Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Garage Sale Reds for REDnesday!

I've got some reds that I saved from my weekend finds to share for Rednesday!

I thought I was going to have to knock over the lady that was standing in front of these, just gabbing away and blocking me from grabbing them! I stood there waiting as long as I could (about 10 seconds) before I firmly said Excuse Me! The girl on the right is a Napco lady head vase. I haven't packed her away yet, because I can't stop looking at her. She's so pretty!

A vintage noisemaker for New Year's Eve. I'll stay up 'til 12:01, give it a twirl, and then go to bed!

A vintage pillow cover from the 40s. I guess soldiers sent these back to their sweethearts.

The poem is so sweet. He's worried about HER safety!

Another vintage Westfield name mug. I remember my Mom having a couple of these when I saw little.

And it goes along with the others that I have. And when I'm asked who Donald and Wayne and Kevin are, I say........

Just turn it around and drink your coffee!
Linking to Rednesday, at It's A Very Cherry World, where Sue is our hostess!


  1. That headvase is so pretty. I would have ahard time packing her away, too. Keep her out and when you get too warm, just lok at her and you can think SNOW and cool down!!
    Great finds!

  2. Fun reds and love the angel- have a set of 12 that were my mom's and the head face.
    I remember those coffee mugs! Been awhile...
    Hugs- Tete

  3. Cool items, I love the pillow cover:@)

  4. I always look forward to your latest finds. Your angel and Napco lady are just beautiful. I have to say that your noise maker is definitely cheers-worthy. Awesome graphic!!

  5. LOL Great reply for the names. We used to have my great grandparents cups with M - we just said it was after whoever the M person was in the room :)

    LOVED the pillow case cover - my senior dad loved all things World War II and he would have loved that - probably had one once upon a time. :)

    Thanks for a lovely Rednesday visit.

  6. I love the head vase too!!!
    I also remember those red checkered mugs:)
    Happy hunting.
    deb :)

  7. You know what I love the most about those cups? The weight of them. They feel so comfortable in your hands. Great reds...Renee

  8. Love the angel and the head vase! I would have moved her away also! Wonderful finds. The mugs are so cute I love the Grandma mug!!!

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. You didn't find all these goodies in the same place, did you?


    Give me red ribbon to tie in my hair,
    Not yellow or purple or green;
    But burgundy, chestnut, carmine or rose—
    These are the colors with sheen!

    Give me red ribbon to tie in my hair,
    Not saffron or opal or blue;
    But fuchsia, magenta, ruby or blush—
    Something of sanguinous hue!

    Give me red ribbon to tie in my hair,
    Not indigo, azure or grey;
    But scarlet, vermilion, dahlia or pink—
    Colors like these make my day!

    © 2011 by Magical Mystical Teacher

    Narrow Red Alley

  11. The lady head is precious - I can't believe you'd find it at a garage sale. Your response to the cup names is perfect, too.

  12. That you waited a full 10 seconds before making your way to the head vase is a testament to your character. I'm proud of you for waiting so long!

  13. You are a lucky lady! I love the red girls. My grama had the red checked coffee cups. Boy, do I ever wish I had those! I just love your blog - I can't get enough of your treasures!

  14. Carol, what luck you had this weekend! That head vase is so pretty to leave out! Y'know, if you wanted to take the names off those mugs, try acetone. My husband (the "chemist")uses it to take all kinds of paint and ink off of stuff!

  15. Just look at all the great things you were able to get without getting hurt or hurting anyone.

  16. Digging the coffee mugs with the random names...classic.

  17. lol.... just turn it around, thats so funny!

  18. Ha-ha! I'm having my morning coffee right now. Love those mugs! Always fun to have something that sparks a conversation and adds a bit of humor to the day. Have a wonderful Wednesday. Tammy :)

  19. Even if I had to push her out of the way, I would have grabbed those beauties!! I am so jealous!!
    They are stunning!!


  20. You always find the neatest things-love those mugs-I haven't seen those before!

  21. Wow, you have had some great fun collecting. I was sorry to read about Petunia. A couple summers ago, we noticed a love bird sitting on our windowsill. I took the screen off and it came in and sat on my husbands head. We knew it belonged to someone. We put signs up around the neighborhood, made a makeshift cage, and eventually the owners called. They had been cleaning the cage outside and the pair of lovebirds got away somehow. They never did find the other one. :(
    Thanks so much for visiting Take Six!!

  22. I love your reds today! My favorite is the little February angel. She reminds me of Valentine's Day, and Valentine's Day is my favorite day of the year!

    Sherry @ A Happy Valentine :)

  23. Love all your red goodies. The pottery pieces are my favorite!

  24. Wow! You have some primo stuff here! That is a GORGEOUS head vase. In answer to your question--I found 7-Up bottles two weeks ago on a rack at WALGREENS! I couldn't believe my luck!

  25. Your reds collection bring back memories! I love the mugs and angel statue!

  26. Oh I love those mugs! What a score! ♥

  27. Hi Carol! I'm so glad you got to come today 8o) Between you and me I can't wait to see what the other season's look like too....LOL...
    Summer stil has some sproutin to finish. These pillow's will be mixed media fiber work, so they'll bwe a little different than just embroidered. I just hope this will spark some order interest cause i'm tryin to no two alike so they can be done in colors chosen by the purchaser. This is the first time I've done one of my creations "online", but it does seem to have sparked some interest.
    I love your reds today, especially to ceramic Lady head vase. It's hard to beleive those things started in the 40's by FTD,the floral wire service as their first mass produced send-by wire keepsake container. As a floral designer in the real world, I am surprised they haven't tried redo a new edition if them..those little ladies are still popular.

  28. Ha...you just gave me permission and did not even know it! Many times I stand in a thrift store and I sort through the coffee cups and I think, why am I looking at these? I saw a cute grandma one the other day myself but it was a pretty blue checked just like this one. If you can collect them, so can I! Yep, what is good for Carol is good for Jackie!
    Thanks for the permission and have a happy Thursday dear girlfriend!

  29. Those red gingham mugs are wonderful and I don't care whose name is on them...I'll answer to Kevin if I need to. Love those!

  30. Hi Carol,
    Great red finds!! I love those red and white coffee mugs. I have never seen those before.
    The vintage noise maker is a very cool find...that is a one of a kind piece.
    Also loved that picnic basket in the previous post. I've been on a kick lately buying the woven picnic baskets. I've been storing stuff in them and stacking them...I think I'll see how high I can get the stack before they tumble :)

  31. As always , You have the coolest vintage reds! I absolutely love the sweet Lady Head Vase !
    Hope you're having a Great Day !
    Love & Blessings,


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