Thursday, April 5, 2012


You're invited to enter my giveaway!!!
It's my blog's third birthday......

And it's my birthday too, but definitely not my third (the cake would be on fire)! But it's YOU, dear readers, who get the presents! I so appreciate each and every one of you that has ever read my blog.
I've been squirreling away things that I've found from estate sales and the flea market, and they're all vintage, my favorite word!
The winner will get a vintage tablecloth. You'll have to use your imagination here, because no tall people with long arms that could have held this up were home at the time I took this shot!
Two vintage kitchen towels. I especially love the one on the left and was so glad that they had two. One for me and one for you!
Two wee little vintage salt & pepper shakers.
And a fruity match holder. Now all you have to do is leave a comment to be entered. The giveaway ends at midnight on April 11th. Now if you'll excuse me, my blog and I have some partying to do!


  1. Congratulations on your Blogiversary! And what a great giveaway! Love your selection of vintage. The linens are SO pretty!!

    Jocelyn @

  2. Happy Birthday! And congratulations on your blog anniversary. You are so sweet to offer such a wonderful giveaway--thank you!

    Hope you have a wonderful day!


  3. Congratulations and happy birthday. Always fun to read your blog. Enjoy! Thanks for sharing. Vintage is a terrific word isn't it?!!

  4. I will not tell you how fantastic these fabrics are. Only Happiest of Birthdays and thank you for the wonderful morning eye candy...smiles...Renee
    Crossing my fingers and toes....

  5. Happy Birtday to you and to your blog. Your blog is always a pleasure to read.

  6. Happy Birthday & Blogiversary! I am a new reader to your blog and I LOVE IT! My family is also from the Illinois/Wisconsin area so that makes it even more fun for me. Hope you have a great day!

  7. Happy Birthday to your blog!!! Please, please enter me into your contest! I adore all of the items you are giving away.

  8. Happy 3rd blog Birthday! You find such great stuff! Love seeing what you find!


  9. I am a collector of vintage RED anything. Your Red Wednesday posts make my week. Thank you

  10. Congratulations on 3 years! Your linens are gorgeous, and being an obsessive collector myself, I recognize that tablecloth as a Wilendur. What a generous giveaway. Always enjoy your blog! Pam

  11. High five for your blogaversary! Got my mojo goin' for good luck! :O)

  12. Carol-Happy Blog Birthday and Happy Birthday to you. What a great giveaway-count me in, please.

  13. Happy Birthday and Blogaversary! I love all the goodies you are so generously giving away!



  14. Wishing you the happiest of blog birthdays! These treasures are simply delightful!! What a lovely giveaway. Thank you!

  15. I've enjoyed reading your blog since I discovered it several months ago. Congrats on 3 years of successful blogging and HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

  16. Wow happy blog birthday and that is a wonderful giveaway. Count me in as I too love all things vintage. Thanks!!

  17. Happy Three Years! I love your blog and I count you as one of my blog friends! Your vintage finds always make me smile. This giveaway is amazing and I would be proud to have these gorgeous things in my home! Party On!!! Hugs,Linda

  18. Happy Bloggy Birthday! And what beautiful vintage goodies you've been saving for this generous giveaway! Someone will be a very lucky winner :)


  19. Oh, I love the colors! Happy Birthday.

  20. Congratulations on your blog anniversary!! Love your vintage giveaway items...especially those beautiful linens!! I also love your blog and all the photos you post!

  21. Happy Birthday, Carol and to your blog, too! I always look forward to seeing all of your vintage treasures and garden flowers. I would love a chance to win your give-away! Thanks.

  22. Happy Easter! Please enter me! Congratulations on 3 great years! Love you and your blog and all your crafty crafts! Maggie--Maggie's Lil' Fixins

  23. Happy Happy Birthday, Carol.
    Happy Happy Birthday Old Glory Cottage Blog!!
    Happy Birthday to You
    Happy Birthday to You
    Happy Birthday, Dear Carol, and your adorable Blog, too!

    Those are great give away gifts!! LOVE LOVE LOVE them! Of course, I would. We always seem to have the same taste!

    If you party hardy, be sure to Party Smarty. Ok, that was lame, but you get the idea!


