Sunday, March 25, 2012


Thanks for tuning in to another episode of My Weekend Finds, the continuing saga of one girl's quest for more junk!
My first find is that mid century pink pottery planter hanging on the wall.
I found it on Ebay, and I was supposed to give it to Mr. Old Glory so that he could give it to me for my birthday, but I have no self control and dug it out of the box today and hung it up!
I bought this old shopping basket at the flea market, and the seller says it was used at a grocery store in Ohio, back in the day.
Now it holds my gazillion kitchen towels, vintage and new.
As soon as I saw the word DEBUTANTE on that old lunchbox at the flea market, I knew I had to have it, and the haggling began! A word of advice for flea marketers: Always bring lots of singles, because it really helps in the bargaining process if the seller doesn't have to make change for you! Oh, and I did get the lunchbox at my price!
It's even cute on the inside too. I wonder what the thermos looked like. I'll bet it was sweet....
A vintage Easter card and two little bunnies inside a red mushroom.
Halloween Boy!
Another old hose nozzle for my Old Hose Nozzle Collection, and some vintage seed packets.
I was almost out of the parking lot of the flea market when I decided to go back and grab this pretty duvet. I couldn't even buy the fabric for what I paid for this. I thought it would make a nice cushion for that bench.
Perhaps something like this. But after the squirrels are done with their nesting frenzy. I don't want a repeat of what they did to the pillows I made for this bench a couple of years ago. I don't believe in harming animals, but this could push me right over the edge!
I think there's a little bit of red in every picture, so I'll be linking this to Rednesday.
So, did you find any treasures over the weekend?


  1. What treasures, Carol!!!! In particular I love the basket with the red towels - just my style!!! Glad it was a "junky" weekend!!


  2. Oh how fun that your basket came with a little history!

    Love your bench fabric! Yup! The thrifts are a great place to but fabric. ♥

  3. I want to go shopping with you! Our local flea market is mostly just a bunch of new cheaply made junk people sell out of cardboard boxes. Great finds!


  4. Wow...Debutante! What a find. I have to say that is an amazing supermarket fabric basket and you really made it look even better if possible by loading it with the towels...I am happy to come over and play house if you need a friend! Smiles...Renee

  5. Not that I am trying to sway you or anything, but a few years ago those duvet covers were bringing $$$$$$ on Ebay. Try searching IKEA rosalie Cath Kidston to see if they still are.

  6. A perfectly adorable mix of treasures. Definitely "rednesday" worthy. I'm totally smitten with your basket of linens.

  7. Great finds. Love the duvet. Keep the squirrels away from it.

  8. Very lovely finds. The bench looks so pretty!!

  9. Wow, what neat stuff! I especially LOVE the shopping basket. Thank you for sharing!

  10. Wow, what neat stuff! I especially LOVE the shopping basket. Thank you for sharing!

  11. Where do I begin? I love everything! That lunch box, the shopping basket, the pink planter!!! Well really all of it is awesome. You find the best stuff! hugs, Linda

  12. I love the shopping cart and the lunch box. Amazing how well preserved the box is inside. I went to one garage sale but found many treasures there!!

  13. I love that red basket. Would be perfect for holding my current yarn project. I've got a pile next to me on the couch that is way out of hand. That duvet cover is great, especially since it is reversible. Hope you have a great week. Tammy

  14. Oh I love old Garden Collectibles~ You sure did good!

  15. All so sweet but the fabric is my favorite!

  16. I love your picnic basket and of course the wall hanger! Never seen either of them out and about. Great buys.
    Yes, got a few things this weekend I will show Friday!

  17. Carol,
    What great finds!!!!!! I need to go "junkin"...:) Sandy

  18. You made me laugh! I do the same thing with birthday gifts!
    LOVE the shopping basket!!That is one sweet find. The flea market hasn't opened here. Didn't go to any sales this weekend.

