Tuesday, April 5, 2011


Guess what? Today is my birthday, and I'm turning the big 5-0! Deb made that card for me. Thanks Deb!

And my blog is 2 years old today. BUT YOU GET ALL THE PRESENTS!!!

The winner will receive everything shown here.

You will receive this bunting or banner that I made with my own two hands and the help of a sewing machine!

You'll also receive an assortment of vintage cards, for all your crafting needs.

Also included is that cute Cath Kidston-ish teacup on canvas, a pink eyeglass case, a pretty pad of paper to make a list of all the junk you hope to find at the flea market this summer, and that black thing is a chalkboard tag, in the shape of a flower.

So while I'm blowing out the candles on my cake.........

and generally having a big wing-ding of a party, just leave a comment on this post if you would like to win. This giveaway is open until midnight April 11th. So good luck, and the Conga Line forms behind ME!


  1. Happy birthday! I've heard that 50 is the new 21! Have a great time :) I'd love to be included in your birthday giveaway.

    Check out my blog as I am also having a giveaway :)

    Bee happy x
    Have a delicious day!

  2. HAPPY
    50 is Nifty
    50 is Fab
    Enjoy your 50th BIRTHDAY and I'm dancing with You!

  3. Happy B-Day Carol! I hope you have a great day-enjoy:@)

  4. Happy Birthday, Carol!! And congrats on your two year blog anniversary too!! Thanks for the opportunity to enter the drawing. Now let's conga!!!

  5. Happy birthday and congrats on you blogiversary!Have a fabulous day and enjoy.Thanks for sharing.

  6. Happy birthday! Have a splendid day! I'd love to be included in your birthday giveaway.

  7. Carol...Happy Birthday! What a great day for you to celebrate. Many happy returns...smiles...Renee

  8. Happy Birthday, have a great day! K

  9. Happy Birthday!!!!!
    Hope your Birthday is wonderful!!!
    Suzann ~xoxo~

  10. Carol,
    This is very exciting!! First Happy Birthday. And second, PLEASE enter me in your drawing. And Third thankyou for having the giveaway. Notice how I can count.
    Nancy Jo

  11. He he, love the conga line:) Happy 50th birthday!!! That is such a special birthday. When I saying it, so I substituted the word 'fabulous' for 'fifty'. Now that I am 3 years into it, I wish I was turning 50 again! Sincere wishes to you today for a most special day. The giveaway is so awesome, I would Love to win! Thank you for the opportunity. Twylaturned 50 I had a hard time

  12. Happy Birthday, Carol!!! Best wishes for a wonderful year ahead!!

  13. Oh my GOSH!!! My name is Carol AND I'll be the big 5-0 on April 12th. Wouldn't it be thrilling to win your wonderful giveaway for my birthday?
    Happy birthday to you and thank you for the wonderful chance to win your lovely giveaway:)

  14. Happy Birthday to you! I love your blog and read it regularly.
    The giveaway sounds awesome. Please include my name in the drawing.

  15. Happy birthday! What a fabulous giveaway to celebrate... and I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the conga line ;)


  16. Happy Birthday Carol! Have fun at your big wing-ding of a party (I truly hope you get to have one!).

  17. Happy birthday blog friendy! I hope you have super fun day and that you get to go treasure hunting and find some great junk! :)I turn 5o next and I should have a give away, too! I would love to win yours! What a sweet banner! Wish I could sew...

    Oh my, that party pic is hilarious! They sure knew how to do it back then, eh? ♥

  18. Happy Birthday Carol!! Welcome to the club :-) My birthday was on Sunday, so it would be a wonderful birthday present for me too ;-D


  19. Happy Birthday Carol! Turning 50 was my best birthday ever! I hope you have a fabulous day...oh celebrate all week!! Congrats on two years of blogging also. Love the giveaway so throw my name in the hat! Big Birthday hugs...Linda

    PS I'm in the Conga line behind you!!!

  20. Woo Hoo - Happy Birthday Sweet Friend and Congrats on the 2 year blogaversary!

    I'm tossing my hat into the ring for your generous giveaway!

    Thanks and make sure that you get a big ole slice of cake!


  21. Happy, happy birthday!! The Big 5-0 and the Big 2 on the same day :-) Congrats on your blogiversary too. Have a wonderful day.

  22. Happy Birthday!!
    My new life began at 50! That's when I married my sweetie...and it has been SWEET!

  23. Happy Birthday, young stuff! I'm in the conga line with you and hoping to win the goodies.

    I hope your day is full of fun!

  24. Happy Birthday, Carol! Getting into the 50's is a fun time. I hope you have a blast. Love your giveaway.

  25. I'm glad you used that party picture I had forgotten I had that white dress! What fun we had at that party! Hey- just kidding. But it does seem like something I would do. Happy 50th! It just gets better and better. And we can always use the excuse for junking that we just want to remember to good ole days!