  24. I enjoy your blog! These items are exactly what I need to tranform my kitchen! Congrats on yor blog anniversary! April Baldwin

  25. Happy Easter and happy birthday!!! I love all those vintage treasures, they are lovely! They would match perfect in my kitchen. besos. Lilián.-

  26. Happy Easter, Happy 3rd Blog Anniversary and Happy Birthday - thanks for offering such sweet items in your draw - I'd be happy for even one....

  27. Happy Birthday to you and your fun blog!! You are so generous to give away such fun and happy things. I hope I am a winner as I love the color!!
    Annette :>)

  28. Insert Virtual Singing: Happy Birthday to You! Your blog is a dose of happy and those RED goodies!? My favorite color! Congrats on three years of making people smile by blogging and lifetime of making people smile by BEING!


  29. Congratulations on 3 years of making the internet a prettier place. :D Here's to many more!

  30. Happy Birthday, Carol! Happy Blogiversary, too! Thank you for all your posts about your vintage finds. It is always fun and interesting to see what you find and collect. Thank you so much for the opportunity to win this adorably sweet giveaway! Have a wonderful birthday! Twyla

  31. Hi Carol,
    Oh Boy do I love this giveaway! Please pu my name in and delete all the others. Ok see that wasn't nice was it? Well just add my name if you would and I will be ever so happy for whoever wins.
    Happy Birthday to you and your blog.
    Nancy Jo

  32. Congratulations and happy birthday. Please enter me.


  33. Happy Birthday to your blog!! Your posts always brighten my day! :)

  34. Happy Birthday. I really hope you have a great day. Please can you include me as I really love that match holder :)

  35. Happy #3 my friend! My gosh, you and started about the same time I think, has it really been three years? What a good time we have had so far, huh???? Thank you for this wonderful chance to own these lovely know....they are perfect for my kitchen! :) Happy Easter Carol! Sandy

  36. Happy Birthday and Happy blog-anniversary! Love all your vintage items!

  37. happiest of anniversaries to you! i always enjoy coming to your delightful blog to admire your recent finds. it's so sweet of you to host a give-away, i'd be delighted to enter. so crossing my fingers!


  38. HAPPY
    May your day be wonderful!!
    Happy Blog Birthday!
    Thank you for having a AWESOME giveaway!

  39. Happy blog anniversary! I have enjoyed visiting here and seeing all your treasures and how you display them. I LOVE what you will be giving away. Please enter me. I am crossing both my fingers and my toes.


  40. Double happy to you...birthday and blog! I remember when you first started and can't believe it has been that many years now! Congrats.

  41. Happy Birthday and blog anniversay. I would be honored to take part in your give away. Thanks for the opportunity. LuAnn

  42. Happy Birthday & Blogiversary girl!

  43. Congratulations on 3 years of blogging! Please enter me for a chance to win your special giveaway.
    Smiles, DianeM :)

  44. And to think I knew you before your blog was even born ... and now the two of you are going out on the town! Have fun, enter me in your giveaway please, and make sure you choose a designated driver.

  45. Congratulations Carol Sweetie...
    Happy 3rd birthday, x 2. You and your sweet blog.

    I love red, it is my kitchen and dining room, so this is right up my alley. I love tablecloths as well, so please add my name to the drawing.

    What treasures you have. Did I mention that red is my favorite color? LOVE it.

    Have a glorious birthday and a wonderful celebration of blogger friends as well. Many hugs and much love, Sherry

  46. Congrats on your 3rd anniversary...Blogiversary!!


  47. Congrats on 3 years of blogging!!! I have just started and I love it. Please enter me for your contest!!! Thanks and Happy Spring!!!

  48. Whoa ... for some of us vintage groupies, yours might be the Giveaway of the Century !!!

    Congratulations on your blog anniversary, and Happy 3rd+ birthday!!!


  49. Happy, Happy Birthday, to you! What a fantastic giveaway....definitely count me in!


  50. Happy Birthday! I love your blog!

  51. Happy birthday, dear Carol! Thanks for the giggle this morning. If I had been there with my long arms, I would have held up the table cloth for you! BUT it wasn't needed. Our imaginations can fill in the blank length.

