Sunday, April 3, 2011


Thanks for tuning in to another episode of My Weekend Finds, the continuing saga of one girl's quest for more junk!

There were about half a dozen garage sales this past weekend, and they were a total waste of time. Thankfully, there was an estate sale too. I love estate sales, don't you? You just never know what you're going to find in the contents of someone's house. It could be anything from a pantry full of little bottles of liquor (I didn't buy any of those) to this vintage pink lucite clock.

I always grab aluminum bowls like these, because they sell really well on Ebay.

A bunch of old handmade Easter eggs.

I especially like this one, all decorated to look like a little flower cart.

Have you seen this movie? I'm not a Renee Zellweger fan, but I figure I can push past that when the subject matter is Beatrix Potter!

I also found a couple of old metal flower frogs, something that I'd been wanting for a while now. They're holding pictures of our daughter Liz when she was in France.

And last we have this Happy Birthday angel, which is so appropriate because my birthday is on Tuesday, and my 2nd Blogiversary is also that day! So please come back on Tuesday for my GIVEAWAY! You see, I want to shower YOU with gifts!
Before you go though, do tell. Did you find anything exciting, that you just had to bring home?


  1. Great buys, I have seen Miss Potter and love it cos it's in the Lake District which is one of my favourite places :)

    Bee happy x
    Have a delicious day!

  2. Great finds, Carol! I remember the jewel colored tumblers- so good with a cold drink in summer but I don't think I've ever seen the bowls. My dream is to find the tumblers at the GW or some other cheap place!

    I love the movie Miss Potter! It was the first movie I ever saw Renne in so I believed she was Miss Potter! ♥

  3. All fun finds! And I must tell what I brought home this weekend, a cracker tin (in tuquoise) like the one you posted last week. Don't think I'll be trying the knob in the oven, but I just love it!

  4. Wonderful finds! I didn't go out at all this weekend. I've been fighting allergies and staying home to be sure I'm well for the 'baby watch'. Love that Birthday Angel and I'll be back to help you celebrate! hugs, Linda

  5. Very nice finds! I sure would love to find some old flower frogs too.

    Have a happy week!

  6. Love your finds....I want that movie...I have seen it once but,its one I could watch over and over....blessings on your week...Shelley

  7. Carol I have never seen this movie.I will make it a point to watch it when I get home.
    I picked up some hammered aluminum glasses this weekend for a whopping 10 cents each...yeah I jumped on it!!lol

    Looking forward to your birthday bash!!

    Hugs Cindy from Rick-Rack and Gingham

  8. First, I want to wish you a very Happy Birthday for tomorrow!

    You found some great things this weekend. I didn't go to any garage sales or estate sales. Estate sales here are usually way too over priced anyway. The Monthly Flea Market was early this month and we didn't go. We didn't have the time and also, it was too close to the last one and when that happens, it ususally isn't a good one.
    Again, have a very Happy Birthday!!!

  9. It's your birthday month!! Yeah!!
    That little Easter Egg that looks like a wagon is too cute! You found good treasures. I did not even get out this past weekend :>(

  10. Wonderful finds, as always! Gosh, I didn't know you sold stuff on ebay. I've been missing out!

    I thought Renee was quite convincing in her role. I enjoyed the movie.

  11. Wow.....great, great finds!

  12. Great finds! We just love those Easter eggs and that Happy Birthday angel. This weekend the weather was beautiful, but not a yardsale was to be found! We stopped at our favorite thrifts, though. We found some neat things including a set of four 1970s snack plates! We hope you have a wonderful Birthday!

    P.S. We sent your package last week, so it should be arriving soon!

    -Laura and Michele

  13. I love the little clock! You're back on a roll.

    A very Happy Birthday to you! I can't believe how quickly time passes......kind of freaks me out!

  14. Ooh, I love that yellow vase! I wanted to be sure and wish you a happy birthday, but now that I found out you are having a giveaway tomorrow, I'll be back to wish you a happy birthday then, too:) Twyla

  15. Wonderful finds, the clock! Hope you have a wonderful birthday!

  16. Happy Birthday! I hope there's plenty of cake involved.

    No big scores for me this weekend although I was sad to leave behind some incredible furniture that was too big to fit into my car...

  17. Great finds, i love the clock what a little beauty ;-) Happy birthday for Tuesday, dee x

  18. Have a wonderful birthday! I enjoy your blog! I decorated all of my 5 children's room with Beatrice Potter bunnies! Love them!

  19. I love the aluminum cups. They keep your drinks super cold :) What a great blast from the past ! The eggs are adorable, Lucky you, great finds !! :) Hugs :)

  20. I'm going through your past posts and your vintage Easter eggs are divine. Wonderful finds, Carol.


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