Thursday, July 21, 2011

IN THE GARDEN-We Need Rain!!!

Let's take a peek at what's happening in the garden this week!

It's been so grossly hot and humid, just like everywhere else in the country, so I haven't taken a whole lot of pictures in the garden this week.

Betty Boop rosebush.

Stargazer Lilies. They smell heavenly, but there's a crazy mother wren raising her babies in the birdhouse nearby, so I haven't had a chance to really stop and take a whiff.

The Mandevilla Vine is growing like crazy, so that old trellis that I found last week is really coming in handy.

I can't remember the last time it rained. I have several birdbaths throughout the gardens, and every morning I fill them with fresh water.

This cicada tried to get a drink of water with it's last dying breath. It was stuck to the birdbath, poor little thing.

I fill other things with water too, like this little saucer. Butterflies and dragonflies need to drink too!

And apparently so do wasps. This one was sipping water out of a puddle on the driveway.

It's so hot and dry that the squirrels don't have the energy to dig up my pots right now. All they can do is sprawl out on a branch, like this.

We really REALLY need some rain. And cooler temperatures, because I'm tired of being trapped in the house. I miss outside!


  1. Well, looks like we got some last night! Yeah!
    Don't think it's much cooler though :(
    I am tired of being stuck in the house too, and with a 1 yr old! Ugh.
    Great pics you posted!!

  2. Carol I have had to pull all of my planters. This heat has zapped them. Even my perennials are starting to look ragged. Nothing looks lush here at all. I must say your blooms look remarkably well for the heat. We are expected to stay in the heat with no rain for another week. I do hope you all don't get this your way. Smiles...Renee

  3. We have finally had some rain but now it's humid! Feels like we can't win this summer. My deck garden has suffered since I am not doing so well in the heat and spending any time out there at all. I hope I can plant more flowers this fall.

  4. I knew exactly how the squirrel feels!! We are still in an Excessive Heat Warning. We have been all week. We are still needing rain, too. Maybe Sunday and Monday!!

    Your blooms look nice. I don't have a single bloom right now, except for the tomatoes, but they won't produce.

  5. Oh, I do feel for you in that heat!
    We are one of the few paces where it's not too hot.
    Your garden look lovely in spite of it. You are watering, no doubt.
    I miss the sound of the cicadas I would hear as a child in MO.
    I guess I traded it for the sounds of the loons.
    I'll hope you get rain soon.
    Have a great weekend!

  6. You guys have really had it hot this summer. I hate the heat. We are mild and I am thankful. Here's hoping you get some rain and relief soon. Oh that vine is so gorgeous. We have water out for birds too and I see them in one of the dog bowls often. We don't get rain here in the summer so they have to find water somewhere.

  7. Your garden looks lovely even if you are in need of water! I'm a little unsure of those bugs however, do the cicadas only hatch every so many years there or do they hatch every year?

  8. Carol,
    It has been unbelievably hot! We are supposed to get some relief, soon. And I am thankful that our weather has been much less relentless than a lot of other areas have experienced this year.
    Have a great weekend.

  9. Feeling sorry for some of my blogland friends and the heat they are living with. I would be one grouchy gal! Loving out 78 degrees that we have predicted moving elsewhere for me.

  10. Yes, we really do need some rain and definitely cooler temps. I am no lover of summer. Once it get above the mid 70's , I am not enjoying it!!


  11. Hi Carol,

    I couldn't agree more! It is so hot here in NJ too! Hope you get rain soon, we need it too!


  12. Hope you get some rain soon. If it would help, I would do a rain dance. Now that would be a scary sight! We have had quite a bit of rain, but my big annual planters were still looking so sick that I cut them back drastically. If they don't come back, oh well. They were pretty much a goner anyway. Poor little critters. Bet they love coming to your yard for a sip.

  13. Love your blog and decorating style, antiques, quilts, gardens, etc. Could go on and on!
    I love to garage sale too and decorate with all the finds!
    Brenda...the Farmer's Dotter

  14. It is just plain hot and miserable outside! And the cicadas sure are making a big hullabaloo out there!
    I have seen some yellow bird planters just like my blue ones. They are really cute too.

  15. I can DHL some water to you, how do you like it? rain, snow or hail.

    We have a polar blast.

  16. Beautiful flowers and photos of your garden Carol! And we can relate to the need for rain here too!


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