Tuesday, April 26, 2011


My REDnesday entry this week is a tribute to the Royal Wedding happening this week!

Isn't Kate Middleton beautiful? I can't wait to see her wedding dress!

Here is my humble little collection. I wish I had more, as England is the place that I want to visit most in the world!

At one time, when our daughter Elizabeth was little, I thought it would be fun to collect Queen Elizabeth memorabilia, especially since her initials are E. R. as well. She didn't share my enthusiasm, so this is the only Queen Elizabeth thing that I have.

It's a souvenir of her coronation, and there was once toffee in the box.

I had to do a bit of research on my little Union Jack flag. It doesn't look like the ones you see today, and when I landed on the blog The Anglophile, I learned that it's the flag from 1606, when England and Scotland joined as one country.
And also on that same blog, I saw this picture. I LOVE IT, and I bet Sue, our hostess will too. Over the weekend I was hoping to find some fabric with the Union Jack on it, so that I could make a little bunting, but there is none to be found anywhere. The ten-years-younger ME would be getting up at 3AM so that I could watch the wedding live, but the 50 year-old ME will sleep through it all and watch every news program on it later! I wish Kate & William all the best!
If you would like to see more reds, visit It's A Very Cherry World!


  1. Perfect reds for Rednesday!

  2. Love your reds and so much fun getting ready for 'the wedding'. I got out my few English souvenirs from my Mom, she went there in the 80's. I will be doing a post later this week.

  3. Love your Elizabeth II collection! It's all so exciting!

    Susie at Puddle Jumper Creations

  4. Hi Carol,
    Love the new look on your banner and blog!
    At least you have some collection!
    I think she is beautiful also! I'll have to watch the reruns!
    Thank you for the darling bunting!

  5. I'm sure the wedding will be on tv for days after... you won't miss anything (including sleep!)

  6. In our home it was just the opposite with Diana's wedding. My kids were the ones who were quite excited, as were some of their friends. This time around, while we were traveling, I did buy one grandchild one of the magazines about the royal wedding and she kind of looked at it but definitely a lower sense of connection here. Tho that could be more due to the heavy demands of homework for her and her tutor (me) than anything else. :) Enjoy - and get plenty of sleep. :)

  7. What a fun post. I'm looking forward to watching all the wedding fun myself!

  8. What a fun post! I'm excited to see her dress too. I remember being a teenager and watching Princess Diana's wedding. I might get up to watch.....I'll have to see. Maybe if I can get a pre-nap! What do you think, should I get Baby Bee up too? :)

  9. What perfect reds for this week!

  10. What a very cute post!! Love it! My youngest daughter has an obsession with England and begs us constantly to go. I wish it were just that easy!!
    I too can't wait to see what Kate wears. I was thinking she might choose something sleek and fitting..but Westminster Abbey might overwhelm her if she does...lol!

  11. A lovely little post. Love the tin i didn't know that about the union jack flag and i am British you learn something every day ;-) I can't for friday Kate is very beautiful and her and William seem perfect for each other and i feel it will change the Royal family for the better. My lovely bitch and stitch friends we are getting together on friday at my friends house who lives in the country for a garden party with the children as well to celebrate and watch it together it will be a lovely day of history to remember, enjoy it dee x

  12. Oh fun - great lead up to the big day!

  13. Perfectly red tribute. I can't wait to see the flowers!

  14. Your new look is Fabulous!!!

    I may wake up to watch the wedding, although I am sure we will be seeing it over and over on tv all day. I didn't get up to watch Charles and Dianna since I was working at the time and wasn't willing to give up a moment of sleep! Hard to believe that was almost 30 years ago.

    Great little keepskae box!


  15. One of our international teachers from New Zealand who has been at school for almost 20 years is leaving on a plane tonite to attend the wedding on Friday. She used to read books to Kate when she was little and received an official invite to the wedding. :) The news of the wedding will be all abuzz for days on end so you certainly won't miss a thing. Best wishes, Tammy

  16. It is such fun finding other anglophiles as bad as I am. I caught the fever years and years ago, and it is not going away. Yes, I will be up at 4 AM to see the wedding...just hope I get to work on time. Love all of your British things. If we pooled all of our collection together we could probably go into business :-)

  17. My husband is descended from folks in England who came from a town with the same name. Perhaps I should consider doing a display like this to honor his heritage and descendants.

    Your post has the old gray matter stirring. Thanks for visiting my potpourri of reds this week.

  18. Carol...Just to let you know....I went back to get the glider and it was SOLD!!!! The green and white one was left, but I wanted the red one. G

  19. sweet tribute...I don't keep up with tabloids and just found out the other day that he was getting married...She is beautiful...I must live in a cave.tee hee.Hugs,Mica

  20. I can't wait to see her in her wedding dress either!

  21. Carol,
    I think your little collection is very cute. If I should see anything like that at the thrift I will get it for you. Well you know, If I don't have to sell the car or mortgage the house to buy it.
    Nancy Jo


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