Thursday, March 29, 2012


Well I did it. I couldn't resist temptation any longer. I planted the first flowers of the season! Granted, they're only pansies, which prefer cooler temps anyway, but c'mon, it's only March!
The Bleeding Hearts are blooming a full month ahead of schedule. At this rate, there will be nothing left to bloom by August!
The Redbud is spectacular this year.
A little corner of the back garden. which still needs alot of work. The birds don't seem to care though, because they really love that birdbath. It's very private and secluded!
I wish the daffodils lasted longer. I'm going to plant lots more in the Fall!
I got out part of my vintage garden tool collection and sprayed a clear matte finish on them, hoping that it will stop the paint from chipping off of the clippers, and stop everything from getting any rustier. At an estate sale today, I found the thing that I've been looking for, for the past 20 years, to put them all in. I'll save that for My Weekend Finds!
During these past couple of weeks of unseasonably warm weather, I've found that if I just sit quietly at the patio table on the back porch, I can get pretty decent shots of all the wildlife that flies, runs or crawls by. Do you like my new roof ornament?
Hello Mr. Robin! You sing so pretty just as it's starting to get dark!
Mr. Old Glory once said that this time of the year is "my time", and I think he's right. I am in my glory, and I almost feel like I'm blooming too. Does that sound crazy? I think gardeners know exactly what I mean! So, what's blooming in your garden?


  1. I'm not much of a gardener but I do get what you mean about blooming. We (Indiana) have had the most glorious spring weather and it's been good for my soul.

    I enjoyed looking at your pictures. I love your new roof ornament. :)

  2. Good morning!
    You are doing to make us wait to see your new toy? I am pouting. You're MEAN!!hehe
    I have some of those square sprinklers and they are my favorite. I just bought another one for 50 cents!
    The window box is great!! I lopve pansies!

    Take care today

  3. This weather makes you want flowers out. My daffodils got zapped. Usually they bounce back but they didn't. I have to drive by the garden center today. Geez, I may have to stop and get me some pansies.....force myself.
    Enjoyed your pictures.

  4. Your gardens are definitely ahead of mine! And your bleeding hearts are REALLY ahead of mine... of course that may be because my husband helped do a bit of weeding and pulled almost all of them out! Last year it was my astilbe... I may have to fire him.


  5. Here in the south we are blooming like crazy. Some of my plants have started to come back. I need to plant some flowers but haven't so far. Soon! I do know what you mean about blooming this time of year! Hugs, Linda

  6. I am giving this a third try to see if it lets me comment. I enjoyed the garden yesterday with the kids and dogs. Never thought to spray my tools...genius...Renee

  7. Your garden tool collection is charming, so colorful! I can't wait 'til you share the container you found to put them in!

  8. You don't know what I'd give to have that cute house of yours, not to mention the yard! Bleeding heart: I've only seen them in pics. Apparently don't grow in my climate.

  9. Carol,
    Just love Bunnies and flowers. Just starting to get some color around here.
    Pretty sure I need your Sears house.
    Nancy Jo

  10. Spring has sprung indeed....I enjoyed reading your weekend finds post as well...I love that vintage shopping basket. Blessings on your weekend


  12. I wish I was seeing such beautiful flowers out my back door, I only saw snow flurries today!

  13. Pretty! I can hardly wait to plant pansies!

    the robin is my favorite bird. wherever I have moved, they go with me.I love to hear them sing sing just before light, too. This morning, even though it was cold and dark, I opened my window so I could hear them better.

    Enjoy your "time". It's not quite my time yet. June is my time. Then I become super woman! ♥

  14. I love the red bud-we want to put one in our new little yard, but we may get the wrong afternoon sun here in Tx-which it can't survive. Love the squirrel on the roof. The vintage garden tools are awesome!Looking good Carol!

  15. Your garden tool collection is just divine. The bunny above your window box is pretty nifty too. Enjoy all your early spring blossoms.

  16. Not much blooming here yet. We are at a little bit of altitude and things come late. We have daffys and grape hyacinths. Your garden looks good and the roof ornament is darling :>)

  17. Spring is the best time of year! Everything starts poking out of the ground and to be truthful I get totally excited when the trees start budding! Plus all of the singing going on in the trees. Love it!

    I am so curious about your find....early B'day gift for yourself?

  18. Love the locker. And the blooms. Too bad we can't shop each other's gardens!

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