    What a GRRRRRREAT give away, Carol! thanks for a chance to win. ♥

  52. Happy, Happy Birthday!! I LOVE everything vintage!! You have just my taste going here!! This is wonderful! Please sign me up!!
    In everything, give thanks, GrandmaSoucie

  53. What a sweet giveaway...all of our favorite things! I have been looking for salt and pepper shakers with RED tops! Love pretty linens, too! Thank you! ♥

  54. Please sign me up! I love it all- very cheerful of you!
    Cheryl (

  55. Congratulations on your blog anniversary that is great ;-) And happy belated birthday wishes hope you had a lovely day. If the give away is open to overseas i would love to be entered in please its a beautiful giveway, dee x

  56. Please enter me in this marvie giveaway. And congrats and happy birthday on your blog's 3rd anniversary!

  57. Congratulations on your blog anniversary and Happy Birthday! I truly enjoy your blog and all of your vintage finds!


  58. I love your blog, I can't wait each week to see what treasures you've found. Happy Blog Birthday!

  59. congratulations on your 3 years of wonderful junk.
    I am your newest follower count me in on your fab give away!

  60. Congratulations! Three years is a big accomplishment in blogland!

  61. Thanks for the chance to win! Happy Birthday!

  62. on earth did I miss that you have a giveaway!
    Now you know ALL those things would look fantastic in the kitchen at 1515!
    Congrats on 3 years!!

    Happy easter

  63. Gosh, 3 years?? Congats and Happy Birthday(s) :) Judi

  64. Happy3rd. Would love to use the vintage lovelies.

  65. I love vintage, love all your "finds" and would love to be included in the change for a win!!!

    Have a great day!

  66. The happy birthday, blog birthday combo! What a wonderful reason to celebrate. I love tuning in to check out your finds. You always find the best stuff!!! :)

    Barb @

  67. Happy Blog Birthday! What a fun giveaway, please count me in! Hugs, Diane

  68. Happy Birthday to you & Your blog !
    Please enter me in your fabulous give away!

  69. Happy Birthday! Hope you get ALL the vintage you love for your birthday!

  70. Now, should I quietly raise my hand for you to pick me or should I say, "Pick me, pick me, pick me!" I think I'll go with the PICK ME! PICK ME! PICK ME!

    THANKS FOR THE CHANCE TO WIN THESE....oh I guess I can quit shouting now. Happy blog birthday! And Happy Birthday to you!

  71. Now that you mention it, I realize this month is my blog's third birthday! And if you hadn't mentioned it, I'd have missed it.

  72. Wow! Three years? It's sure has gone quickly. You have really been scoring A LOT lately. Makes a girl a little jealous (and motivated to get out there looking!)

    Happy Blogversary!

  73. Hi Carol, this is my first visit to your Blog and I love it! I found my way here from "It's A Very Cherry World." You and I love all the same things :>). Happy Birthday to you and Happy 3rd Birthday to your Blog. It is such a neat Blog! You are really offering some awesome things in your giveaway-That is so awesome. Crossing everything I can find....would love to give all of the items a new home!!

    Janice (

  74. I love RED!!! and your blog! Happy 3rd Anniversary/Blog Birthday!
    Keep blogging!

  75. happy 3rd anniversary. I recently had my 4th blog anniversary - hard to believe!!!

  76. Happy 3rd Anniversary! I always enjoy your posts!! And I love your house replica! Precious!

  77. Hi Carol, I can't believe I just found your darling blog TODAY! I can see that I will be spending the rest of the day catching up on all of the cuteness you have posted. I love red and vintage....I can't wait to see more of your darling cottage! I don't have a blog but am trying to work up the courage to start one! :) So glad I found yours!


  78. Hi, Carol,
    I think I'm just in time to have a chance in your giveaway. Oh, how I LOVE ALL of the prizes. And congrats on your Blog's birthday.

  79. Carol, how did I miss this? Here I am in the knick of time. lol! I love all of your fun items. Please toss my name in the hat and I'll keep my fingers crossed.

  80. Love your blog - one of my favorites! Love your towel collections!! I want to win your giveaway, please! thanks, aka hazel


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