Saturday, November 19, 2011

Christmas Makeovers

I don't consider myself a crafter by any means, but I do like to make things for each holiday.
When I found this Lefton girl at the flea market a couple of weeks ago, she didn't exactly thrill me, but I got her anyway. You see, I had a plan for her.....

So I went to the local Goodwill and found this jewelry box ............

And both the girl and the box got a coat of pink paint and became a shadowbox!

This summer, my friend Nancy found this vintage NOMA thingie at a garage sale and bought it for me. When she gave it to me, all I could think was: "Why Nancy? Why would you buy this for me?!". Ok, I'll admit that it's vintage, and it's Christmas. Two of my favorite things! But that plastic box was kinda moldy inside. It sat on the porch for about a month, and I was so close to throwing it away.......

Until I cut away all of the moldy-ness, found an old frame in the attic, painted it red, and now I love it. It's so kitschy!

And the lights still work!

I can only imagine the ten different ways our kitten Cupcake is going to desecrate this thing! We've had her for three weeks now, and just yesterday she finally discovered that jumping on the parakeets' cage is fun, and so is pulling the toilet paper across the bathroom and absolutely shredding it. Sadly, I think alot of our Christmas decorations will remain unpacked this year, until she outgrows her kittenhood. Exactly how long does that take? Does anyone know????


  1. Squeal! I adore what you did with your makeovers. I love all things miniature and your shadow boxes are just delightful. Our kitten is now 14 weeks old and we've been keeping the water sprayer bottle handy when she gets into things she isn't suppose to. I'm bound an determined to have our Christmas trees all out this year. Good luck!

  2. That is amazing! I love how you redid all your projects! Happy Thanksgiving! Maggie/Maggie's Lil' Fixins

  3. OH MY! you did a terrific job, I love it!!!!!!!!

  4. Carol! What a transformation the pink box is! Go you! I love a pink Christmas but I love the red and green, too. People who visit my house probably get whip lash. :)

    Your post gave me a chuckle! "Why, Nancy?" Ha-ha!

    Putting it all in a red frame! What a great and easy idea! Christmas is the only season I allow kitchy. My early childhood was filled with plastic and scary Santas so it brings back good memories. :) Good thing is, the thrifts are full of kitchy stuff- mold and all! :)

    We just got our 7 mo. old kitty spayed and she's just as wild as ever! Groan! She *can* be entertaining BUT I have a feeling she'll be quarantined a lot this Christmas. She continually sabotaged my Fall window display and finally chewed her favorite bird house in two! There's no way we'll leave her alone with the tree!

    Our other cats always settled down after they had kittens but this is the first one we've ever been able to fix *before* that happened so I don't know. She might stay a kitten forever!

    Maybe give cupcake her own room! ;)

  5. Oh, and how amazing is it that the lights still work when the lights I bought a few years ago are already burned out! Hmmm...

  6. You are so see that in a lefton lovely I would have never. Enjoy your wonderful weekend...smiles...Renee

  7. I'm SO glad you didn't toss that kitschy Santa shadowbox! Isn't it funny how suddenly, an idea will just *pop* into our heads?


    Here's my problem. I ALWAYS have an inner conflict with changing a vintage piece. "But it's old" I tell myself. It's like I don't want to change the integrity of it, even if it needs changing. Seeing what you did with that figurine just validated making something old new again. It's absolutely beautiful! And you're not a crafter? Better look in the mirror!

  8. I LOVE them both! I never thought of PAINTING and old figurine like that! Too cute!


  9. Hi Carol,
    You too are very good at makeovers! I love her new pink dress!
    I've been crafting this weekend too!

  10. Wow - great job - especially the pink one.

    About the kitty....I would think she will be better by next Xmas. On the other hand you could get her a playmate....I'm just saying! LOL!

  11. Hi Carol,

    I just love what you have done with these shadow boxes!! Too cute!!


  12. Love the made over Lefton girl. So sweet!! Depends on the kitten how long it takes. Usually they calm down after about a year but they love to play for years to come..

  13. I just love your little makeovers! They are so cute!

    I feel your pain about the new kitty as we have a new puppy in the house.....lord help us!


  15. Wonderful makeovers! Love them both so much! That pink shadowbox is perfect! Oh good luck with cupcake this Christmas!

  16. You don't give yourself enough are definitely crafty!!! Love what you did with your finds, they look awesome!!

  17. Oh my goodness, Carol! That is the CUTEST makeover of a jewelry box I Have Ever Seen! You are a crafter in My book! (bowing to you) Thanks for sharing. Have a nice day! Twyla

  18. I think all kittens are different. My 2 had grown out of their "kittenhood" phase by 2 mo. They were the best little kittens!

  19. You did a lovely job with your lady. It would be hard to put her away come springtime.

  20. Me oh you have a kitty in the house! It's been way too long since I've come for a visit. Shame on me! Know that you are loved just as much and I'm thankful to bits for our blog friendship.
    Sorry I've been so absent, I've been everywhere except for visiting blogs!
    Jack is back however and I love your finds. Can't even pick which I love most but the little once moldy shadow box lights up my night tonight...
    So cute!
    A very happy Thanksgiving is wished for you and those you love.

  21. Hi Carol,
    Oh how I love the little girl under glass. Making snowy scenes is something I love to do. I pick up any small vintage item that might work. Last year I found 3 plastic deer that I put in an old terrarium. Your other project is so awesome also. You are one clever lady!

  22. Carol, the Christmas girl is so cute! You did a great job on her.
    I am glad that you didn't toss the picture away. That was pretty nifty to put it in a frame and save it. Cute Cute Cute!

    I won't be decrating for Christmas. At least with anything the kids can get to. Funny how I always had a tree when my kids were little, but too afraid to have one with my grandbabies here. I think the words Don't Touch meant more to my kids than they do to my grandbabies! LOL. Maybe I was just firmer with my kids! I love kittens, but I don't miss their adventures! It will a few year!

    Happy Thanksgiving!


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