Sunday, April 10, 2011


Thanks for tuning in to another episode of My Weekend Finds, the continuing saga of one girl's quest for more junk!

I went to the flea market for the first time this season! It was a glorious morning, with red-winged blackbirds singing in the marshes surrounding the market, and the temperature was in the 60s. Perfect! All I got was this old bird cage, and I'm OK with that!

This little tin was in the cage. Does anyone know what it's for?

The pink tray came from an estate sale. I already have one just like it in the bathroom, but this one is now sitting on the coffee table in the living room. The sweet girl planter came from my sister, for my birthday. Thanks Mary!

I also received the blue picnic basket on the left. Actually it's an old tobacco tin, and when you were all done with the tobacco, you were supposed to use it as a lunch box.

Mr. Old Glory made that trellis/arbor for my birthday, to replace the one that broke in a wind storm. By the end of summer, it will be covered in Sweet Autumn Clematis. And it's going to look very nice back there in the secret garden when the neighbors are finished putting up their 6' fence! I'm so excited about that fence, because it will give us more privacy, and the secret garden will become even more secret!

I was lucky to win a giveaway from Laura & Michele at Vintage Bettys, and this is how the outside of the package looked when I received it. Isn't that cute?

And inside was all of this Springtime goodness. I forgot to include a picture of that plaque hanging by the back door. It looks so cute! Thank you so much Laura & Michele!

And if you would like to enter my giveaway, there's still time. You have until midnight Monday, April 11th, and you can enter HERE.
So, did you find anything interesting over the weekend?


  1. Hi Carol! I really like that old bird cage! Its fun to get out when the weather is beautiful also. Oh I'm in love with the pink tray! I hope you had a great Birthday! hugs, Linda

  2. I love the trellis your hubby made for you. It will really be gorgeous with the clematis growing on it. Of all your finds , my favorite is the blue picnic basket tin lunch box!!

  3. Cool looking bird cage! Nice to see that the weather is getting better:@)

  4. That's one lovely birdcage.Well worth the trip.Thanks for sharing.

  5. Love all your finds! especially the tin tray and your little picnic baskets!

  6. I thought that pink tin was a bottle cap at first! Did you try googling it?

    I was so happy to go to Sally Annes last week and get some new dishes! I sure could spend a lot of money there!

    Oh man, I can't wait to plant flowers in my flower beds outside my bedroom window! ♥

  7. Hi Carol,
    Awesome trellis your hubby made you for your birthday! LOVE IT!!Fun finds as always!

  8. Yahoo - flea market season!

    Your secret garden will be so fabulous when the fence goes up.

  9. I can see that your garden is filled with lovely potential and that trellis is the perfect touch. I'm going to be on the hunt for a bird cage for the girls tree house. Thanks for the inspiration!

  10. Lovely finds i really like the pink tray that's a real beauty. Have a lovely week, dee x

  11. Happy belated birthday!! Welcome to the 50's and I have to say it's not so bad :)
    You always find such cute stuff. I love the bird cage! And the trellis your husband made was a wonderful gift!
    Have a fabulous week.

  12. Oh my so many wonderful things to see! That package is adorable! I love your trellis. My arbor is rotten and really should come down, but Worker Bee is not much a woodworker. I'll have to learn how to build my own. Love your tobacco box too. So many delights. What a great weekend!

  13. Carol,
    Looks like you had a good week, nice birthday gifts, and you won a giveaway, and found a birdcage. Yippie!
    Nancy Jo

  14. Carol, congrats on your winnings! I'm so excited for you having that fence going up! (Wish my neighbors would put one up) Love the trellis!

  15. Hi Carol, I too have a child in college and she was the one that sent me the pictures from Penn State. You are right to say that our children do make us proud.


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