Friday, April 22, 2011


Since it's that time of the year where I spend so much time in the gardens, I thought I would share with you each Friday what's blooming. Or what I'm working on, or even where I've put some fabulous garden ornament I might have found. Join me as I play in the dirt!
First up is Hellebore, or Lenten Rose. I love this plant, because it blooms for months.


Siberian Squill. This stuff is really starting to naturalize, and has spread throughout the rock garden this year.

I got a new camera for my birthday, so I'm slowly learning how to use it. Shouldn't have taken this shot of the hyacinths in the sun. I see that there's another patch of poison ivy to deal with. I don't know where it came from, but I really need to proceed with caution now in this area!

Mini daffodils.

I planted some pansies in one of my favorite planters.

I swear, robins are the worst nest builders. Every time they build in the pine tree by the back door, it's a disaster. I guess it's another addition to my ever-growing nest collection.

I hope to find something to plant in those little boots. And I think the Virgina Bluebells might be in bloom. And the Bleeding Hearts won't be far behind. It's the most wonderful time of the year for me, but it takes alot of work.............I'm so sore!


  1. I always say, who ever declared gardening as "light exercise" never did any! Happy Easter Weekend:@)

  2. i can't believe how much is blooming in your yard already. your garden looks beautiful.

    have a lovely and blessed easter.

  3. I like this new feature. It makes me smile. Love all your flowers. I need to start taking some photos of my yard as it blooms also. I've missed some things already. Have a wonderful Easter weekend. hugs, Linda

  4. I soooo love your home....your pics make me smile, so homey and cozy! That blue flower is awesome!

  5. I really like the squill. I was not familiar with that but now will try to find some for my garden. I love seeing others flowers. We have a long way to go before our yard looks flush!!

  6. Everything looks so pretty, .love the plant stand and the boots.
    Nancy Jo

  7. Carol, Love all your garden delights. I also loved going back and seeing your great Rednesday posts. I've missed that. Happy Easter! Can't wait to see the little boots all planted!

  8. aawww what a lovely post. I love this time of year its one of the best with all the new colours and new growth. Poor Robins bless them, have a lovely weekend, dee x

  9. It is so nice to step outside and see something new each day isn't it? Much better than seeing more grey clouds. Thanks for sharing...smiles...Renee

  10. I love that 2-tiered planter.

    As I was out driving today there were the burst of yellow daffodils everywhere. At one spot I noticed some of the 2-toned ones like yours and it reminded me of when I was a kid. They were the more common ones then.

  11. What a sweet touch of spring...thanks - I needed that!
    (Nothing is blooming here yet)

    Happy Easter!

  12. Beautiful blooms!! Love the sweet boots and that is one terrific planter!!


  13. Beautiful flowers (and photos)! All your hard work has been worth it! Hope you have a wonderful Easter!

  14. My hellebores haven't been doing much. Your flowers are so pretty!

  15. I love your gardens! So glad the snow has melted. My Baby Bee used to have those exact boots! She loved splashing around in them. She looked so cute.

  16. LOVE flowers... those first flowers are REALLY pretty and different!


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