Tuesday, January 3, 2012

REDNESDAY--A Silly Impulse Purchase!

Happy New Year to you, and I hope 2012 is filled with lots of great RED goodies! Thanks to Sue at It's A Very Cherry World for creating and hosting this great party!
About two weeks before Christmas, I found myself in an antique store, shopping for gifts, when something red caught my eye! I was pretty sure I knew what was inside the box, and although I certainly didn't need one, I opened it up anyway, to take a look.
It was an old record player! I don't know about you, but when I was little, I loved listening to records, and when I got a bit older, I spent ALL of my allowance on 45s. The O'Jays, Three Dog Night, The Spinners. David Cassidy......swooon!
But these red 78s are what I remember from when I was little, so now a collection has been born. All because of an impulse buy! Have you ever surprised yourself by buying something totally unexpected?
I stopped at Hancock Fabrics last night and picked up some material for a Valentine bunting. My sewing machine has gone kablooey again, so this bunting will be sewn by hand, using needles from these vintage packs.
And last is a beautiful crocheted scarf, modeled by our daughter Liz, that I was lucky to win from Twyla at Two Crazy Crafters. If you've never visited her before, Twyla crochets really gorgeous afghans too!
If you'd like to see more reds, head over to It's A Very Cherry World!


  1. I see you have a Rudolph record!
    How cute that little record player is.

  2. Oh my gush, that sewing susan is very familiar to me. Make me teary eyed I remember my mom who used to teach me how to sew. ^_^ Happy New Year!


  3. I'm smitten with your record player. I have one in my craft room and Josie is addicted to playing 45 storybook albums. Beautiful scarf too. Happy Rednesday!

  4. Hi Carol,
    Great 45 record player. I had one when I was "little" and Sunday afternoons we would play records. Great memory!
    Pretty fabrics for the bundting. I'll be putting the one you made for me up in my new craft room. Just looking for the right spot for it!

  5. Oh the memories of those 45's!!! What a cute little record player and records!!


  6. You got the jack pot this week! Love it all!! Enjoy!
    Hugs, Lisa

  7. Well, you are certainly one lucky duck!

    I'm rather fond of sewing by hand. What did your bunting look like done?

  8. LOVE that record player!

    Would you believe I was having dinner the other night with two teenaged girls who had NO IDEA what a record player was! I mean, I understand maybe an 8-track tape, but a record player?!!

  9. That little record player is definitely a keeper. Apparently, someone did know the value of it. That is a lovely scarf and the model appears to be pretty as well.

  10. Oh that little record player is so cute! I remember having one when I was little but can't remember the color. Oh well, I love the red!!

  11. Carol, that is a great impulse buy! I remember those records! I remember buying 45's with my money, too. I wish I still had them.

    Happy New Years!

  12. My husband bought me a retro red record player a couple of years ago - I play it often with my albums and 45's that I still have from the 70's - love those old records! That was a great find for you, enjoy!

  13. I am looking for another cute record player! The records are my fav, love the colored ones!

  14. I love those impulse purchases that start new collections. Have fun playing with your record player which is cute by the way...what a fun find....Mica

  15. I loved my record player and my dad's for that matter. His could play the big records. Mine had a big chunky yellow needle. Oh how much fun that was to turn the record over. Don't scratch the record! I loved it! Thanks for the memories...smiles...Renee

  16. Oh Carol, you NEEDED that record player-for sure! How fun! I don't remember those cute red records. We must not have had any of those at home... The first 45 I ever bought with my allowance was a "Horse With No Name" but my first albumn was a Three dog Night. :)

    Twyla's scarf is lovely- as is everything she makes!!

    Can't wait to see your bunting when it's done. I think I'm going to hang the one you gave to me above my hutch. Wish I could find red dotty fabric like that around here! I use it the most in my button ball garlands!

    I'm trying to remember if you have more than one children's sand bucket/pail. If you have more than one, I'd love to see your collection! ♥

  17. Be still my heart!!! I got a record player for Christmas one year very similar to this one. That was when I was about 7 and it came with red records. I haven't seen one in years. Happy Rednesday

  18. You have brought back fun memories with the little record player! Spend the night parties with my girlfriends and listening to David Cassidy!
    Love your pretty red fabrics and the scarf is beautiful.

  19. Oh my goodness, love that record player and the 78s! That brings back some awesome memories - I had a 78 of the song Davey, Davey Crocket, is that before your time :) What a great new thing for you to collect! Thanks for stopping by my blog and your sweet comment! Mary

  20. Super cute impulse buy!! I love vintage children's ANTHING!! Sewing by hand, geesh!! I cringe whenever I have to do that, but I do love sewing on my machine! Happy Rednesday!

  21. Love your old record playing...I had a similar one as a child....blessings

  22. Carol,
    What a great find!!!! I love it! And red records!!!! Your bunting is going to be lovely.....about time for a new sewing machine???? My sons gave me one last Christmas it was from Wal-Mart, a basic Singer, I think it was 85.00....I still haven't used it! LOL

  23. You lucky! That record player and records are so darling!

    Happy Rednesday,

  24. I would find your red record player hard to resist myself ,I can understand buying it.
    Happy New Year Carol !
    ps What a beautiful scarf & your daughter is lovely too !

  25. Carol,
    your little record player is adorable and the red 45's, fabulous! What a great find! I had a small record player when I was young, it was grey, not as pretty as yours! You got some great gifts for Xmas, what a "smart" way to shop!
    Thanks for stopping by!

  26. Oh how sweet! Impulse buys are the best cause it is definitely something that melts our hearts! I used to listen to the same 45 over and over and over! Thanks for the memories! Hugs from Alabama!

  27. That needle book reminds me of my great grandmother. Sewing was her expertise, and when she was still alive I never had to worry about missing buttons or broken zippers on my clothes. :)

  28. Oh what a great recrod player!! Love it!! I had one too, and played my 45's over and over. I spent a lot of my allownace on those 45's. Great memories, thanks for sharing! Happy New Year, Carol!


  29. Carol,

    Love the record player!! Just darling!!
    And I have some vintage needle packs myself and have them on display on my antique sewing machine which was Joe's grandmothers.
    Thanks so much for your visits and kind comments!!
    Wishing you and very Happy and Healthy New Year!


  30. Carol, I love what you did with that postcard! Love the record player, too. I had such a crush on David Cassidy, I still love him! I played I Think I Love You at least a million times! The scarf looks beautiful on your model:) Have a nice day! Twyla

  31. I just sent you an e mail asking you about pics. ♥

  32. love, Love, LOVE those lunch/picnic baskets!

  33. I have my kiddie 45s and 78s in a little red box, so maybe I should get one of those nifty record players! We used to play that Rudolph record and put a little plastic reindeer on the center of the record so it revolved with the record. (There wasn't a lot of entertainment where I grew up.)

  34. what a great blog!!!!!! love your stuff!!

  35. I love your blog! What a wonderful goodwill find! I am going now to catch up with all your post! Elizabeth


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