Thursday, July 7, 2011


Let's take a peek at what's happening in the garden this week!

I can't believe I almost forgot to put the pink shroom in the garden! I got these at an estate sale a couple of years ago, and they're one of my favorite garden decorations.

I planted a bunch of Asclepias, or Milkweed in pots. It's food for the Monarch Butterflies, and the caterpillars.

The bane of my existence. Or Campanula Americana Tall Bellflower. It was here when we moved in, and it will be here long after human life ceases to exist. If I can help just one gardener today, let me tell you this: Do Not Plant Tall Bellflowers!!!!

The other bane of my existence. Gooseneck Loosestrife. It's such a cool flower, but again, it's got a mind of it's own and WILL take over!

This hydrangea has only a few blooms on it. Some years it doesn't bloom at all, so I guess I just need to be pleasantly surprised when it does bloom.

Monarda, or Bee Balm. They look like fireworks, don't they?

A bee diligently working away on the Monarda. I have to say, it's a good summer for bees. I've noticed what seems to be alot more than usual, so I guess I better be careful, because I'm allergic!

I think it's been about 2 weeks since we've had rain, so I've had to do alot of sprinkling and dragging around of the hoses. In my frilly two-piece, of course! So what's blooming in your garden this week?


  1. Your pink mushrooms are delightful. Gorgeous blossoms. Your picutres are really lovely eye candy. Isn't summer wonderful? You've inspired me to get outside after work tonight and snap some pictures of our gardens. Have a wonderful weekend.

  2. Beautiful-although I understand what you mean about those pesky plants...
    Thanks for sharing!

  3. Beautiful garden!!

    Susan and Bentley

  4. Those pink mushrooms are about the cutest things I've ever seen in a garden! I think if I had those, I might just be tempted to actually try to grow something! LOL Instead, I'll have to make do looking at photos from other people's gardens. I love those bee balm flowers--they really DO look like fireworks!

  5. Meravigliose queste foto...grazie! Buon weekend,Anna.

  6. Love the flower box display at the top of the page. And, such beautiful flowers!

  7. Love your 'frilly two piece'!! The pink mushrooms are oh so cute and I love all your flowers. We are having so much heat even with watering the flowers are suffering. hugs, Linda

  8. If you are missing a pink toadstool you can look me up. How cute are those...I love them! This year my purple bee balm has taken over. never thought of them as fireworks...smiles..Renee

  9. Awesome shot of you in that bikini. Isn't that how we all water our yards? Very pretty blooms. Ours here are suffering from temps over 100 and me being on vacation. Loved your fourth of July decor.

  10. Call me crazy, but with more dirt than plants at our home, I love the ones that "take over". Volunteers are my friends. Your plants look great and I want to look just like you when I water my garden!!

  11. The reason the one plants like to take over is because they are so happy there! You can't blame them, can you? Once they see you in that two piece, they all will do anything to get your attention!!

    Happy Plants!!!

  12. The flowers are beautiful and you look mahvlus dahling! Happy Weekend:@)

  13. Well I have BOTH of those invasive plants that you do...aren't we lucky. My Campanula is a short variety tho and does not bother me but the GOOSENECK LOOSESTRIFE would take over every flower bed if I let it. It is a great cut flower tho and that is the saving grace for it.

  14. your garden looks great and so do you in your bikini and heels as you water!! funny, great picture!

  15. Hi Carol~

    I just love July! In Washington we have strawberry season and the lavender is coming out in full bloom everywhere! Everyone on my block has hanging baskets out and it's such a joy! My garden is minor but I do have snapdragons popping up and I love them!

    Yes, I did get your postcard and it was so wonderful to be thought of. The mailbox makes my day when treats are inside to devour and news from far off places! I'll admit, I love mail!

    Okay...those mushrooms! Don't you ever give them away, and if you do, I'll pay postage for their new home at my house!

    Thanks also for your comments and kindness about our front yard. We may get some favor. It comes down to the fact that two neighbors have complained because we have something they can't have. We had permission when we moved in because of a huge error on the part of the builder of our home and the processing of our loan. We also were granted free lawn in the backyard and upgrade appliances we may win this battle. The gnomes are on the sidelines but a few have crept back in the yard.

  16. I was just out watering and noticed my Monarda looks real tired. About how I feel! Your place is looking lovely, blog and home and garden!

  17. I adore those pink mushrooms! Your garden is so lovely.

    Waving from Our Back Porch,

  18. FUN pink mushrooms :)
    I have bee balm and the bell flowers too. My milkweed isn't pretty like yours and all the flowers really need rain!
    deb :)

  19. That frilly two piece is to die for! Where can I get one? Just the image of me in my garden in a two piece is causing me to laugh inside hysterically. Your plants all look very lovely. Funny, how things are so differnt depending on where you live. I have had tall bellflowers and loosestrife in my garden for years. I have only had a few bellflower babies and never any loosestrife. I brought starts of both to our new home. Like they say, every plant has a mind of it's own. Lucky that I just love that wild and crazy look of a mixture of plants everywhere.


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