Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Lookie What I Found Under The Christmas Tree!

I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas! Me, I was sick on Christmas day, but I did have enough strength to open my presents!I love to decorate for Valentine's Day, and my collection just got a little bit bigger with the addition of this pair of Lefton Valentine girls!
These two will make a great addition to the patriotic decor. They're also vintage Lefton.
Another old radio for the Old Radio Collection! I think my objective is to have one in every color, because I've got one in just about every color!
I've never seen a blue picnic basket like this one. Another great addition to the.....well, I think you get the idea!

I am SO IN LOVE with this little picnic basket/lunch box. Look at those adorable children playing!
At this point, you must be thinking that Mr. Old Glory is pretty darn great, to find all of these amazing things for me.

Pssssst! I'll tell you a little secret. He IS pretty terrific, because he lets me buy whatever I want on Ebay or in antique shops, he doesn't ask me "Do you really need ANOTHER ONE OF THOSE?", he just wraps them up for me and puts them under the tree! And I do the same for him. After a gazillion years of marriage, we've finally figured out the easiest, stress-free way to do Christmas! Can't wait to go blog-hopping and see what everyone else got!


  1. Aren't you a clever shopper! Those Valentine angels have stolen my heart for sure - never thought of anything but vintage valentine cards for that holiday.

  2. That's how we do Christmas in my family, so there's no stress of return lines, etc. We all buy each other "old junk." It's awesome!

  3. HAHA!! I was wondering how a husband could nail ALL those gifts!

  4. I think you and the Mister have the right idea about gift giving, that way you always get what you like. I have 3 Christmas Lefton girls that I bought in the 60's, when we got decorations out, there was only one. The other two must be in a box we didn't get out. I was so dissappointed, I wanted to put them on my blog. I didn't know what they were until I started reading posts about them. Now I will be on the lookout for more. Ebay, here I come!

  5. Oh my! I LOVE everything you got. That one picnic basket is amazing and I have never seen a blue one either. My husband does about the same with me.
    but I am in gift envy today!

  6. You both did a great job with your Christmas presents. Your Valentine angels are simply adorable and one can never have enough tin picnic/lunch boxes. The graphics on the yellow one are just divine.

    Wishing you a happy New Years!!

  7. You and the Mister are pretty good shoppers! Love all your vintage gifts! Those Lefton valentine girls are my fav's! Hope you are feeling better now. Hugs, Linda

  8. Carol, So glad that your hubby (you) have good taste. wonderful treasures! Love, love the tin baskets. Drooling over that collection. Guess I need to go on e-bay again. Haven't for years. Keep thinking I don't need more. If I don't see it I'm o.k. But I love tin! I love to decorate for Valentines also. Will put it out in three weeks. How about you? Mine isn't vintage, (wish it was), but it's still fun.

  9. Love the little valentine girls!!! They are adorable. Pretty terrific hubby!!! Mine fits in the category, too. I'm a dish fanatic - and he does occasionally ask "where are you going to put that?" Plus, I like junk bargains!!

    Happy New Year

  10. Love the tin basket with the kids playing...super duper cute! I shop for myself at Christmas. Tom usually buys me one big gift, but I tend to pick up things while I am shopping for others.
    p.s. bummer to be sick on Christmas - bleck!

  11. Such lovely things you the two little valentine adorable..and I do love the blue picnic basket It would go well with me and my blue things...Happy New Years..with Love Janice...

  12. Great presents, Carol! ♥

  13. I was mentally composing my comment singing the praises of Mr. Old Glory Cottage when you revealed your secret. They're great presents, no matter who picked them out! Glad you had the strength to open them, you poor thing.

  14. Your Valentine girls are cute! I haven't ever seen the "USA" lefton couple. Can't go wrong buying gifts the way you do. I think it's a great idea...I do it too!
    Happy New Year!

  15. Oh I knew you were thinking of me when you found all those sweet tins....ha! What a wonderful gifter the both of you are! Lovely finds all of them even the hubby. What a great Christmas...Renee

  16. He is a keeper! Enjoy your collections!! I love all your new goodies!
    Hugs, Lisa

  17. Those little picnic baskets are the cutest!!! But then, everything is cute! Hope you've recovered from your sick spell!

  18. HI Carol! Love your presents! Hubby and I do the same thing only we don't bother to wrap and put under the tree! I buy them and when they come home or are delivered by my favorite postman, they get put on display!! I am so excited! My daughter moved out of our other home, and hubby told me I could fill her full as we are not going to allow anyone else to live in it, or we have discussed renting it to businesses for their people to stay in while they are in town for business! I am so excited! It has 3 bedrooms and I am going to do a theme room in each room. It has a huge kitchen , dining room, a huge den, and a formal living room! It also has a two bay garage with beautiful garage doors on each! We have a done of cleaning and repairing to do, hence no more allowing family to live in it:O( I will seek your advice when I go thrifting and to decorate! The house was built in 1968 and I want to/ love to decorate with pieces from that time!

  19. Great idea. I would love it if my DH did that!
    I hope that you are complete well now.

    Happy New Year!

  20. It is good that you are feeling better! Congratulations not just on wonderful goodies, but on figuring out a pleasant way to do gift giving. I sent Hubby two links to ebay and asked for them. He did get them! Clear expectations do make life so much easier.

    Have a wonderful New Year. We all look forward to posts featuring your new goodies.

  21. Smart girl! And, what an understanding hubby. My hubby still doesn't "get" my need to thrift/collect- maybe, next year!?

  22. YOU my dear have kept my heart so happy this year. I am sending you a little "no reason" box just to say I love you much and I know you need more good junk!

    Cheers to friendship and fun times in 2012.
    I made a choice! This year will be my storybook year!

    Love sent! xx oo
    From Gnomeland*

  23. Happy New Year, Carol! I love the Valentine gals, and the playground lunchbox! You must know Santa pretty good! ;)

  24. Glad you're feeling better. I've been sick before on Christmas, and it is no fun! Like your new gifts! You did well. I have some patriotic Lefton figures that are very similar to those. Smart to do your own shopping. I got a golf club and bike seat cover (how romantic!) one year. I think that's the year I decided we'd do what ya'll do! LOL!


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