Sunday, July 31, 2011

MY WEEKEND FINDS-A Good Day At The Flea Market!

Thanks for tuning in to another episode of My Weekend Finds, the continuing saga of one girl's quest for more junk!
Mr. Old Glory was on vacation last week, so I decided to take a vacation from the computer! It's been over a week since I've posted, so I think it's time to share some finds. I hadn't been to the flea market since May, because I've got a walloping case of Plantar Fasciitis in my right foot. If any of you suffer from it, I literally feel your pain! Recently I discovered some exercises that have really helped, so I was off to the flea market on Sunday!

I'm plum crazy about this old clock radio. I didn't even care whether it worked or not, and that's exactly what I told the man selling it. I told him I was buying it because it was cute. As soon as I got home, I was happy to see that the clock worked perfectly, but the radio did not. That is, until just a few minutes ago, when it started working and scared the you know what out of me! I can't decide whether to put it in the kitchen or living room....

I also found this old picnic basket, which has unfortunately been painted, but I think after I find the perfect decal on Ebay, it will look cute. Love the little pink clock and the pink recipe box.

Some vintage noisemakers for New Year's Eve.

She's kind of a wreck, but she was so cheap I had to get her. I used to have alot of lady head vases, but I sold all of the good ones, so now I'm just running a home for broken down (unsellable) ladies!

I also found another old globe bank. One more and it will be a collection! I actually found it at a garage sale, run by a couple of young girls who were donating all of their proceeds to a sick puppy in the neighborhood who needed an operation. How sweet is that?! They only wanted a quarter for it, but I gave them a nice donation and still got it for way less than Ebay. And I helped a sick puppy. So, did you help save lives with any of your finds???


  1. No finds for me this weekend, just too hot to get out and about! The picnic basket will look great with decals...what a wonderful idea!

    That is wonderful that those girls were helping a sick puppy.

  2. I'm loving all your goodies. I have a vintage reproduction radio that is a perfect teal color. It reminds me of your lovely new find. You certainly did good with all your new things. Despite the 90+ degree heat, I had a marvelous time at our flea market yesterday. One of my favorite finds I posted on my blog last night. Happy Monday!

  3. You found some great stuff! I have that same pink clock, but yours looks in much better condition than mine! Have a great week!!

  4. Oh what a cute radio! I would have gotten it too. Who cares if it works it looks good. What a great idea for a sick puppy....smiles...Renee

  5. Oh girl I feel your pain! I have Plantar Fasciitis and it flares up at the worse this week with the WLYS coming...but I will be there with my special inserts in my shoes. Love the radio...Mr ALC got me a pink(ish) one for Christmas. I need to do some exercises for my feet before all that walking.

  6. That is a great radio!! Love the color.
    I think that is wonderful that the kids were helping the sick puppy! I hope the puppy does well!!

  7. What great finds....I have a small collection of those noise makers...they are some of the grands favorite things to play with.... blessings

  8. Thanks for visiting me at Country Cottage Living! I love your blog and the Junk and Antiques; what fun!

  9. Ha-ha! Don't you feel all noble you puppy saver -you!

    Sorry about your poor foot! glad you found something that helps you feel better!

    What a great clock radio! How funny that the radio just started working! Ha-ha! ♥

  10. OUch! So sorry about your feet. My sister suffers with that.

  11. I love your pictures! I especially like your Motorola radio. My brother used to collect them, so of course I'm sending your blog on to him so he can see yours.
    Thanks for your visit today!!
    Ladybug Creek

  12. Crazy enough I found this searching about sore heels & plantar fasciitis. Seems almost everything I search on about sore heels comes up PF :< .

    What exercises did you do and did they help for the long term? If they did, hoping they'll do the same for sore heels, regardless if it's plantar fasciitis or not.

    Thanks, and best with the flea market finds!


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