Tuesday, October 18, 2011


Calling all red lovers! Do you remember when I found these toy phones at the flea market a couple of weeks ago?

After finding out that they were missing a vital component in order to make them work, I decided to separate them, and this one found a home amongst the quilts and picnic baskets. Still looking for a spot for the other one!

The wheelbarrow that Mr. Old Glory made me has definitely seen better days, and in fact it looks like some critter is using the wheel as a chew toy! I love decorating it for the seasons, and although the pumpkins are fake, because the squirrels would turn them into a buffet.......

I love collecting Osage Oranges that have fallen alongside the road and using them in my Fall decorations. They look like brains, don't they?!
The flowers in the windowbox are still hanging on, despite my forgetting to water and feed them as regularly as I did in the summer. Any day now, we'll get a hard frost and they'll turn to mush!
Well, that's my reds for this week. If you would like to see more reds, visit our hostess Sue at It's A Very Cherry World!


  1. Hi Carol,
    Your "charlie brown" tree will look great after you do a little magic on it.
    Fun "rednesday" goodies.
    Yes, there are Goodwill's here and I don't find too many treasures at them. I think the garage sales are done here. It's only 40-ish today!

  2. You are using your reds in just the right way.

  3. Hi Carol! Love the reds. Osage Orange.....HedgeApple..they work wonders to keeps ants away from the house. Use to be in vintage tiumes they placed em near doorways. they do repel pesky ants.

  4. Hi Carol,
    I love everything and the way you display it. Would it not be fun to have a road trip and visit all our favorite blogs in person!! So much fun that would be!!

  5. Melody, I have heard that hedge apples are great to keep bugs away.
    Carol, if the other phone doesn't find a home in your house, he is welcome to sleep at my house! hehehe They are so cute! I wonder who is eating your wheelbarrow. Little Booger.
    Happy Rednesday!

  6. Love the red phone and your fall display in the red wheelbarrow! I've been meaning to go and find some hedgeapples to decorate with! Thanks for the nudge to go get them!

  7. The best thing about the hedge apples is the color. Unbelievable and green...Everything looks wonderful. However, that sweet little phone is welcome at my house anytime...smiles...Renee

  8. Just and over the phones and no one gets hurt! ;)

  9. Now that you mention it, those Osage oranges DO look like brains!


    Don’t let that scarlet go to your head!
    Be very glad you haven’t been bled!
    Give thanks for the colors dear to your heart:
    Carmine and cherry and wine— a good start!

    © 2011 by Magical Mystical Teacher

    Red foliage here and here

  10. Some wonderful reds for this day! I think those oranges are kinda scary looking for sure! hugs, Linda

  11. I'm completely smitten with your wheelbarrow. It's perfect...chews and all.

  12. I just love those red phones!! I have trouble too with the squirrels munching away on my pumpkins. I may have to go the way of decorative pumpkins!!! **Helena

  13. The red phones are so cute! Love the wheelbarrow too! I think it's fabulous that you live in a Sears Catalog home -- what fun!
    Happy Rednesday!

  14. Lovely reds. I had to look up osage oranges. Wonder why they are called that when they are actually a type of apple? Interesting! Turns out they are poisonous and only good for seasonal decorating ... or warding off bugs and spiders. :) Have a great rest of the week. Tammy

  15. At least your squirrels will not chew on the fake pumpkins. They do at my mom's place.

  16. Carol, you amaze me with all your Weekend Finds! All those adorable figurines seem to come out of hiding when you're around! ;)

    Love your wheelbarrow and decorations!

  17. Love that red wheelbarrow with the pumpkins in it! Red is such an awesome color:)

  18. I love the old red phones. You might like this post we did on old school phones. http://the2seasons.com/2011/10/21/my-new-old-school-phone/


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