  19. Awesome finds. I love the inside of that lunch pail. My goodness. I scored big time on the weekend also. Wasn't even expecting it since most of our yard sales don't start back up till May! Found me an estate sale when hubby and I were driving along. YAHOOOOOO..'stop, back up'..LOL..Thank goodness he doesn't mind yard sales! I'm getting him a bit hooked on them...

  20. The shopping basket is awesome! Cute and useful--double bonus. And the Debutante lunch box is so, so sweet!

  21. Love all of your great finds Carol! I always think of you when I see a vintage cooler or anything plaid like that! Your towels look great in the basket.


  22. I'm picturing that lunch box filled up with Easter eggs like on the card ... good stuff as always!

  23. Great finds as usual Carol! Love the lunchbox! The red shopping basket is too cute also. I just posted about a treasure I drug home this weekend. Hop over if you get a chance. Oh, I would love it if you could link to my new party this week!

  24. Carol, I love all of your wonderful finds!! And I also love the way you create and display them. Those trays on your wall are heavenly!!!! XO Helena

  25. I love the old grocery basket. Too bad we don't use those any more. Cute Easter card and love the fabric on the bench. Great finds-I'm living through yours, since I haven't really thrifted since we moved. Boo hoo.

  26. good haul!

    i especially like the old shopping basket (reminds me of Woolworths, etc).

  27. Too cute, you have the best fortune finding those amazing vintage items.


  28. Oh, my goodness....what great finds! The fabric on that duvet is just lovely. Thanks for sharing!

  29. As the saying goes, you hit the jackpot on these trips. Great job.

  30. I want it all but I would settle for the debutante lunchbox. These were the greatest finds. You are shopper of the week!

  31. I'm loving the red basket! Thanks for identifying my flower.

  32. Boy, do I remember that red shopping basket. I use to work in a store that carried them. Seems like a lifetime ago.

    You have some lovely finds. I hope to get back on the thrift store rounds now that I can be out and about again. Love those bargains and treasures.

  33. Visiting from Rednesday! How have I missed your wonderful blog until now? Love all your adorable vintage treasures, and oh, that basket of linens! Thanks for visiting me.

  34. This morning I have been to blogs that took me through springtime at Hilltop in Europe, I've had a storytime with some bears at another and a gal that is celebrating DOTS (Holly) and now over here to the flea market adventures of Carol!

    It's a fine morning indeed. The last picture on my blog is off of Pinterest. Are you pinning on that Carol? Oh what fun, but very addicting!

    Good news is my hubby got 38 hours next week, bad news is the thrift store I'm managing is teetering on the ledge, sales are down and we are not making our bottom line. Eeeekkk...this can't be! I'd like to throw my drama crown to the wind and never see it again.

    Thanks for this happy little blog that fills my heart with hope. There is always hope at the flea market!

  35. Carol,
    Great finds!!!
    could not choose a fave, so gald I do not have too. =)

    barbara jean

  36. Good Eye! I haven't been to a flea market in a while...been too busy. I do love all those fabric you have.

    have a wonderful week,

  37. I'd say you did very well, Carol. I don't know what I love best. The Debutante lunch box is great! And I'm a real sucker for vintage cards. Fun stuff. To me, these are the things that say "home." I have a feeling you agree.
    Lynn at Cottage and Creek

  38. As a collector of handkerchiefs, you are a woman after my own heart.

    Let's go garage-saling!!


  39. Great finds and happy Rednesday! Please check out my Rednesday contribution at my vegan blog.

  40. Carol, that planter is just begging for an ivy to wind its' tendrils all around it! The lunchbox is such a delightful find, but I think I like the mushroom bunnies best! ;) Pretty duvet cover - I remember your poor pillow episode! Looks like a great week for shopping in Old Glory Land!

  41. That's my kind of shopping!! Great buys.

  42. Carol!! What a haul!! Love everything but I must cooment on those sweet trays that you have hanging on your wall! They are adorable!!

    I am playing catch up and I am so sorry that I have not been by sooner...


  43. Wow- such varied and interesting finds! Love the lunchbox- it would be cool to find the thermos.


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