Thursday, July 14, 2011

IN THE GARDEN-It's A Jungle Over Here!

Let's take a peek at what's happening in the garden this week!

I keep forgetting to show you something that I saw for the very first time, at our little local nursery. Black Velvet Petunias!

They really do look like velvet, don't they? Have you ever seen black petunias?

This patch of Pink Coneflowers is doing very nicely this year.

I can't tell what kind of bug that is, maybe a bee, but it looks like it's little legs are covered in pollen!

The Heliopsis is doing great here too.

Remember what my red bike looked like this Spring?

Who knew it was going to turn out like this?! Somebody needs to get in there next Spring and do some transplanting!
Well, it's about to get disgustingly hot here, in the 90s and humid for a week, so the gardens are basically on their own. That kind of weather just makes me nauseous and limp as a buttered noodle!

So early Saturday morning, my buddy Nancy and I will hit a few garage sales. Ok, more like 40! It's a subdivision sale, and it was a good one last year. We'll start at 7:30 AM, fill up the van with junk, and get home before the real heat of the day.

The rest of the week I'll just do a little light cleaning, maybe crank up the A/C to do some baking. Anything but go outside! I sure hope it's cooler in your little corner of the world!


  1. I saw those black petunias on another blog-they planted them in a striking container-just beautiful!
    Your flowers and gardens are wonderful-wish I had a green thumb.
    Enjoy the sales Saturday. Stay cool-it is supposed to be in the 90's here in MI starting tomorrow and lasting for almost a week. Thank goodness we had our air conditioner fixed this week.
    Thanks for sharing!

  2. Caldissimo anche in Italia!!! bellissime foto!!! Anna.

  3. Those black petunias look so pretty! I need some more flowers for my deck garden but it has been so hot I've had no energy to plant anything and then water it. UGH. Good luck with the yard sales, I'm going to one this morning and I hope I find some goodies. Have a great weekend! It's hot hot hot here. hugs, Linda

  4. Yep...I've seen those black petunia's too and we also have black pansey flowers! Too bad they don't grow at Halloween time!

    Carol, you will especially love my post today about our visit to the diner and the soda pop bottles. Thought of you, if I was a naughty girl, I would have brought one home for you...but the girl with the curl is a good girl, most the time!

    Were freezing here...about ready to turn on the heat! Yikes!!!

  5. The black petunia is pretty neat. I don't thik I have seen any.

    90's would be a cool down for us. 100's forecasted for the week. We are at 21 or 22 100 days for the year so far. I give up on doing anything outside!

    I hope that you find some great finds at the sales this weekend!!!

  6. The black petunias are neat! Wouldn't they pretty pretty with orange and yellow mums or marigolds at Halloween?

  7. The caterpillars have feasted on my petunias this year! The velvet ones are lovely...I am tired of the crispy heat here and have finished my gardening for the summer. Fall is looking better and better. Everything looks beautiful there a bike in there? Kidding! Smiles...Renee

  8. Wow, I've never seen the black velvet petunias before. It's supposed to get hot and humid here, too. What are you planning on baking?

  9. Your bike is just delightful in your lush jungle. I hope that you bring home some great finds at the sales this weekend!!!

  10. Love your lush garden. I saw those black petunias at our garden center last week. We are hoping to get up to the 80's this week. Come on over for a visit!

  11. Your flowers are beautiful and I love the red bike....Neat idea!

  12. OMG!!!! Love how it turned out! I love the "messey garden" look....and that bike....I wnt it!!!! LOL Great post! Love the woman with the vacum....LOL LOL


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