I am having Springtime Giveaway over on my blog....come on over and join the fun!♥

  15. I'm just glad that after the long wait, spring is finally here.

  16. Hi Carol,
    Yes we are getting snow tonight and tomorrow, but I'm thinking this might be the last of it, because I want to play in the dirt too!
    GOING TO BE ON THE LOOKOUT AT GARAGE SALES THIS YEAR FOR A TIN CAKE CONTAINER. gOT SO EXCITED OVER My PICNIC BASKET TIN FOR TWO DOLLARS. OH look all caps. See how excited I get? Of course I will be looking for more Picnic tins too. and other stuff I'm pretty sure I need.
    Nancy Jo


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