Thursday, October 20, 2011


You're invited!

To come see the Halloween decorations at Ye Olde GORY Cottage!

Let's start in the dining room.

These are the decorations on the big green cabinet.

And on one of the bookcases.

Now let's head into the living room, where I could have gotten a better shot of these kitties if not for The TV That's Too Big For The Space right next to them!

The BOO shelf!

Pumpkin World!

Ok, we're back in the dining room. I put off decorating the top of this bookcase as long as I could, because I still haven't found the missing Halloween Decorations box. There are some really cute figurines in that box, and I can't figure out where I put it!

Even the little cat girl is sad that I couldn't find that box, and frankly, Little Red Riding Hood looks devastated!

But hey, it's almost Halloween, so let's make some noise with vintage noisemakers!

Let's end this little tour by sitting a spell and having a cup of tea that I brewed especially for you. I won this teapot from Janelle at Sweet Bee Cottage a couple of years ago, and it's become one of my favorite things! I hope you enjoyed seeing my decorations, and next week I'll share some of the outdoor decor! And maybe by then I'll have found that missing box!



  1. You know me...I'm totally in LOVE with all your Halloween decor. Everything looks simply fabulous.

    Halloween hugs!

  2. Oh how that green cabinet pops. What a fantastic color. Just perfectly witch colored eyes! Everything looks so nice even the little lefton turned Halloween pagent girl. I hope that box turns up soon because I can't imagine anything cuter than this...smiles...Renee

  3. Love, love your Halloween decor....puts mine to shame!!!! I need to do some more treasure!!!! Love that green cabinet, really makes your decorations pop!

  4. Your decorations are "hauntingly" beautiful! I love Halloween colors!! I love Halloween candy!!!



  5. Lovin' everything!! I especially love the green cabinet, and you have inspired me to paint mine! I can SO relate to you not finding one of your boxes! People laugh at me when I tell them that. There are a couple of things I have that I know are here but can't find at all! Maybe the gremlins stole them?? Muaaaahaha!

  6. I really enjoyed the tour of decorations! I hope you find the missing box but until then these will do nicely! Hugs, Linda

  7. green cupboard with the halloween decor is awesome!

  8. I love the ornaments in front of the tree - they're so cute. I have one - wish I had more....

  9. Okay your house and collection is just the cutest ever. I love all your vintage pieces. I mean LOVE it!

  10. I'm coming to party and your decorations are perfect. My first date with my hubby was a halloween party!
    I'm hoping for some candy too when I come over! LOL!!
    Happy weekend.

  11. Your decorations are just the cutest, bring back a few memories.

  12. Hi Carol,
    I love all of your decorations. I hope you can find your missing box then come help me find my missing decorations.

  13. Hi Carol, your Halloween decorations are so fun. Sure hope you find that box. I am not that organized -- everything is stuffed from here to there and everywhere so I can never find a thing. :/ Have a great weekend. Tammy

  14. I can practically TASTE the popcorn balls and Peanut Butter Kisses of Halloween's of my childhood just looking at your photos. We're having to tone down this year because of a very young visitor so it's so much fun to enjoy your decor. Am already making notes for next year!

  15. Hi Carol,
    You have some fabulous decorations. Love the pumpkin near the globes--genius!

  16. O MY!! I love all of your vintage Halloween decorations!!

    So pretty!
    It all reminded me of my childhood.


  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. What fun vintage decor!! Especially the black cats. Your house is the place to be for Halloween! I have to tell you that I LOVE your green cabinet!! If I was there at the "witching hour" I might just snitch that and bring it home with me.

  19. Carol,

    LOVE all of vintage and perfect, you have chosen your collection well and it shows! I would love to have all of these vintage had to take a long time to find them all! :) Sandy

  20. LOVE that horn. I have two, but yours is better. Said with only a *teensy* bit of envy.

  21. Love, love, love your Halloween decorating! I have lots of pumpkins and black cats in my decorating too. I like the green cupboard all decked out in Halloween glory! Happy Halloween!

  22. Such fun...especially the green cabinet display. Eat lotsa candy corn!

  23. I surely love the decorations on the fireplace especially those spooky black trees!

  24. I have a cat girl like yours but in a different pose. Is yours marked at all or do you know a maker? I want to find more but mine is only marked Japan and yours is the only other one I've seen.

  25. I have a cat girl like yours but in a different pose. Is yours marked at all or do you know a maker? I want to find more but mine is only marked Japan and yours is the only other one I've seen.


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