Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Kitchen Reds For REDnesday!

Since I don't have a single new red thing to share, I guess it's time to start re-sharing some things from Rednesdays past. Hey, the stuff needed dusting anyway....

Mr. Old Glory gave me this cake carrier a couple of Christmases ago, and it's still a favorite. It's only for decoration though, because it's a bit too rusty to hold a real live cake in it.

An old Blue Magic Krispy Kan cracker tin. Have you ever seen one of these before? Back in the day, you would take that glass knob off the lid, heat it in the oven, replace the knob, and it would absorb any moisture and keep your crackers fresh and crisp. I love the cracker flowers!

I found this little jar at a St. Vincent DePaul thrift store, minus a lid. A worker was boxing up alot of the glassware, getting ready to throw it all away, so I felt it only right to rescue the jar. That was many years ago, and I'm still looking for a lid that fits!
I might as well continue to take pictures as I dust, just in case I don't find any new reds to share for next week! If you would like to see more reds, visit our hostess Sue at It's A Very Cherry World, and all of the other red-loving bloggers that have linked up!


  1. THAT'S what those glass lids are for?? I had no idea! Oh, the fun things you can learn on the internet. :) I had to laugh, I have the same jar, and also have a not quite right lid sitting on it, someday!

  2. But what I really want to know is whether or not heating the knob works?!!Every time I see one I wonder if it was effective or not.That cake carrier is drool worthy.Thanks for sharing!

  3. I haven't ever seen one of those cracker tins before. I wonder if it really worked.

    I love the green cups in the background of the cake carrier.

  4. I love everything you have shared Carol. That is so interesting about the cracker can..Never heard of that..The cake dish is just glorious!!

  5. I would love to find a jar like that one!


  6. It's not as if I can even remember what I did yesterday, so even if I saw any of this before, I certainly wouldn't remember. The cake tin is fabulous, especially because I recently realized that anything with flower-pot motifs is wonderful.

  7. Very cute reds! And that Krispy Cracker design looks very familiar. I'm wondering if my grandmother might not have had one! She was the BEST cook, and had every cute kitchen gadget you can think of. I wouldn't be surprised! Thanks for the lovely family memories and sweet visit. Happy Rednesday. :)

  8. I also have a flowered metal cake carrier that is rusty and unusable but just as wonderful as can be--it sits on my kitchen table and looks fabulous. You always have the best stuff, my friend!

  9. Love your new banner!
    Love the cake carrier too! Sure could use some sunshine around here!

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. I love looking at vintage treasures...doesn't matter whether I've seen them before or not! Love that cake keeper!

  12. I do love learning new things! never knew that about the glass lids! I love all your reds so repeats are always good. That cake plate and cover is one of my fav's! hugs, Linda

  13. That little bunny/lamb jar is adorable! How fun for Easter:@)

  14. Hi, Carol,
    I haven't seen any of your reds before, so I am enjoying them for the first time. My fav is that jar without the top. How cute. I can't believe he was going to throw it out. So glad you saved it. :)

  15. I adore the cake carrier! I have a thing for the little flower pots on vintage kitchen items! SOOO cute!

    The jar is adorable with or without the lid! I couldn't imagine throwing that away. I am glad it got to come home with you!

    Happy Spring!

  16. You showing your reds before is fine with me. I never saw them so they are new to me.

  17. I have the same cracker tin. Mine is aqua and was my grandmothers. I haven't tried heating the knob to see if it changes color.

  18. Carol, I have had my eye on one of those decal jars. I keep finding the ones with the lid and the price will burn your fingers. Love how you rehabed it. Can you get your husband to call mine? My husband is past the jewelry stage and has entered the useful stage of gifting...vacuums and pots...its great...Smiles....Renee

  19. Well, I never knew that about the glass knob on the cracker lid! What a fun piece of trivia. I love that cake carrier. it is so fun!

  20. OH you are funny. Nothing like a post to make us dust and clean house! I've never cleaned and dusted so much...hahahaha....anyhow I love that cake plate holder thingamabob you showed. It is just wonderful!
    You always have cute stuff...and some of us didn't see it the first time...heck show it all again!

  21. Love your "repost"! And, you learn something new every day. I had no idea that was what you did with those glass knobs!

  22. I love the cake carrier what a beauty, dee x

  23. You've got lots of things I haven't seen!!!! So many fun collectibles!

  24. Good morning, Carol! I dont remember that cute cake carrier but who knows, maybe it's what made me want one of my own! Mine is too rusty to use too and my DIL doesn't quite "get" why I would even want it. :)

  25. Hows my happy go lucky Carol? You are so lucky to find the lucky finds that you do!

    It's just a lucky day in the Fairyland and beyond.

    My mind travels to your home where I'd like to be.

    Happy spring and everything!


  26. Oh.... sweet little containers! So pretty! Love your holiday blog banner and your idea of putting pictures for collections on your sidebar. Might have to use that idea!

  27. You always have beautiful reds to share and even if we may have saw them before, we never tire of them!!


  28. happy dusting and Happy rednesday... I love them all but, especially love your cracker tin...I would be thrilled to have that one...tee hee. Thanks for sharing...and hey, getting that Spring cleaning out of the way is great too!!! Mica/The Child's Paper

  29. I often feel as if once a post falls off the front page it descends into the obis of lost post to never be seen again. So, it is nice to occasionally give one of them a chance to return to the sunshine and a whole new group of viewers.

    Nice revisit.

  30. These red items are just gorgeous!

  31. really cute items aka amazing finds.

    ths for stopping by our blog, and yes, do try making some fruit-shaped beads. they are just a joy to add to home decor as well as necklaces & charm bracelets.

  32. HI Carol, Thanks for stopping by my blog. I guess you can say that I love vintage furniture. I'm loving all of your vintage stuff. I need to post more pictures of the tons of treasures that I have found through the years. It's nice to find people who understand the obsession and appreciate it!
    Marianne :)

  33. What wonderfully nostalgic items!! Thanks for sharing!

  34. Your cake dish is simply divine. Happy Rednesday!

  35. Your cracker can makes me smile - somehow I can just hear the person who designed that saying "Let's make something pretty out of saltines." :-)

  36. I like that red tin can! What a great collection.


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