Tuesday, August 2, 2011


Sue at It's A Very Cherry World is hosting her weekly party celebrating the color red!

These watering cans originally sat on the back porch steps, but while Mr. Old Glory was on vacation last week, he redid both the front and back steps. So they landed here, and I kind of think this is where they will stay!

The sedum that's growing on a pot on the red chair is really taking off. Soon it will be growing along the driveway. I love how you can barely see what's going on back there in the Secret Garden. The Sweet Autumn Clematis has totally taken over the old metal bed rail, and soon it will be covered in tiny white flowers.

The garage windowbox is doing well too, with red impatiens and red million bells. And red shutters!

I got a package in the mail a little while ago from Deb, aka Garage Sale Gal. In it was this adorable card that Deb made, and it fits in perfectly with my little garden decorations on the bookshelf.

This vintage postcard was in there too. Old Glory. How perfect is that?!

And this patriotic Christmas card. I'm trying to collect holiday cards and postcards that are also patriotic, and this is my first Christmas one. And she sent me these things for no other reason than that she is a sweetheart. Thank you SO much Deb!
Now if you would like to see more reds, head on over to Sue's!


  1. Those are some wonderful vintage cards. Love the old graphics and the colors.

  2. I think you must have planted that window box with Rednesday in mind. My window box asked me not to plant anything this year since I am bad at remembering to water.

  3. Wonderful Reds today! I'm busy getting ready for the WLYS and still trying to get a post done! Love your window box!

  4. Great Reds, Carol!!
    Love the cans in the wagon! The cards are great, too.

  5. Apparently that plants likes red too. Growing wild.

  6. I can't believe you have flowers still. Nothing is flowering here. Even the weeds look dead. Love the window box. Those old patriotic cards are some of my favorites....smiles....Renee

  7. I had a Radio Flyer when I was a kid. Your photo brings back memories!


    For red my affection is great,
    It’s puce and chartreuse that I hate.
    I’m fond of cerise,
    It makes a nice piece
    Of clothing that looks just first-rate.

    © 2011 by Magical Mystical Teacher

    Lost Red Spoon

  8. hi Carol, I love all your touches of red today. Love the cards. I have a little red wagon too, I use it to haul plants around the yard. When my grandson comes he loves to play with it, so we bough him his own for his b'day. Hope your having a great week........

    The French Hutch

  9. I love the watering cans in the wagon. Thats a perfect spot. Thanks for visiting my blog, and I LOVE the header pic on your blog! So cute!

  10. YOur red wagon looks great filled with vintage watering cans, and I love the patriotic Christmas card! That is really cute and unique. Your garden looks wonderful despite the heat--stay cool as you can!

  11. Love the wagon and the watering can. Your flowers are lovely. The heat is taking its' toll on things around here.

  12. Che meraviglia!!!! La sedia con il sedum e il davanzale della finestra sono un sogno!!! Baci,Anna.

  13. Lovely as always! I will use your windowbox to show Hubby what I want ours to look like. Thanks!

  14. I've never seen a patriot Christmas card before! How cute! I love your red chair and wagon. I bought some red paint back in October and I haven't used a drop of it yet! What's wrong with me? Well, at least I actually posted for Rednesday today! ♥

  15. Love your Rednesday! Nothing beats a cute red wagon, huh??

    Jocelyn @

  16. Lovely reds.... I love your "secret" garden and I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE your window box. I've always wanted one!!
    Hope you're having a great week!

  17. Things are looking great in your corner of the world. Great gifts from Deb. A patriotic Christmas card is very unique. Hope you are having a fabulous day. Tammy

  18. Oh wow, I am head over heels over those amazing cans!!! Thanks so much for stopping by--it was so good to hear from you. And also, your blogger header is fantastic!!

  19. Love your window box, the wagon with watering can is cool!

  20. I love with your secret garden, especially the red chair/plant box, what an awesome idea. Happy Rednesday!

  21. I love the cans in the red wagon & the red chair in the garden !
    The cards Deb sent are wonderful ! I love old cards & collect them ,too.

  22. Your little wagon looks cute with the watering cans. I have one at the sale barn that I have a Red birdhouse, blue birdhouse and a White birdhouse it! Have a great day!

  23. Love the sedum growing in the chair! My clematis only had one bloom this year, I hope it makes it till next year.
    Enjoy your day~SueBee

  24. I love the cans in the wagon and the window box is gorgeous. I want one on our garage also. One day hopefully.


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