  26. Happy birthday! Hope you are doing something special and enjoying some birthday cake.


  27. Have a wonderful birthday! Your blog is such a joy!

    Margaret/Maggie's Lil' Fixins

  28. Well Happy
    Birthday to one of the coolest, Spring chicks
    blogland!!! xxoo Nan


    I hope you have a wonderful day!!

    Love your great finds from this past weekend!!

    Those eggs are so cute!!


  30. Happy Birthday to you!! Hope this is the start of a wonderful year. That photo of the conga line is hysterical. I better not join in or I might hurt myself.

  31. Carol,
    HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!, #50 was a biggie for me.....now I basically ignore them! LOL LOL What a wonderful gift you are giving us for your birthday! :):) Sandy

  32. Happy happy day Carol! I can't believe it has been two years with your blog...where did that time go? Hope you have a wonderful day!

  33. Everybody Dance Now...!!!

    Go Carol..Go Carol
    It's your Birthday..It's your Birthday!!

    Party all week my friend...enjoy life...and eat to your hearts delight.

    50 is the new 30...we aren't old...we are just starting to mellow!!

    Great giveaway and love to visit your home in blogville.

    Calling us back to the conga line...yippee and hugs
    Cindy from Rick-Rack and Gingham

  34. Happy Birthday!!! My big 5-0 comes this August.
    Celebrate it up right and have a wonderful day!!

  35. Happy 50th, Carol!!!! I hope that you are having a wonderful day!!!!


  36. Happy Birthday and Congratulations on your Blog Anniversary! What a generous way to celebrate by giving away such a fabulous prize! Please count me in as one of the wannabe winners!!!

  37. A birthday where WE get the presents? Now that is fun...Happy Happy 50th to you! Please add my name to the "hat"! ♥

  38. Happy birthday! have a wonderful time!

  39. oh ! you have a fabulous blog , what great finds!

  40. Oh and Happy birthday ,50 is coming up fast for me !

  41. Hopping over from Two Crazy Crafters to wish you a very happy birthday. Don't enter me in your giveaway -- I live 10000 miles away and the mail system is very unreliable. Have a great rest of the week. Tammy

  42. HAPPY, happy birthday, Carol! Aww...you're just a kid! Fun giveaway!

    What a sweet way for you to celebrate your special day :)

  44. We can trade teacup prints! Happy Happy Happy Birthday! I am so happy I've gotten to know you over here at Old Glory Cottage. I hope your day was marvelous and your whole week! And your year! And......whatever else you want!

  45. Happy Happy Birthday Sweet Carol...
    Thank you so much for coming by Creating Vintage Charm magazine blog. Lots of luck on wining the giveaway. It is your Birthday after all. Enjoy it!! xoxox


  46. ♥I Love your blog♥

  47. Happy Birthday! And Happy Blogaversary too!
    It's always so lovely to come here.

  48. Happy belated Birthday Carol! We hope you had a great day! Very cute giveaway..
    We won a giveaway recently so we would like to see someone else win the giveaway :) Let us know when you receive your win from us..

    Laura and Michele

  49. Happy Birthday to you. 50 did that one last year. Like Bee Happy said "50 is the new 21" My favorite though is "turning 50 and still turning heads". Of course I want to be entered into the fabulous give away. Please count me in. Thanks. Sorry I haven't been around to visit in a while. The divorce and getting the house ready for the market have both been overwhelming to say the least. I am back to blogging now as I know that this is my sanctuary. Thank goodness. Again Happy Birthday.


  50. Hope you had a great birthday! I just found you and and following you now. :) Ronda

  51. I'm making a big wish my name is picked out of the birthday hat!

    Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday beautiful you. Happy Birthday dear Carol, Happy Birthday 50 fits you like glue! Yahoooo! Shouting for a great year ahead for you!

  52. Congratulations, my friend! A birthday blogiversary - how clever! Now you won't forget either, lol! Love the pics on this blog! You know I want that banner!

  53. Happy belated b-day! I love your blog!!

    Pick me pick me! *jumps up and down*


  54. oh, you're just a kid, said the lady who is 8 years your senior...happy day and healthy, happy year to you. Love the old cards, they were little works of art back then, a treasure.

  55. Happy Birthday to You!
    Fifty is Fabulous!
    Looks like I'm getting in just under the wire for your giveaway!!
    Thanks for the chance to enter.

  56. congrats!! swesome blog!
    anashct [at] yahoo [dot] com

  57. I'm too late for your giveaway but I hope it's not too late to wish you a happy birthday!! Welcome to the 50's! I'm 51 and I still can't believe it!!

  58. Happy, Happy Birthday. I'm your newest follower.
    Your blog is adorable. I love all your stuff........
    The French Hutch


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