Monday, July 4, 2011

HAPPY BIRTHDAY AMERICA! and More Patriotic Decor

I thought I'd share the rest of my patriotic decor today. As I said in an earlier post, this all stays up until after 9/11, so really, if I wanted to, I could just continue to decorate, couldn't I?!

I was just able to finish this bunting before my sewing machine went haywire again.

Here's a close-up of the fabric I used.

One end of the porch swing.

The other end. I really want to paint the swing. But I don't know what color. A chippy white would just blend in with the house, wouldn't it? Any suggestions?

BIG SAM, which I made several years ago. He's as tall as I am!

Old Glory Cottage front porch, all decked out. I made the Sam & Libby up there too. And I see that the birds have been using Lady Liberty's hair again for their nests!

An old star quilt.

Some treat cups that I made last year.

The dining room table, with a vintage red, white and blue tablecloth.

I love all of these books, especially Long May She Wave. If you're crazy for Old Glory like I am, then it's a must-have!

A Mary Engelbreit garden flag. There's actually more red, white and blue that I never got around to taking a picture of, but you get the idea! Wishing everyone a safe and happy 4th of July, as we celebrate our country's birthday today!


  1. Have a lovely 4th! I'm enjoying all your patriotic decor!

  2. Happy Fourth! You are the Queen of Festive!

  3. Your decor is awesome! I'd paint the swing red, but then when I doubt I tend to paint everything red! Yellow is always cheery, too. Happy 4th.

  4. I love all your red, white and blue! It really makes me smile when I see these colors. The quilts are amazing. I would paint the swing a pale blue. White really with a touch of blue to make it stand out. Perfect for decorating! hugs, Linda

  5. Happy Red-White-and-Blue-is-Our-Favourite-Flavour Day! (I simple love your patriotic hall-decking! You really know how to put the "Keep America Beautiful"!)

  6. Your Old Glory Cottage is so festive!! I love your vintage tablecloth and the star quilt. Have a wonderful 4th!

  7. Great decor!!

    Happy 4th of July!!

  8. I made the decision not to bring out my 4th of July decor this year, but now I'm having second thoughts. Yours looks SO cute. I thoroughly enjoyed looking at each and every picture. I also love the photo in your header.
    Wishing you a Happy 4th of July.

  9. You go all out-just lovely!
    Thanks for sharing!

  10. Your cottage looks wonderful!! All I did was hang the flag :(

  11. Boy am I lame with my 4th of July decorations!!hehe
    Yours are great....hope you are enjoy your day.
    And I think it's a good idea to leave them up until 9/11.
    Proud American!

  12. Carol,
    Everything is so cute! I love the front of your house!!!! Thank you again for the cute elephant heads and the little bad of cake candle holders! They are so darn cute! Happy 4th! :) Sandy

  13. So festive - I love it all. There is a house in my neighborhood that reminds me of your house. It is all red, white and blue with bunting and flags every day of the year. You would love it! PS I put my deocrating on the blog just for you!

  14. How about a pale aqua or a yellow for your porch swing? Either color would look nice with the white & red trim on your house!

    Love your decor! Happy Independence Day!

  15. Yep - you inspired me the other day when I visited to decorate with my red white and blues! So, I did a bit. Thanks so much for your wonderfully colorful posts! I just love what you do. Happy 4th! Patti

  16. I love all the red white and blue! Your header is so cute, too! God bless America!

  17. This must really be the day for Old Glory Cottage to shine!

    Would a shade-of-blue porch swing work? Just picturing a little RWB thing going on there. Hope you had a wonderful 4th of July -- things are still exploding here on the West coast. I think my neighbors must have the day off tomorrow.

  18. Your house has such a happy patriotic heart...I can almost hear the cadence of parade drums in the it!


  19. Hi Carol! I love both posts of decorations, and alwayslove the garden photos!

  20. What a great patriotic post! I especially loved the Mary Englebreit flag! So cute and we're all a big fan of her work - from my grandkids on up to us seniors. :)

    How about painting the swing a bright blue - then you'd have red white and blue all year long. :) And otherwise, how about matching the red trim.

    Have a blessed week. :)

  21. Everything looks grand.. I did not do any 4th Decorating this year.. I am so focused on making money right now, and that leaves little time for pulling out the fun stuff! ox, Diane

  22. Hi Carol! I love all your red, white and blue! Have a wonderful day! Twyla

  23. Ooops....I'm late! Hope you had a great day.

    I seem to be in the minority here but I think white would work... or perhaps a barn red but I really do like white.

    Sewing can be such an enjoyable pastime until the machine acts up and then the old Aries impatience kicks in and.....well you probably know!

  24. goes my suggestion...paint the bench like a flag. Those slats could be the stripes!

    I love your home Carol and your lifestyle in general. What a home sweet home this is. It is so welcoming.

    Still in a battle over Gnomeland but I got a little favor today and I have to write a letter the builder. He's a big "go green" type of guy and wants grass. We are asking permission to put grass where the bark is and leave the creek and I will mention to him that living water is green and hey...I even mow my back lawn with a push mower so there! We are finding out we may be grandfathered in so he'll have to possible just go eat dirt! Thanks for your faithfulness especially when life gets wacky and the meanies come out!

    Len and I are having a BBQ tonight. New market opened and my daughter is a checker there. I bought turkey asiago burgers and having salad too and strawberry shortcake...all american...turkey, greens and fruit! Yep!

    Happy July to you, may Old Glory never stop waving!

  25. Carol, I hope your 4th was full of fun. I adore patriotic decor, and I couldn't agree more about your favorite of the books. Long May She Wave is fabulous. I was in NY in 2000 and was fortunate enough to see the exhibit that spawned the book. Fabulous! Do you have The Stars and The Stripes? It's another good one. ~ Sarah

  26. Very creative and cute Carol, of couse I will be needing that red and white quilt.
    Nancy Jo

  27. LOVE all your patriotic decor!! Especially that pillow!!! Soooo cute!!I LOVE Red White and Blue!

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