Tuesday, May 31, 2011


Ok, seriously, I thought this was the week where I would not be able to find a single red thing to share, but as I'm finding out, there's always more!

I forgot about this little flour sifter that I planted up and put by the back door. How could I forget? I see it every day!

This old metal bowl holds my dish scrubbies. It's also a shameless excuse to show my Happy Apple again!

And last we have a vintage Christmas bell, with a little elf holding on for dear life. It was only 25 cents, and I got it........somewhere last week. I used to be able to remember where I got every single thing. I'm kind of frightened to think that maybe this means I have too many things. What do you think?!
Linking up to Rednesday, at It's A Very Cherry World.

Monday, May 30, 2011


Well hello there! It's so good to be able to comment on everyone's blog again, after the Blogger troubles of last week. I get more and more scared though, every time there's a problem with Blogger. I have a fear that they're going to lose all of our blogs! But I must admit, I actually got alot done around the house while not blogging! Admit it, you did too!
Before I show my pathetic finds, I'd like to honor those that have served our country. If not for them, we wouldn't enjoy the freedom that we do today.

Now, on to my sad little finds! I went to a block sale, which ended up being two blocks long. Sounds good, doesn't it? Welllll, not so much!

I do love this planter.

And I guess it's always a good yard saling day when you can add a kneehugger elf to your collection. I got these ornaments at the same house as the elf. Look at all the vintage BLING! I just can't figure out if these are vintage ornaments, or just ornaments made to look old with the use of the old jewelry. Either way, love the bling!

Ok, I don't know why I bought all of this vintage cake decorating stuff. Except for the fact that those elephants are so darn cute! And I bet we all grew up with those little flower candle holders, didn't we? The whole bag was 35 cents, so it wasn't a big investment in cuteness!

These girls were 15 cents, and they came with this humungous bottle of Coke. All of these cake decorations came from the same "little old lady" sale, and I'm thinking that back in the day, she baked some pretty fun cakes!

Two Wade cupids came out of the "Free Box".

And last we have some old Christmas gift tags. Also from the "little old lady" sale. Those are my favorite kind of sales, You just know that they've got all kinds of neat stuff in their house! So, did you find anything interesting while on YOUR blog break?

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

REDNESDAY-Thrifting In Chicago!

Last week our daughter had to make a trip to Chicago, so I tagged along and made her check out some thrift stores while we were there. My finds were red!

But first we stopped at a cupcake shop, Sweet Mandy B's! Isn't it cute?

I almost picked one of those pink and red ones.....

But ended up with a Snickerdoodle cupcake.

Liz enjoyed a lemon cupcake. The shop is SO adorable!

Then we walked to this little shop, selling all things Parisienne. Liz bought a poster for her bedroom wall.

At Village Discount, I found this vintage tablecloth. It was only $1.80!

I also found this vintage Fisher Price Happy Apple Chime for 50 cents there! Ever since I saw Holly's, I've wanted one. They are crazy expensive at antique stores! Liz found a little Eiffel Tower lamp at Goodwill, which I forgot to take a picture of. We only went to a few thrift stores while we were there, and only the ones that didn't say "upscale", because I am not an upscale type of girl!

Liz gave me this cute little box for Mother's Day.

And she also gave me that double bucket garden thingy. It sits on the front porch, and holds gardening tools and garden gloves.
I'm pretty happy that Liz is embracing the whole thrifting thing. Finally! It makes a thrifty Mom like me proud!
Linking to Rednesday, at It's A Very Cherry World

Sunday, May 22, 2011


This past weekend was our citywide garage sale. My buddy Nancy and I went to about 50 of them, and she filled my van up twice! I purchased only a few things, one of them being that chalkboard, above. I've been wanting one to have on the porch, to write clever things on!

I only had to walk across the street to get this old watering can. And I couldn't pass up that book. Friday To Monday Gardening. Oh, if only it were that easy! I think the author, Ms. Margaret O. Goldsmith, must have puttered around in the garden Friday-Monday, and had a hired gardener the rest of the week!

I couldn't believe someone hadn't snatched up this pink Pyrex bowl before I did!

I found a mate for the old frog planter on the left.

A Gigantor Gurley Santa candle. He's huge! I've never seen one so big!

Two boxes of Shiny Brites.

AT 10 CENTS A BOX!!! You read that right. A BOX!!!

This wee little picnic basket was an Ebay win a couple of weeks ago. Actually, it was made in Japan, and it held the batteries to a toy, way back when. I'd love to know what kind of toy it went with!

The picnic basket/lunch box collection is steadily growing! So, did you find any treasures over the weekend?

Thursday, May 19, 2011


Things are still really poppin' in the garden over here! Let's take a peek.......

One of the miniature azaleas is just starting to bloom.

Mini daffodils. Do you remember when I said that I would share my favorite plant in the garden, and that it was yellow? Well, it's not these daffodils.....

The buttercups are just starting to bloom. And they're yellow. But they aren't my favorite either.

This IS my favorite plant! Corydalis Lutea. It's a perennial, and it blooms from late April until frost. Isn't that crazy for a perennial?! So, although this is my favorite plant in the garden, it's not my favorite flower in the garden. But that will have to wait until later in the summer.....

I planted the bike basket, with red Million Bells (Calibrachoa), pink Diascia, and some Begonias. Can't wait 'til it all starts spilling out of the basket!

Mr. Old Glory made this shelf thingy for me several years ago, and it sits on the back porch. He also made that birdhouse at the top that's a replica of our house. Anyway, this is what the shelf thingy looked like last summer.

I have no room for any more pottery in the house, but I can't stop buying it, so now it's going on the porch! I hope to replace each birdhouse with a vintage piece of pottery this summer!
NEXT WEEK: I've started a makeover on the windowbox on the garage, and I'll show it when I'm finished. Hopefully it will turn out ok, because right now I'm kinda hating it......

Tuesday, May 17, 2011


That little red vintage lunch box/picnic basket is a recent Ebay win. I guess the third time is the charm, because I got outbid on two others just like it. As soon as I saw the girl on the bike, I knew I had to have one!

And there is a different sports theme on each side. Are you ready for some football?!

Roller skating!

Good old baseball!

These flowers are waiting to be planted somewhere.

It's rather windy today, so I just couldn't get a shot of this Mary Engelbriet flag that hangs from the back porch. Our daughter Liz had to step in and hold it, and I purposely made her go put on her sweatpants from college, which also have red on them. Mean Mommy!
If you would like to see more reds, head over to It's A Very Cherry World, where Sue hosts this party each and every week!

Friday, May 13, 2011


Let's take a peek at what's happening in the garden this week!

Mr. Old Glory made this wheelbarrow for me several years ago for Christmas. Sadly, it's starting to really show it's age, and actually disintegrating in some spots.
Ever since I saw Barbara's little wheelbarrow, I knew I wanted to add some tulips to it. I just bought an unfinished wood plaque from Hobby Lobby, and found the unfinished tulips at a garage sale. Hopefully the wheelbarrow lasts a few more years before it all falls apart!

The sweet woodruff is blooming in the rock garden.

And the redbud really put on a grand show this year.

I planted some pink Million Bells with red centers, along with blue Lobelia, in the watering can hanging on the lamppost.

Mr. Old Glory helped me in the gardens alot this week while he was on vacation, which means so much to me. Now if only I could get him interested in antiques, but I guess then we'd probably have starring roles in the next episode of Hoarders!
NEXT WEEK: I will share one of my favorite plants in the garden. HINT: It's yellow.......